EMBA (New England) Happy New Year STaC

Sunday Afternoon, January 11, 2015
3 Clubs Participating, 42.5 Tables in Play

Sunday Afternoon Championship Pairs Overalls
Sunday Afternoon Open Swiss Teams Overalls (Westwood DBC)
Sunday Afternoon Open Swiss Teams Overalls (The Bridge Spot)
Sunday Afternoon 0-300 Swiss Teams Overalls (The Bridge Spot)

Sunday Afternoon Championship Pairs Session Awards

Unit 113 Results

Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Results (Open Swiss Teams)

The Bridge Spot Results (Open Swiss Teams)

The Bridge Spot Results (0-300 Swiss Teams)

Sunday Afternoon STaC Masterpoints Won

STaC Completed - Total Masterpoints Won (in Masterpoint Order)

STaC Completed - Total Masterpoints Won (in Alphabetical Order)

Sunday Afternoon Championship Pairs - 15.5 Tables


Naresh Mehta - Marilyn Chambers; Unit 11363.71%

Larry Hanerfeld - Donald Deamer; Unit 11362.18%

Jim Culhane - Jeanne Martin; Unit 11359.99%

Bruce Emond - Paul Wolf II; Unit 11359.83%
Robert Farmer - Catarina Kiefe; Unit 11359.76%

Susan Frayman - Rene Frayman; Unit 11359.69%

Timothy Pettus - Thomas Greehan III; Unit 11359.13%

Arthur Giovannangeli - Lawrence Cheetham; Unit 11357.92%

Janet Latour - Elaine Colombo; Unit 11350.64%

Gloria St Hilaire - Leona Lashua; Unit 11349.93%

Marguerite Gousie - Marshall Williams; Unit 11347.97%

Laurie Endsley - Jeanne Robillard; Unit 11347.27%

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Sunday Afternoon Open Swiss Teams (Westwood DBC) - 11 Tables


Sheila Gabay - Shome Mukherjee - Zachary Grossack - Lewis Gamerman; Westwood DBC65.00

Mark Aquino - John Whistler - Sandra Drum - Charles Drum; Westwood DBC63.00

Saul Agranoff - Stuart Whittle - Mark Sundelin - Andrew Hanes; Westwood DBC49.00
Roger Bell - Howard Cohen - Jane Baier - Dana Kramer; Westwood DBC44.00

Louis DiOrio - Megan Diorio - Nataly Goldin - Vitaly Goldin; Westwood DBC41.00

Richard Weiss - Kathy Centorino - Dan Rice - Daniel Rice; Westwood DBC38.00
David Hogan - Roger Zessis - Jori Grossack - Joanna Gleason; Westwood DBC38.00

Paul Weinbaum - Gordon Webster - Richard Saval - Tom Caragliano; Westwood DBC38.00

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Sunday Afternoon Open Swiss Teams (The Bridge Spot) - 10 Tables / Based on 16 Tables


Lucy Hulse - Stephen Gladyszak - Joseph Cappannelli - Ann Borgschulte; The Bridge Spot58.00

Albert Muggia - R Muggia - Paul Harris - Dean Panagopoulos; The Bridge Spot36.00
Marguerite Levin - David Levin - Patricia Moore - Elizabeth Wood; The Bridge Spot35.00

Lisa Procter - Jane Adams - Benson Ho - William Nason; The Bridge Spot32.00
Gary Peterson - Ann Johnson - Dean Dubofsky - Trish Webb; The Bridge Spot31.00

Cecilla Borras - Alix Taylor - Dick Majcher - Eva Milofsky; The Bridge Spot31.00

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Sunday Afternoon 0-300 Swiss Teams (The Bridge Spot) - 6 Tables

Marilyn Howard - Andrew Krim - Richard Burkhart - John Aiken; The Bridge Spot43.00

Harold Nordstrom - Michael Williams - Roberta Francis - Anne Farrington; The Bridge Spot43.00

Cookie Melanson - Lee Anne Thurman - Carol Parsons - Priscilla Lindhout; The Bridge Spot37.00

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Sun Aft Championship Only Session

Section A North-South


Naresh Mehta - Marilyn Chambers; Unit 11363.71%

Jim Culhane - Jeanne Martin; Unit 11359.99%
Robert Farmer - Catarina Kiefe; Unit 11359.76%

Timothy Pettus - Thomas Greehan III; Unit 11359.13%

Lorraine Rosenthal - Charles Rosenthal; Unit 11356.54%

Claire McClennan - Inger Lise Kilcoyne; Unit 11355.26%

A Jean Fast - Chickie Lemay; Unit 11349.80%

Laurie Endsley - Jeanne Robillard; Unit 11347.27%

Section A East-West


Larry Hanerfeld - Donald Deamer; Unit 11362.18%

Bruce Emond - Paul Wolf II; Unit 11359.83%

Susan Frayman - Rene Frayman; Unit 11359.69%

Arthur Giovannangeli - Lawrence Cheetham; Unit 11357.92%

Carole Perla - Bonnie Luks; Unit 11357.11%

Mohammad Ali - Marvin Davis; Unit 11352.67%
Janet Latour - Elaine Colombo; Unit 11350.64%
Gloria St Hilaire - Leona Lashua; Unit 11349.93%

