02:16:42 Lynn Chapin: Hold-Up Plays by Declarer.... the order in which to do things! It's important! 02:20:28 Lynn Chapin: RESPONDER RANGES in points: 0-5 (pass) 6-9 (minimum responder hand) 10-11 (medium responder hand) 12+ (maximum responder hand) 02:25:02 Lynn Chapin: You're hoping that the diamonds will split 3/2 in the opponents' hands. We can't set up this suit by playing AK and then letting them win one. Because we can't get there again, we need to do this differently. If we need to give them a trick, let's give it to them FIRST! That's all... handle their heart return by holding up till East has no more... now you go to the dummy and play the top 2, and run the rest. And when you play that A of spades you hope RHO has it. :) 02:28:33 birdcc: I don't understand why taking the AH and KH both right after another b/c going to lose the other tricks no matter when played? 02:30:40 birdcc: que the jeopardy musicπŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ :) 02:34:20 Lynn Chapin: In the club suit, we own the Q-J-10-9-8 ! Once the Ace and King are gone, there are 3 tricks here for us! 02:34:54 Lynn Chapin: Since South contributed the 10 of hearts here and not the King of hearts, that means that the King is with the North hand! 02:44:03 Lynn Chapin: Linda did the Hold-Up Plays by Declarer on 12/12/23, and by Defenders on 12/14/23. Go have a look. :) https://www.acbl.org/portfolio/community-games/ 02:49:16 Lynn Chapin: LESSON HANDS HERE: 02:52:02 Lynn Chapin: When you don't make sure the opponents can't lead back to their long suit.... it'll ruin your day! πŸ˜’ Well, at least your PLAN for the hand! 02:53:07 Lynn Chapin: So the PLAN on board #9 is as follows: (1) Duck once, (2) Win the 2nd ♠️, (3) Finesse into West, (4) Make the contract. 02:53:18 Lynn Chapin: πŸ₯³ 02:57:18 Lynn Chapin: The DANGER hand is the one with the 5 pieces. That's the hand that made the opening lead of the 5 of spades. So we need to finesse into the NON-dangerous hand... but FIRST, you need to make sure that the NON-dangerous hand doesn't have any more of the long suit to lead back to the long suit. 03:00:43 Lynn Chapin: Every time the responder changes suits, it's forcing for one round. Opener cannot pass. 03:04:31 Lynn Chapin: Self-sufficient suits don't need anything from partner in the suit. 03:05:41 Lynn Chapin: Linda is getting to 3 losers using "losing trick count." (And you can't count on that until you know what the suit is going to be.) 03:06:28 Lynn Chapin: Jump-shifts by responders are WEAK. 03:06:58 Lynn Chapin: LOSING TRICK COUNT 03:08:22 Lynn Chapin: www.lindasbridgetable.com 03:08:37 Lynn Chapin: Bridge articles Rule of 18 03:10:28 Lynn Chapin: Bookmark this link to the FREE LESSON: https://acbl-org.zoom.us/j/2364960804?pwd=a3QrbW9EMmhLdWE5ZkM5QXArVzQvUT09 This link NEVER CHANGES - so save it! ;) Even if you can't make the game, drop in here for the lesson! 03:12:32 Lynn Chapin: Third hand on this hand needs to get IN THE WAY. After 2 passes, in third seat you know (when you are also weak) that your LHO has a nice hand. OBSTRUCT! 03:13:05 Lynn Chapin: 4D here is a strong hand - overcalling at the 4-level! 03:17:37 Lynn Chapin: Don't finesse WITH a card, unless you have the one behind it. If you lose, you're promoting the card behind that one. So make sure you own it. :) 03:17:57 Lynn Chapin: You can check out your results from this game on Live for Clubs: πŸ”— https://my.acbl.org/club-results/909994 03:18:39 Lynn Chapin: DAVE -- these are the lesson hands. Download them from here :) 03:21:58 Lynn Chapin: 🌸 πŸ’œ 🌺 Have a great night! 🎈 🌴 πŸͺ 03:22:07 Lynn Chapin: This is the archive where you can find all the videos and all the Community Game lessons: https://www.acbl.org/portfolio/community-games/