Paires Lundi P.M. Open
- 83.0 Tables / Based on 81 Tables | MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score | 14.70 |
Irene Churchill, ; Gary Churchill, Eganville; Bridge21 | 68.75%
| 11.03 |
Robert Morin, Val-Morin; Marcel Tessier, Sainte-Sophie; Bellevue | 68.45%
| 8.85 |
Claudette Dion - Ghyslaine Cornay, ; St-Eustache | 68.15%
| 6.20 |
Yvon Gravel - Marcelle Jean, ; St-Eustache | 66.96%
| 4.65 |
Ardith Eamer, Kirkland; Marilyn Carbonneau, Beaconsfield; Panda | 65.90%
| 3.49 |
Guy Bouchard, St-Bruno-Lsj; Laval Noel, Alma; Alma | 64.13%
| 2.62 |
Gary Hastings, Dorval; Francoise St Pierre, Beaconsfield; Panda | 63.90%
| 6.64 |
Maryse Batani, Dol-des-Ormea; Monique Larochelle, ; Panda | 63.69%
| 1.97 |
John Polak, ; Paul Kilger, Kemptville; North Grenville | 63.54%
| 4.98 |
Lucette Trahan, Piedmont; James Malebranche, Sainte Adele; Bellevue | 63.10%
| 4.21 |
Jake Baird, ; Norman Boswell, ; Over The Bridge | 62.75%
| 3.16 |
Antonine Tremblay - Crescence Tremblay, ALMA; Alma | 62.70%
| 2.37 |
Celine Lamarche, Ste-Anne-D-L; Veronique Bourgois, ; Bellevue | 62.50%
| 1.78 |
Judith Morissette - Michel J. Leduc, ; St-Eustache | 62.20%
| 1.44 |
Kohur Gowrisankaran - Carlo Laflamme, ; Panda | 62.12%
| 1.88 |
Pierre Melancon, Laval; Fadi Andari, ; Bridge Quebec | 62.02%
| 1.59 |
Peggy Coady-Compton, Stratford; Irene MacArthur, Charlottetown; Over The Bridge | 61.21%
| 1.78 |
Linda Tindall, ; Gayle Seto, Kingston; Kingston | 61.10%
| 1.18 |
Danielle Meloche, Val-Morin; Lise Mallette, St-Sauveur; Bellevue | 59.82%
| 1.25 |
Hamish Taylor - Elaine McDougall, Kingston; Kingston | 59.70%
| 1.88 |
Jean Marc Ladouceur - Gaetan Belanger, ; St-Eustache | 59.52%
| 1.33 |
Sylvie Gagnon, Alma; Yvon Cote, Alma; Alma | 58.64%
| 1.10 |
Francoise Vinet - Lorraine Tessier, ; St-Eustache | 58.33%
| 0.75 |
Richard Bourne, ; Mark Kapuscinski, ; Panda | 56.89%
| 0.89 |
Anne Sherlock - Michael Yu, Kingston; Kingston | 56.54%
| |
Monday Aft 0-500 Pairs
- 8.5 Tables | MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score | 1.69 |
Vance Logan, Dartmouth; Penny Logan, Halifax; Halifax | 63.98%
| 1.27 |
Margaret Oulton - Doris Schoen, Halifax; Halifax | 63.60%
| 1.14 |
Sandra Macdonald, Halifax; Karen O'Driscoll, ; Halifax | 59.54%
| 0.86 |
Roberta Carter, Halifax; Mona Sauriol, Bedford; Halifax | 57.49%
| 0.85 |
Shirley Leblanc, Lwr-Sackville; Sandra Hanson, Halifax; Halifax | 53.54%
| 0.64 |
Jim Stewart - Harry Popowich, Halifax; Halifax | 53.07%
| 0.48 |
Jeanne Comeau - Jane McEachern, Halifax; Halifax | 49.50%
| |
Monday Aft 0-500 Pairs Monday Aft Session
| Section A North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 0.89 | Sandra Macdonald, Halifax; Karen O'Driscoll, ; Halifax | 59.54%
| 0.62 | Roberta Carter, Halifax; Mona Sauriol, Bedford; Halifax | 57.49%
| 0.49 | Jim Stewart - Harry Popowich, Halifax; Halifax | 53.07%
| 0.31 | Phyllis Spurway - Elaine Downes, Halifax; Halifax | 50.15%
| |
Section A East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 0.89 | Vance Logan, Dartmouth; Penny Logan, Halifax; Halifax | 63.98%
| 0.62 | Margaret Oulton - Doris Schoen, Halifax; Halifax | 63.60%
| 0.50 | Shirley Leblanc, Lwr-Sackville; Sandra Hanson, Halifax; Halifax | 53.54%
| 0.36 | Susan Hill-Ellis - Bill Ellis, ; Halifax | 50.63%
| |
Paires Lundi P.M. Open
| Section B
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Pierre Melancon, Laval; Fadi Andari, ; Bridge Quebec | 62.02%
| 1.32 | Gilles Benoit - Denis Ouellette, Laval; Bridge Quebec | 55.65%