Marguerite Gousie - Marshall Williams; Unit 11347.97%

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  EVENT:Sun Aft Championship     |SESSION:Only         |SECTION: A N-S
  ------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
  DATE:January 11, 2015   |SANCTION:ST1501070 | 01/12/2015 05:25|EVENT CODE:20OP
  ---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
  CITY:Various         |RATING:STAC, CLUB:901132            |MOVEMENT:MITCHELL
  ------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
  AVE:   50.0 |TOP:  12 |MP LIMITS:None/1500/500  |TOURN:EMBA (New England) STaC
  ------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
  PAIRS IN STRAT A=16/B=12/C=6                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,---------,
  -------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |Final    |
  No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Percent|Awards   |
  ------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- --------- 
   1 Claire McClennan       Inger Lise Kilcoyne      A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .     55.26  0.41(SA)
   2 Wentworth Maynard      Charles Burack           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     44.00          
   3 Sharon Uusitalo        Therese Gustafson        C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     45.25          
   4 Naresh Mehta           Marilyn Chambers         A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .     63.71  4.88(OA)
   5 Timothy Pettus         Thomas Greehan III       B   .     4     .   |   4     3     .     59.13  1.05(OB)
   6 Laurie Endsley         Jeanne Robillard         C   .     .     5   |   .     .     2     47.27  0.53(SC)
   7 Milton Weinstein       Shirley Weinstein        B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     49.74          
   8 A Jean Fast            Chickie Lemay            B   .     .     .   |   .     5     .     49.80  0.25(SB)
   9 Jim Culhane            Jeanne Martin            B   3     1     .   |   2     1     .     59.99  2.75(OA)
  10 Robert Farmer          Catarina Kiefe           C   5     2     1   |   3     2     1     59.76  1.86(OB)
  11 Richard Healy          Robert Casey             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     49.95          
  12 Carol Haran            Virginia Kimball         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     29.28          
  13 Lorraine Rosenthal     Charles Rosenthal        B   .     .     .   |   5     4     .     56.54  0.49(SA)
  14 Napoleon Gauthier      Helen Gauthier           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     34.32          
  15 Donna Johnson          Bonnie Knapp             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     46.09          
                                            Totals                                            750.09
  EVENT:Sun Aft Championship     |SESSION:Only         |SECTION: A E-W
  ------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
  DATE:January 11, 2015   |SANCTION:ST1501070 | 01/12/2015 05:25|EVENT CODE:20OP
  ---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
  CITY:Various         |RATING:STAC, CLUB:901132            |MOVEMENT:MITCHELL
  ------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
  AVE:   50.0 |TOP:  12 |MP LIMITS:None/1500/500  |TOURN:EMBA (New England) STaC
  ------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
  PAIRS IN STRAT A=16/B=12/C=7                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,---------,
  -------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |Final    |
  No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Percent|Awards   |
  ------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- --------- 
   1 Carole Perla           Bonnie Luks              A   .     .     .   |   5     .     .     57.11  0.49(SA)
   2 Sharra Canan           Howard Canan             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     48.04          
   3 Janet Latour           Elaine Colombo           C   .     .     2   |   .     4     1     50.64  1.19(OC)
   4 Bruce Emond            Paul Wolf II             A   4     .     .   |   2     .     .     59.83  2.06(OA)
   5 Susan Frayman          Rene Frayman             B   6     3     .   |   3     1     .     59.69  1.40(OB)
   6 Diane Lambert          Kathleen Aubrey          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     46.43          
   7 Larry Hanerfeld        Donald Deamer            A   2     .     .   |   1     .     .     62.18  3.66(OA)
   8 Marguerite Gousie      Marshall Williams        C   .     .     4   |   .     .     3     47.97  0.67(OC)
   9 Arthur Giovannangeli   Lawrence Cheetham        B   .     5     .   |   4     2     .     57.92  0.87(SB)
  10 Marek Kawka            Maria Kawka              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     46.84          
  11 Cynthia Hanson         Muriel Yetkie            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     41.02          
  12 Mohammad Ali           Marvin Davis             B   .     .     .   |   6     3     .     52.67  0.62(SB)
  13 Gloria St Hilaire      Leona Lashua             C   .     .     3   |   .     5     2     49.93  0.89(OC)
  14 Marilee Pecorelli      Shirley Wagner           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     39.83          
  15 Gerry Kersus           Kathy Kersus             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     31.23          
  16 Jean Cronin            Raymond Hebert           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     48.52          
                                            Totals                                            799.85
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          140    2.21   9.79 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 1-Perla-Luks
     50         10.33   1.67 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 8-Gousie-Williams
     50         10.33   1.67 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          400    0.04  11.96 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 12-Ali-Davis
          100    7.63   4.38 8-Fast-Lemay vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          110    6.54   5.46 9-Culhane-Martin vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
     50         10.33   1.67 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          120    4.38   7.63 11-Healy-Casey vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          120    4.38   7.63 12-Haran-Kimball vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          120    4.38   7.63 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
     50         10.33   1.67 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          150    1.13  10.88 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          100    9.25   2.75 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 1-Perla-Luks
          200    3.29   8.71 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          200    3.29   8.71 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    100         11.96   0.04 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 12-Ali-Davis
          100    9.25   2.75 8-Fast-Lemay vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          200    3.29   8.71 9-Culhane-Martin vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          200    3.29   8.71 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          200    3.29   8.71 11-Healy-Casey vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          420    0.04  11.96 12-Haran-Kimball vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          100    9.25   2.75 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          100    9.25   2.75 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          140    6.54   5.46 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          170   10.33   1.67 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          170   10.33   1.67 2-Maynard-Burack vs 2-Canan-Canan
         1370    0.58  11.42 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          620    3.83   8.17 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          620    3.83   8.17 8-Fast-Lemay vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
           50   11.96   0.04 9-Culhane-Martin vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
         1370    0.58  11.42 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 1-Perla-Luks
          620    3.83   8.17 11-Healy-Casey vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          620    3.83   8.17 12-Haran-Kimball vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          600    7.08   4.92 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          200    8.71   3.29 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          600    7.08   4.92 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 12-Ali-Davis
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          110    3.83   8.17 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          120    2.21   9.79 2-Maynard-Burack vs 2-Canan-Canan
          630    0.04  11.96 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    200         11.42   0.58 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    100          7.63   4.38 8-Fast-Lemay vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    110          9.79   2.21 9-Culhane-Martin vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    100          7.63   4.38 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 1-Perla-Luks
          110    3.83   8.17 11-Healy-Casey vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          100    5.46   6.54 12-Haran-Kimball vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    100          7.63   4.38 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    200         11.42   0.58 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          600    1.13  10.88 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 12-Ali-Davis
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    110         11.42   0.58 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          430    2.21   9.79 2-Maynard-Burack vs 1-Perla-Luks
         1400    0.04  11.96 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          150    4.92   7.08 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          150    4.92   7.08 8-Fast-Lemay vs 12-Ali-Davis
    110         11.42   0.58 9-Culhane-Martin vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          110    7.63   4.38 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          110    7.63   4.38 11-Healy-Casey vs 2-Canan-Canan
          430    2.21   9.79 12-Haran-Kimball vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          110    7.63   4.38 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          430    2.21   9.79 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    100          9.79   2.21 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    140         11.96   0.04 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
           50    8.17   3.83 2-Maynard-Burack vs 1-Perla-Luks
    110         10.33   1.67 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          150    2.21   9.79 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          110    6.00   6.00 8-Fast-Lemay vs 12-Ali-Davis
           50    8.17   3.83 9-Culhane-Martin vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          110    6.00   6.00 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          200    1.13  10.88 11-Healy-Casey vs 2-Canan-Canan
          140    3.83   8.17 12-Haran-Kimball vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          500    0.04  11.96 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          140    3.83   8.17 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    110         10.33   1.67 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    100         10.88   1.13 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          140    6.54   5.46 2-Maynard-Burack vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          620    0.58  11.42 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 2-Canan-Canan
          170    2.75   9.25 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          140    6.54   5.46 8-Fast-Lemay vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          140    6.54   5.46 9-Culhane-Martin vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          170    2.75   9.25 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          140    6.54   5.46 11-Healy-Casey vs 1-Perla-Luks
    100         10.88   1.13 12-Haran-Kimball vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          140    6.54   5.46 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          620    0.58  11.42 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    100         10.88   1.13 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          110    2.21   9.79 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    140          8.71   3.29 2-Maynard-Burack vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    140          8.71   3.29 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 2-Canan-Canan
    140          8.71   3.29 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          110    2.21   9.79 8-Fast-Lemay vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    140          8.71   3.29 9-Culhane-Martin vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    150         11.96   0.04 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          140    0.04  11.96 11-Healy-Casey vs 1-Perla-Luks
    100          5.46   6.54 12-Haran-Kimball vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    140          8.71   3.29 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          100    4.38   7.63 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          110    2.21   9.79 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    450          5.46   6.54 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    450          5.46   6.54 2-Maynard-Burack vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    420          2.75   9.25 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 1-Perla-Luks
    480          9.79   2.21 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    230          1.13  10.88 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    450          5.46   6.54 9-Culhane-Martin vs 12-Ali-Davis
    480          9.79   2.21 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    480          9.79   2.21 11-Healy-Casey vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    420          2.75   9.25 12-Haran-Kimball vs 2-Canan-Canan
    480          9.79   2.21 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    170          0.04  11.96 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    480          9.79   2.21 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
         1440    3.83   8.17 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          620   10.88   1.13 2-Maynard-Burack vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
         1440    3.83   8.17 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 1-Perla-Luks
         1440    3.83   8.17 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 3-Latour-Colombo
         1440    3.83   8.17 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
         1430    8.71   3.29 9-Culhane-Martin vs 12-Ali-Davis
          150   11.96   0.04 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
         1440    3.83   8.17 11-Healy-Casey vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
         1440    3.83   8.17 12-Haran-Kimball vs 2-Canan-Canan