| 0.94 | Marc Lachapelle, Saint-Laurent; Xavier Combey, Dol-Des-Ormeaux; Bridge Quebec | 54.21%
| 0.66 | Michelle Letendre - Maurice Fortin, Laval; Bridge Quebec | 54.08%
| 0.59 | Pierre Berard, Westmount; Yves Bourhis, Montreal; Bridge Quebec | 47.19%
| |
Section C North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.59 | Peggy Coady-Compton, Stratford; Irene MacArthur, Charlottetown; Over The Bridge | 61.21%
| 1.11 | John MacEachern - Barb Rankin, ; Over The Bridge | 54.67%
| 0.80 | Len Hynes, Charlottetown; Norah Smith, ; Over The Bridge | 49.92%
| |
Section C East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.59 | Jake Baird, ; Norman Boswell, ; Over The Bridge | 62.75%
| 1.11 | Bert Christie, Charlottetown; Brian Sanderson, Cornwall; Over The Bridge | 55.85%
| 0.80 | Kenny Mallard, Souris; Anne O'Hanley, ; Over The Bridge | 54.40%
| |
Section D North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Antonine Tremblay - Crescence Tremblay, ALMA; Alma | 62.70%
| 1.32 | Sylvie Gagnon, Alma; Yvon Cote, Alma; Alma | 58.64%
| 0.94 | Alain Tremblay, Alma; Lily Brisson, Alma; Alma | 57.25%
| 0.66 | Cecile Demers, Alma; Denise Gagnon, Alma; Alma | 56.71%
| 0.45 | Steeven Scullion, Alma; Marthe Tremblay, ALMA; Alma | 51.77%
| |
Section D East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Guy Bouchard, St-Bruno-Lsj; Laval Noel, Alma; Alma | 64.13%
| 1.32 | Clement Gilbert, Alma; Roger Gilbert, Alma; Alma | 54.99%
| 0.94 | Andree Savard, ; Madeleine Boivin, St-Gedeon; Alma | 52.24%
| 0.66 | Diane Angers, ; Gisele Tremblay, Alma; Alma | 50.60%
| |
Section E North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.78 | Robert Fowkes, Kingston; Sylvia Moreau, Glenburnie; Kingston | 59.57%
| 1.25 | Paddy Allan - Donald Kersey, Kingston; Kingston | 57.24%
| 0.89 | Amar Banerjee - Glenn Torrie, Kingston; Kingston | 55.60%
| 0.62 | George Yon - Ruth Pettis, Kingston; Kingston | 53.17%
| |
Section E East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.78 | Linda Tindall, ; Gayle Seto, Kingston; Kingston | 61.10%
| 1.25 | Hamish Taylor - Elaine McDougall, Kingston; Kingston | 59.70%
| 0.89 | Anne Sherlock - Michael Yu, Kingston; Kingston | 56.54%
| 0.62 | Pamela Walmsley - Mary Reid, Kingston; Kingston | 53.52%
| |
Section F
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.97 | John Polak, ; Paul Kilger, Kemptville; North Grenville | 63.54%
| 1.38 | Alice Blinn, Kemptville; Cathy Empey, ; North Grenville | 57.81%
| 1.16 | Ed Chajkowski, Kemptville; Doug Forget, ; North Grenville | 54.69%
| 0.84 | Barbara Spero, Kemptville; Kathryn Young, ; North Grenville | 51.04%
| 0.50 | Livvie Scott, Manotick; Robert Shantz, Osgoode; North Grenville | 50.00%
| 0.59 | Anne Rahm - Carolyn Challice, ; North Grenville | 50.00%
| 0.42 | Michael Brown - Diane Tappin, ; North Grenville | 47.40%
| |
Section G North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.69 | Irene Churchill, ; Gary Churchill, Eganville; Bridge21 | 68.75%
| 1.18 | Maxine Etkin - Phillippa Baran, ; Bridge21 | 58.33%
| 0.85 | Wayne Daze - SHARON PHILLIPS, ; Bridge21 | 53.27%
| 0.85 | JOE RICK, ; Mark Lacroix, ; Bridge21 | 51.49%
| 0.60 | Eleanor Aldridge, ARNPRIOR; Randi Huus, ARNPRIOR; Bridge21 | 46.43%
| |
Section G East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.69 | Elaine Calvert - Geoffrey Calvert, ; Bridge21 | 58.33%
| 1.18 | Dave McMurtry - Sue Leggett, ; Bridge21 | 53.27%
| 0.85 | Sue Stavenow - Reg Gatenby, ; Bridge21 | 52.98%
| |