         1370    9.79   2.21 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
         1440    3.83   8.17 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
         1440    3.83   8.17 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    150         10.88   1.13 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 12-Ali-Davis
          100    1.67  10.33 2-Maynard-Burack vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    100          5.46   6.54 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    300         11.96   0.04 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 2-Canan-Canan
    120          8.17   3.83 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
     90          4.38   7.63 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    120          8.17   3.83 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    120          8.17   3.83 11-Healy-Casey vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
           50    3.29   8.71 12-Haran-Kimball vs 1-Perla-Luks
    120          8.17   3.83 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          150    0.04  11.96 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          100    1.67  10.33 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          420    1.67  10.33 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 12-Ali-Davis
          110    4.92   7.08 2-Maynard-Burack vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
     50          8.71   3.29 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          110    4.92   7.08 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 2-Canan-Canan
    100         11.42   0.58 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          420    1.67  10.33 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          110    4.92   7.08 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          470    0.04  11.96 11-Healy-Casey vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
     50          8.71   3.29 12-Haran-Kimball vs 1-Perla-Luks
          110    4.92   7.08 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 3-Latour-Colombo
     50          8.71   3.29 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    100         11.42   0.58 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
     90          4.92   7.08 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
     90          4.92   7.08 2-Maynard-Burack vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    180         11.42   0.58 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    120          8.17   3.83 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 1-Perla-Luks
    120          8.17   3.83 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    180         11.42   0.58 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
     90          4.92   7.08 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    130          9.79   2.21 11-Healy-Casey vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          100    1.67  10.33 12-Haran-Kimball vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
     90          4.92   7.08 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 2-Canan-Canan
          300    0.04  11.96 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          100    1.67  10.33 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    100         11.96   0.04 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          420    5.46   6.54 2-Maynard-Burack vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          170    8.71   3.29 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
     50         10.33   1.67 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 1-Perla-Luks
     50         10.33   1.67 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          480    0.04  11.96 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          420    5.46   6.54 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          420    5.46   6.54 11-Healy-Casey vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          420    5.46   6.54 12-Haran-Kimball vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          460    1.13  10.88 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 2-Canan-Canan
          450    2.21   9.79 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          420    5.46   6.54 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    150          7.08   4.92 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    170          9.25   2.75 2-Maynard-Burack vs 12-Ali-Davis
    150          7.08   4.92 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          100    1.13  10.88 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    170          9.25   2.75 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 2-Canan-Canan
    120          3.83   8.17 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    120          3.83   8.17 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    180         11.42   0.58 8-Fast-Lemay vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          100    1.13  10.88 12-Haran-Kimball vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    140          5.46   6.54 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 1-Perla-Luks
    180         11.42   0.58 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          100    1.13  10.88 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    110          7.08   4.92 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    110          7.08   4.92 2-Maynard-Burack vs 12-Ali-Davis
    110          7.08   4.92 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    110          7.08   4.92 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    130         11.96   0.04 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 2-Canan-Canan
           50    1.13  10.88 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
     90          2.21   9.79 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    110          7.08   4.92 8-Fast-Lemay vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    110          7.08   4.92 12-Haran-Kimball vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    110          7.08   4.92 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 1-Perla-Luks
          110    0.04  11.96 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    110          7.08   4.92 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          100    5.46   6.54 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 8-Gousie-Williams
     50          7.08   4.92 2-Maynard-Burack vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          400    2.21   9.79 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    170         10.33   1.67 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    150          8.71   3.29 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 1-Perla-Luks
    170         10.33   1.67 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    500         11.96   0.04 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
     50          7.08   4.92 8-Fast-Lemay vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          400    2.21   9.79 9-Culhane-Martin vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          400    2.21   9.79 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
          150    4.38   7.63 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 2-Canan-Canan
          490    0.04  11.96 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    500          8.17   3.83 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 8-Gousie-Williams
     50          2.21   9.79 2-Maynard-Burack vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    150          5.46   6.54 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    660         10.88   1.13 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    500          8.17   3.83 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 1-Perla-Luks
          300    0.04  11.96 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          100    1.13  10.88 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    300          6.54   5.46 8-Fast-Lemay vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    100          3.29   8.71 9-Culhane-Martin vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    800         11.96   0.04 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    110          4.38   7.63 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 2-Canan-Canan
    600          9.79   2.21 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    450         10.88   1.13 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
           50    2.21   9.79 2-Maynard-Burack vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    420          6.00   6.00 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 12-Ali-Davis
    450         10.88   1.13 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
           50    2.21   9.79 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    450         10.88   1.13 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 2-Canan-Canan
    200          4.38   7.63 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
           50    2.21   9.79 8-Fast-Lemay vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    430          8.17   3.83 9-Culhane-Martin vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    420          6.00   6.00 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          100    0.04  11.96 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 1-Perla-Luks
    430          8.17   3.83 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    720          1.67  10.33 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    720          1.67  10.33 2-Maynard-Burack vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
   1440          4.92   7.08 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 12-Ali-Davis
   1470          8.17   3.83 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
   1470          8.17   3.83 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
   1470          8.17   3.83 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 2-Canan-Canan
   1440          4.92   7.08 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
   1860         10.88   1.13 8-Fast-Lemay vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
   2220         11.96   0.04 9-Culhane-Martin vs 8-Gousie-Williams
   1470          8.17   3.83 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
   1430          3.29   8.71 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 1-Perla-Luks
    260          0.04  11.96 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 3-Latour-Colombo
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    140          9.25   2.75 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    110          5.46   6.54 2-Maynard-Burack vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          100    2.75   9.25 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    140          9.25   2.75 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          100    2.75   9.25 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          200    0.04  11.96 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 1-Perla-Luks
          100    2.75   9.25 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          100    2.75   9.25 8-Fast-Lemay vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    140          9.25   2.75 9-Culhane-Martin vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    500         11.96   0.04 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    140          9.25   2.75 11-Healy-Casey vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    120          6.54   5.46 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 2-Canan-Canan
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          620    7.63   4.38 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
         1430    0.04  11.96 2-Maynard-Burack vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    100          9.25   2.75 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          680    3.83   8.17 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    100          9.25   2.75 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          680    3.83   8.17 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 1-Perla-Luks
          680    3.83   8.17 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          680    3.83   8.17 8-Fast-Lemay vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          680    3.83   8.17 9-Culhane-Martin vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    600         11.96   0.04 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    500         10.88   1.13 11-Healy-Casey vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          680    3.83   8.17 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 2-Canan-Canan
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          100    2.75   9.25 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          100    2.75   9.25 2-Maynard-Burack vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          100    2.75   9.25 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    600          9.79   2.21 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    630         11.96   0.04 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    180          7.63   4.38 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
           80    5.46   6.54 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 2-Canan-Canan
    600          9.79   2.21 8-Fast-Lemay vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    600          9.79   2.21 9-Culhane-Martin vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    150          6.54   5.46 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          100    2.75   9.25 11-Healy-Casey vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          300    0.04  11.96 12-Haran-Kimball vs 12-Ali-Davis
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    420          7.63   4.38 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          100    0.04  11.96 2-Maynard-Burack vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    420          7.63   4.38 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    210          4.38   7.63 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    200          2.75   9.25 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    420          7.63   4.38 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    420          7.63   4.38 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 2-Canan-Canan
    170          1.13  10.88 8-Fast-Lemay vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    480         11.96   0.04 9-Culhane-Martin vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    420          7.63   4.38 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    450         10.88   1.13 11-Healy-Casey vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    200          2.75   9.25 12-Haran-Kimball vs 12-Ali-Davis
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          690    4.00   8.00 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          660    9.50   2.50 2-Maynard-Burack vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          690    4.00   8.00 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          660    9.50   2.50 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          690    4.00   8.00 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 12-Ali-Davis
          170   12.00   0.00 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          660    9.50   2.50 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 1-Perla-Luks