Section H North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.69 | Lucette Trahan, Piedmont; James Malebranche, Sainte Adele; Bellevue | 63.10%
| 1.18 | Danielle Meloche, Val-Morin; Lise Mallette, St-Sauveur; Bellevue | 59.82%
| 0.85 | Judy Von Colditz - Eric Von Colditz, Ste-Ag-D-Mts; Bellevue | 51.79%
| 0.52 | Mel Hodes - Ann Hodes, ; Bellevue | 49.11%
| |
Section H East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.69 | Robert Morin, Val-Morin; Marcel Tessier, Sainte-Sophie; Bellevue | 68.45%
| 1.18 | Celine Lamarche, Ste-Anne-D-L; Veronique Bourgois, ; Bellevue | 62.50%
| 0.85 | Jocelyne Belanger, Prevost; Michelle Nestor, Sainte-Adele; Bellevue | 54.76%
| 0.52 | George Barker, Ivry Sur Le Lac; Winona Sewell, Ste-Agathe; Bellevue | 53.57%
| |
Section I North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 2.06 | Ardith Eamer, Kirkland; Marilyn Carbonneau, Beaconsfield; Panda | 65.90%
| 1.44 | Kohur Gowrisankaran - Carlo Laflamme, ; Panda | 62.12%
| 1.16 | Umanath Tiwari, Dol-des-Ormea; Kam Jain, ; Panda | 59.14%
| 0.72 | Doris Dollinger - Renee Macdonald, Dol-des-Ormea; Panda | 57.65%
| 0.81 | Florence Lubiner, ; Ron Elias, Dollard Des Orme; Panda | 50.47%
| 0.58 | David Dubeau, Montreal West; Agnes Corcoran, Pointe-Claire; Panda | 49.83%
| 0.55 | Dina Mallen, Dol-des-Ormea; Fran Wilansky, D.D.O.; Panda | 48.89%
| |
Section I East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 2.06 | Gary Hastings, Dorval; Francoise St Pierre, Beaconsfield; Panda | 63.90%
| 1.44 | Maryse Batani, Dol-des-Ormea; Monique Larochelle, ; Panda | 63.69%
| 1.03 | Paul Schmaltz, Beaconsfield; Elizabeth Dinsmore, Dorval; Panda | 61.14%
| 0.72 | Richard Bourne, ; Mark Kapuscinski, ; Panda | 56.89%
| 0.45 | Diane Gormley, Dorval; Eva Niemierko, ; Panda | 52.30%
| 0.45 | Francoise Bosse, Pierrefonds; Francine Guillemette, ; Panda | 49.91%
| |
Section J North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Jean Marc Ladouceur - Gaetan Belanger, ; St-Eustache | 59.52%
| 1.32 | Jean Savoie - Martin Girard, ; St-Eustache | 58.93%
| 0.94 | Faye Oakley - Barbara McNamara, ; St-Eustache | 57.74%
| 0.74 | Jean Pierre Primeau - Rejeanne Primeau, ; St-Eustache | 54.46%
| 0.52 | Gisele Vaillancourt - Luc Godin, ; St-Eustache | 51.19%
| |
Section J East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Claudette Dion - Ghyslaine Cornay, ; St-Eustache | 68.15%
| 1.32 | Judith Morissette - Michel J. Leduc, ; St-Eustache | 62.20%
| 0.94 | Yvan Drolet - Yolande Guimond, ; St-Eustache | 59.23%
| 0.66 | Mario Ronchetti - Angelo Prioletta, ; St-Eustache | 49.40%
| 0.45 | Celine Prevost - Guylaine Major, ; St-Eustache | 48.81%
| |
Section K North-South
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Yvon Gravel - Marcelle Jean, ; St-Eustache | 66.96%
| 1.32 | Pierre Cantin - Francoise Frenette, ; St-Eustache | 55.65%
| 0.84 | Marcel Verreault - Ghislaine Desjardins, ; St-Eustache | 50.89%
| 0.84 | Michel Gelinas - Diane Robitaille, ; St-Eustache | 50.89%
| 0.48 | Monique Lamarre - Jean Jacques Gobeil, ; St-Eustache | 47.32%
| |
Section K East-West
MPs | A | B | C | Names | Score
| 1.88 | Normand Boulay - Christine Bourbeau, ; St-Eustache | 61.31%
| 1.32 | Michel Dore - Susan Martin, ; St-Eustache | 61.01%
| 1.10 | Francoise Vinet - Lorraine Tessier, ; St-Eustache | 58.33%
| 0.77 | Herbert Bryan - Jean O. Larocque, ; St-Eustache | 57.44%
| 0.55 | Suzanne Normandin - Louise Fournier, ; St-Eustache | 51.79%
| 0.52 | Madeleine Marinier - Jacques Marinier, ; St-Eustache | 48.51%
| |