          690    4.00   8.00 8-Fast-Lemay vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          690    4.00   8.00 9-Culhane-Martin vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          690    4.00   8.00 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          690    4.00   8.00 11-Healy-Casey vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          720    0.00  12.00 12-Haran-Kimball vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          660    9.50   2.50 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          620    0.00  12.00 1-McClennan-Kilcoyne vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    620          7.50   4.50 2-Maynard-Burack vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    650         10.50   1.50 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    620          7.50   4.50 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    200          3.50   8.50 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 12-Ali-Davis
    650         10.50   1.50 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    500          5.00   7.00 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 1-Perla-Luks
          100    1.50  10.50 8-Fast-Lemay vs 3-Latour-Colombo
   1100         12.00   0.00 9-Culhane-Martin vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    620          7.50   4.50 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    200          3.50   8.50 11-Healy-Casey vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          100    1.50  10.50 12-Haran-Kimball vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    620          7.50   4.50 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
     90          4.00   8.00 2-Maynard-Burack vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
           50    2.00  10.00 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    400         11.50   0.50 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    400         11.50   0.50 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
    150          9.00   3.00 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    120          7.00   5.00 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    120          7.00   5.00 8-Fast-Lemay vs 2-Canan-Canan
          100    0.50  11.50 9-Culhane-Martin vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
          100    0.50  11.50 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    180         10.00   2.00 11-Healy-Casey vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    100          5.00   7.00 12-Haran-Kimball vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    120          7.00   5.00 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 12-Ali-Davis
     80          3.00   9.00 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
     50          7.00   5.00 2-Maynard-Burack vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          420    1.50  10.50 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
    100          9.00   3.00 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
    100          9.00   3.00 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          100    5.50   6.50 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          100    5.50   6.50 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 16-Cronin-Hebert
    100          9.00   3.00 8-Fast-Lemay vs 2-Canan-Canan
          420    1.50  10.50 9-Culhane-Martin vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
    300         11.00   1.00 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          420    1.50  10.50 11-Healy-Casey vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          170    4.00   8.00 12-Haran-Kimball vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    650         12.00   0.00 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 12-Ali-Davis
          420    1.50  10.50 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          300    5.50   6.50 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          620    3.50   8.50 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          650    0.50  11.50 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          200    8.50   3.50 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 12-Ali-Davis
          200    8.50   3.50 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          300    5.50   6.50 8-Fast-Lemay vs 1-Perla-Luks
          200    8.50   3.50 9-Culhane-Martin vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          170   11.00   1.00 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
          650    0.50  11.50 11-Healy-Casey vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          630    2.00  10.00 12-Haran-Kimball vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          100   12.00   0.00 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          620    3.50   8.50 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
          200    8.50   3.50 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          510    2.00  10.00 3-Uusitalo-Gustafson vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
     50          8.50   3.50 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 8-Gousie-Williams
    140         10.50   1.50 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
     50          8.50   3.50 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 12-Ali-Davis
    140         10.50   1.50 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
          420    3.50   8.50 8-Fast-Lemay vs 1-Perla-Luks
          140    6.00   6.00 9-Culhane-Martin vs 3-Latour-Colombo
          590    1.00  11.00 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 5-Frayman-Frayman
    300         12.00   0.00 11-Healy-Casey vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          690    0.00  12.00 12-Haran-Kimball vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          420    3.50   8.50 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          200    5.00   7.00 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
           50    7.00   5.00 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
          110    8.71   3.29 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
          130    6.00   6.00 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
          400    0.58  11.42 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
          110    8.71   3.29 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
           90   10.88   1.13 8-Fast-Lemay vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
          130    6.00   6.00 9-Culhane-Martin vs 2-Canan-Canan
          200    2.21   9.79 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
     50         11.96   0.04 11-Healy-Casey vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
          150    3.83   8.17 12-Haran-Kimball vs 8-Gousie-Williams
          400    0.58  11.42 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
          150    3.83   8.17 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 12-Ali-Davis
          110    8.71   3.29 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
    N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W
    990          4.38   7.63 4-Mehta-Chambers vs 7-Hanerfeld-Deamer
   1010          7.63   4.38 5-Pettus-Greehan III vs 9-Giovannangeli-Cheetham
   1010          7.63   4.38 6-Endsley-Robillard vs 11-Hanson-Yetkie
   1010          7.63   4.38 7-Weinstein-Weinstein vs 13-St Hilaire-Lashua
    980          3.29   8.71 8-Fast-Lemay vs 15-Kersus-Kersus
   1010          7.63   4.38 9-Culhane-Martin vs 2-Canan-Canan
   1510         11.96   0.04 10-Farmer-Kiefe vs 4-Emond-Wolf II
   1020         10.88   1.13 11-Healy-Casey vs 6-Lambert-Aubrey
    510          2.21   9.79 12-Haran-Kimball vs 8-Gousie-Williams
   1010          7.63   4.38 13-Rosenthal-Rosenthal vs 10-Kawka-Kawka
    490          1.13  10.88 14-Gauthier-Gauthier vs 12-Ali-Davis
    480          0.04  11.96 15-Johnson-Knapp vs 14-Pecorelli-Wagner
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EVENT:Sun Aft Open Swiss Teams |Page: 1 ------------------------,---------------------,-----------------,----- --------- DATE:January 11, 2015 |SANCTION:ST1501070 | 01/12/2015 05:25|EVENT CODE:20TA ---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,----- --------------- CITY:Various |RATING:STAC, CLUB:119172 |GAME:VICTORY POINT ----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- --------------------- ROUNDS: 4 |BDS/RD: 7 |MP LIMITS:None/2500/1000 |TOURN:EMBA (New England) STaC ---------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- TEAMS IN STRAT A=11/B=8/C=5 --------------------------,--------,----------------------,--------,-----,-------,-------,------------------, | Master | | Master | | | | Overall Rank | No Name | Points |Name | Points | Flt| Wins | Score | A B C | -------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------------------ Robena O'Malley 0.26 |Elin Schultz 0.26 | | Brookline MA |Brookline MA | | 1 Sylvia Chavkin 0.26 |Mary Morss 0.26 | C 1 | 16.00 . . . Brookline MA |Wayland MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Richard Eisner |Venky Venkataramani | | Sharon MA | | | 2 Jean Shaffer |William Shaffer | C 0 | 23.00 . . . Milton MA |Milton MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Richard Weiss 0.82(B)|Kathy Centorino 0.82(B)| | Swampscott MA |Chestnut Hill MA | | 3 Dan Rice 0.82(B)|Daniel Rice 0.82(B)| B 1 | 38.00 . 3/5 . Milton MA |Reisterstown MD | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sheila Gabay 3.15(A)|Shome Mukherjee 3.15(A)| | Newton MA |Randolph MA | | 4 Zachary Grossack 3.15(A)|Lewis Gamerman 3.15(A)| A 3.50| 65.00 1 . . Newton MA |Randolph MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Louis DiOrio 1.42(B)|Megan Diorio 1.42(B)| | Providence RI |Providence RI | | 5 Nataly Goldin 1.42(B)|Vitaly Goldin 1.42(B)| B 2 | 41.00 . 2 . Chestnut Hill MA |Chestnut Hill MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David Hogan 0.93(C)|Roger Zessis 0.93(C)| | Marlborough MA |Westwood MA | | 6 Jori Grossack 0.93(C)|Joanna Gleason 0.93(C)| C 2 | 38.00 . 3/5 2 Waban MA |Chestnut Hill MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Roger Bell 1.89(B)|Howard Cohen 1.89(B)| | Lincoln MA |Wayland MA | | 7 Jane Baier 1.89(B)|Dana Kramer 1.89(B)| C 2 | 44.00 4 1 1 Newton MA |Framingham MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Saul Agranoff 1.77(A)|Stuart Whittle 1.77(A)| | Newton MA |Waltham MA | | 8 Mark Sundelin 1.77(A)|Andrew Hanes 1.77(A)| A 3 | 49.00 3 . . |Holliston MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Stubbs 0.52 |Ricki Wahl 0.52 | | Framingham MA |N Easton MA | | 9 Timothy Hill 0.52 |Alan Aaron 0.52 | C 2 | 25.00 . . . Wellesley MA |Ashland MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mark Aquino 2.36(A)|John Whistler 2.36(A)| | Jamaica Plain MA |Hopkinton MA | | 10 Sandra Drum 2.36(A)|Charles Drum 2.36(A)| A 3.50| 63.00 2 . . Dover MA |Dover MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Paul Weinbaum 0.82(B)|Gordon Webster 0.82(B)| | Norwood MA |Framingham MA | | 11 Richard Saval 0.82(B)|Tom Caragliano 0.82(B)| B 2 | 38.00 . 3/5 . Wayland MA |Medfield MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTALS 22.00 440.00
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EVENT:Sun Aft Open Swiss Teams |Page: 1 ------------------------,---------------------,-----------------,----- --------- DATE:January 11, 2015 |SANCTION:ST1501070 | 01/12/2015 05:25|EVENT CODE:20TB ---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,----- --------------- CITY:Various |RATING:STAC, CLUB:252726 |GAME:VICTORY POINT ----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- --------------------- ROUNDS: 3 |BDS/RD: 8 |MP LIMITS:None/1750/500 |TOURN:EMBA (New England) STaC ---------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- TEAMS IN STRAT A=10/B=7/C=5 --------------------------,--------,----------------------,--------,-----,-------,-------,------------------, | Master | | Master | | | | Overall Rank | No Name | Points |Name | Points | Flt| Wins | Score | A B C | -------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------------------ Gary Peterson 0.85(C)|Ann Johnson 0.85(C)| | Marlboro MA |Westborough MA | | 1 Dean Dubofsky 0.85(C)|Trish Webb 0.85(C)| C 2 | 31.00 . 3/4 2 Arlington MA |Arlington MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lucy Hulse 3.90(A)|Stephen Gladyszak 3.90(A)| | Natick MA |Chelsea MA | | 2 Joseph Cappannelli 3.90(A)|Ann Borgschulte 3.90(A)| A 3 | 58.00 1 . . Stoneham MA |Lexington MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ashok Rao 0.30 |Simon Zimmerman 0.30 | | Cambridge MA |Hopkinton MA | | 3 Doris Burke 0.30 |Barbara Mende 0.30 | C 1 | 25.00 . . . Framingham MA |Cambridge MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cecilla Borras 0.78(B)|Alix Taylor 0.78(B)| | Waltham MA |Lincoln MA | | 4 Dick Majcher 0.78(B)|Eva Milofsky 0.78(B)| B 1.50| 31.00 . 3/4 . Woburn MA |Belmont MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thelma Tibbitts |Costas Kouletsis | | Burlington MA |Woburn MA | | 5 Ann Lohnes |Frances Quackenbush | C 0 | 9.00 . . . Woburn MA |Reading MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lisa Procter 1.65(A)|Jane Adams 1.65(A)| | Dover MA |Lexington MA | | 6 Benson Ho 1.65(A)|William Nason 1.65(A)| B 2 | 32.00 4 2 . North Andover MA |Andover MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ronald Newburg 0.30 |Elaine Newburg 0.30 | | Marblehead MA |Marblehead MA | | 7 Donald Caplin 0.30 |Sondra Caplin 0.30 | A 1 | 27.00 . . . Waltham MA |Waltham MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marguerite Levin 2.19(A)|David Levin 2.19(A)| | Belmont MA |Belmont MA | | 8 Patricia Moore 2.19(A)|Elizabeth Wood 2.19(A)| C 2.50| 35.00 3 1 1 Lynnfield MA |Arlington MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joyce Leary |Helen Mutch | | Andover MA |Melrose MA | | 9 Harriet Dann |Athena Panagopoulos | C 0 | 16.00 . . . Needham MA |Lynn MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Albert Muggia 2.93(A)|R Muggia 2.93(A)| | Winchester MA |Andover MA | | 10 Paul Harris 2.93(A)|Dean Panagopoulos 2.93(A)| A 2 | 36.00 2 . . Waltham MA |Lynn MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTALS 15.00 300.00
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EVENT:Sun Aft 0-300 Swiss Teams |Page: 1 ------------------------,---------------------,-----------------,----- --------- DATE:January 11, 2015 |SANCTION:ST1501070 | 01/12/2015 05:25|EVENT CODE:20TC ---------------------,-- --------------------- -----------,----- --------------- CITY:Various |RATING:STAC, CLUB:252726 |GAME:VICTORY POINT ----------,---------- ,-------------------------,--------- --------------------- ROUNDS: 3 |BDS/RD: 8 |MP LIMITS:330/150/100 |TOURN:EMBA (New England) STaC ---------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- TEAMS IN STRAT A=6/B=5/C=3 --------------------------,--------,----------------------,--------,-----,-------,-------,------------------, | Master | | Master | | | | Overall Rank | No Name | Points |Name | Points | Flt| Wins | Score | A B C | -------------------------- -------- ---------------------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------------------ Titian Bett |Martha Bett | | Winchester MA |Winchester MA | | 21 Wally Anderson |Dorothy Anderson | B 0 | 15.00 . . . Boxford MA |Boxford MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marilyn Howard 0.97(A)|Andrew Krim 0.97(A)| | Burlington MA |Ashland MA | | 22 Richard Burkhart 0.97(A)|John Aiken 0.97(A)| C 3 | 43.00 1/2 1 1 Burlington MA | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Harold Nordstrom 0.97(A)|Michael Williams 0.97(A)| | Reading MA |Lynn MA | | 23 Roberta Francis 0.97(A)|Anne Farrington 0.97(A)| A 2 | 43.00 1/2 . . Wellesley MA |Chestnut Hill MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cookie Melanson 0.70(B)|Lee Anne Thurman 0.70(B)| | Peabody MA |Marblehead MA | | 24 Carol Parsons 0.70(B)|Priscilla Lindhout 0.70(B)| B 2 | 37.00 . 2 . Danvers MA |Danvers MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marylou Gauvin 0.14 |Wendy Zimman-Smith 0.14 | | Lincoln MA |Stoneham MA | | 25 Sally Raymond 0.14 |Linda Limauro 0.14 | C 1 | 25.00 . . . Arlington MA |Lynnfield MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Greg Gouillart 0.14 |Frank Falvey 0.14 | | Concord MA | | | 26 Betty Wilder 0.14 |Henry Porter 0.14 | C 1 | 17.00 . . . Reading MA |Stoneham MA | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTALS 9.00 180.00
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EMBA (New England) Happy New Year STaC, Sunday Afternoon STaC Masterpoints Won 1 4.88 Marilyn Chambers, West Boylston MA 2 4.88 Naresh Mehta, Shrewsbury MA 3 3.90 Ann Borgschulte, Lexington MA 4 3.90 Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA 5 3.90 Joseph Cappannelli, Stoneham MA 6 3.90 Lucy Hulse, Natick MA 7 3.66 Larry Hanerfeld, Leominster MA 8 3.66 Donald Deamer, West Boylston MA 9 3.15 Lewis Gamerman, Randolph MA 10 3.15 Sheila Gabay, Newton MA 11 3.15 Shome Mukherjee, Randolph MA 12 3.15 Zachary Grossack, Newton MA 13 2.93 Paul Harris, Waltham MA 14 2.93 R Muggia, Andover MA 15 2.93 Albert Muggia, Winchester MA 16 2.93 Dean Panagopoulos, Lynn MA 17 2.75 Jim Culhane, Marlborough MA 18 2.75 Jeanne Martin, Worcester MA 19 2.36 Sandra Drum, Dover MA 20 2.36 John Whistler, Hopkinton MA 21 2.36 Mark Aquino, Jamaica Plain MA 22 2.36 Charles Drum, Dover MA 23 2.19 Patricia Moore, Lynnfield MA 24 2.19 Elizabeth Wood, Arlington MA 25 2.19 Marguerite Levin, Belmont MA 26 2.19 David Levin, Belmont MA 27 2.06 Bruce Emond, Holden MA 28 2.06 Paul Wolf II, Shrewsbury MA 29 1.89 Jane Baier, Newton MA 30 1.89 Roger Bell, Lincoln MA 31 1.89 Dana Kramer, Framingham MA 32 1.89 Howard Cohen, Wayland MA 33 1.86 Robert Farmer, Sterling MA 34 1.86 Catarina Kiefe, Sterling MA 35 1.77 Saul Agranoff, Newton MA 36 1.77 Stuart Whittle, Waltham MA 37 1.77 Andrew Hanes, Holliston MA 38 1.77 Mark Sundelin, Hyannis MA 39 1.65 Benson Ho, North Andover MA 40 1.65 William Nason, Andover MA 41 1.65 Jane Adams, Lexington MA 42 1.65 Lisa Procter, Dover MA 43 1.42 Nataly Goldin, Chestnut Hill MA 44 1.42 Louis DiOrio, Providence RI 45 1.42 Vitaly Goldin, Chestnut Hill MA 46 1.42 Megan Diorio, Providence RI 47 1.40 Susan Frayman, Auburn MA 48 1.40 Rene Frayman, Auburn MA 49 1.19 Janet Latour, Gardner MA 50 1.19 Elaine Colombo, Gardner MA 51 1.05 Tim Pettus, Northborough MA 52 1.05 Tom Greehan III, Southborough MA 53 0.97 Andrew Krim, Ashland MA 54 0.97 Marilyn Howard, Burlington MA 55 0.97 Roberta Francis, Wellesley MA 56 0.97 Michael Williams, Lynn MA 57 0.97 John Aiken, 58 0.97 Harold Nordstrom, Reading MA 59 0.97 Anne Farrington, Chestnut Hill MA 60 0.97 Richard Burkhart, Burlington MA 61 0.93 David Hogan, Marlborough MA 62 0.93 Joanna Gleason, Chestnut Hill MA 63 0.93 Jori Grossack, Waban MA 64 0.93 Roger Zessis, Westwood MA 65 0.89 Gloria St. Hilaire, Gardner MA 66 0.89 Leona Lashua, Gardner MA 67 0.87 Joe Giovannangeli, Dublin NH 68 0.87 Lawrence Cheetham, Bedford NH 69 0.85 Gary Peterson, Marlboro MA 70 0.85 Trish Webb, Arlington MA 71 0.85 Ann Johnson, Framingham MA 72 0.85 Dean Dubofsky, Arlington MA 73 0.82 Tom Caragliano, Medfield MA 74 0.82 Richard Weiss, Swampscott MA 75 0.82 Paul Weinbaum, Norwood MA 76 0.82 Dan Rice, Reisterstown MD 77 0.82 Dan Rice, Milton MA 78 0.82 Richard Saval, Wayland MA 79 0.82 Gordon Webster, Framingham MA 80 0.82 Kathy Centorino, Chestnut Hill MA 81 0.78 Cecilla Borras, Waltham MA 82 0.78 Dick Majcher, Woburn MA 83 0.78 Alix Taylor, Lincoln MA 84 0.78 Eva Milofsky, Belmont MA 85 0.70 Lee Anne Thurman, Marblehead MA 86 0.70 Carol Parsons, Danvers MA 87 0.70 Priscilla Lindhout, Danvers MA 88 0.70 Cookie Melanson, Peabody MA 89 0.67 Marguerite Gousie, Woonsocket RI 90 0.67 Marshall Williams, Woonsocket RI 91 0.62 Marvin Davis, Westborough MA 92 0.62 Mohammad Ali, Worcester MA 93 0.53 Laurie Endsley, Clinton MA 94 0.53 Jeanne Robillard, Marlborough MA 95 0.52 Ricki Wahl, N Easton MA 96 0.52 Robert Stubbs, Framingham MA 97 0.52 Timothy Hill, Wellesley MA 98 0.52 Alan Aaron, Ashland MA 99 0.49 Bonnie Luks, Auburn MA 100 0.49 Charles Rosenthal, Fitchburg MA 101 0.49 Lorraine Rosenthal, Clinton MA 102 0.49 Carole Perla, Hudson MA 103 0.41 Claire McClennan, Holliston MA 104 0.41 Inger Lise Kilcoyne, Worcester MA 105 0.30 Sondra Caplin, Waltham MA 106 0.30 Barbara Mende, Cambridge MA 107 0.30 Ashok Rao, Cambridge MA 108 0.30 Elaine Newburg, Marblehead MA 109 0.30 Simon Zimmerman, Hopkinton MA 110 0.30 Donald Caplin, Waltham MA 111 0.30 Ronald Newburg, Marblehead MA 112 0.30 Doris Burke, Framingham MA 113 0.26 Robena O'Malley, Brookline MA 114 0.26 Mary Morss, Wayland MA 115 0.26 Sylvia Chavkin, Brookline MA 116 0.26 Elin Schultz, Brookline MA 117 0.25 A Jean Fast, Holliston MA 118 0.25 Chickie Lemay, Framingham MA 119 0.14 Linda Limauro, Lynnfield MA 120 0.14 Sally Raymond, Arlington MA 121 0.14 Henry Porter, Stoneham MA 122 0.14 Wendy Zimman-Smith, Stoneham MA 123 0.14 Betty Wilder, Reading MA 124 0.14 Mary Lou Gauvin, Lincoln MA 125 0.14 Greg Gouillart, Concord MA 126 0.14 Frank Falvey, Franklin MA Total Masterpoints reported: 167.18 Players selected: 126 out of 170
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EMBA (New England) Happy New Year STaC Masterpoints Won, in Masterpoint Order (through Sunday Afternoon - STaC Completed) 1 65.10 Sheila Gabay, Newton MA 2 38.76 Shome Mukherjee, Randolph MA 3 24.89 Nataly Goldin, Chestnut Hill MA 4 24.15 Lewis Gamerman, Randolph MA 5 21.67 Bruce Emond, Holden MA 6 21.62 Zachary Grossack, Newton MA 7 21.43 Ann Borgschulte, Lexington MA 8 20.77 Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA 9 19.55 Joseph Cappannelli, Stoneham MA 10 18.73 Carolyn Brauer, Marblehead MA 11 17.58 Pat McDevitt, Brookline MA 12 17.34 Terry Byrne, Jamestown RI 13 16.50 Mathew Byrne, Jamestown RI 14 15.72 Barbara McLagan, Sudbury MA 15 15.63 Richard Alpert, Natick MA 16 14.68 Dick Dugas, North Falmouth MA 17 13.63 Barbara Tarlin, Wellesley MA 18 13.62 Virginia Iannini, Brewster MA 19 13.61 Douglas McCormac, North Dartmouth MA 20 13.61 Mark Gallagher, Fairhaven MA 21 13.29 Nathan Glasser, Somerville MA 22 12.89 Terry Berenson, Swampscott MA 23 11.78 Peg Belden, Plymouth MA 24 11.63 Paul Wendt, Watertown MA 25 11.47 John Demakes, Marblehead MA 26 11.38 Joe Giovannangeli, Dublin NH 27 11.16 Ron Noble, No Providence RI 28 11.16 Marshall Thomas, Nashua NH 29 11.16 Michael Gardiner, Harrisville RI 30 11.16 Krystyna Ciesluk, Merrimack NH 31 11.02 Kathleen Kenney, Dennisport MA 32 10.98 Vicki Angus, Rutland MA 33 10.74 Stephen Rzewski, S Dennis MA 34 10.13 Ronald Newburg, Marblehead MA 35 10.03 Bruce Sauter, Brewster MA 36 9.78 Sarah Sykes, Brewster MA 37 9.70 Janice Smola, Arlington MA 38 9.62 Mark Aquino, Jamaica Plain MA 39 9.57 Nishat Siddiqi, Cumberland RI 40 9.10 Debbie Burwick, Boston MA 41 9.08 Charles Struzzieri, Sarasota FL 42 8.82 Tim Joder, Lanesboro MA 43 8.76 Lou Kelleher, Dover MA 44 8.72 Rob Hasserjian, Manchester NH 45 8.72 Roger Li, Boston MA 46 8.69 Peter Clay, Wellesley MA 47 8.68 Bobbie Carpenter, Newport RI 48 8.63 Allen Nitschelm, Acton MA 49 8.62 Benson Ho, North Andover MA 50 8.45 Robert Hoffman, Salem MA 51 8.44 Judith Powers, Londonderry NH 52 8.44 Erna Fox, Foxboro MA 53 8.44 Robert Fogarty, Newton NH 54 8.44 Yonathan Bard, Newton MA 55 8.42 Jenny Koenecke, Kingston MA 56 8.35 Barbara Bauchspies, Portsmouth RI 57 8.32 Donald Deamer, West Boylston MA 58 8.16 Elaine Newburg, Marblehead MA 59 8.13 Parul Jain, Wellesley MA 60 8.09 Dick Majcher, Woburn MA 61 8.03 Betsy Hines, Marshfield Hls MA 62 8.02 Ed Roman, Boxborough MA 63 7.98 Bobbi Graveline, 64 7.77 Margie Sullivan, Sagamore Beach MA 65 7.75 Adam Parrish, Sandwich MA 66 7.73 Julie Goulet, Warwick RI 67 7.73 Dolores Kotler, Cranston RI 68 7.68 Naresh Mehta, Shrewsbury MA 69 7.63 Robert Hofmann, Bristol RI 70 7.63 Kenneth Wirkala, Hingham MA 71 7.63 Maureen Bitler, Boston MA 72 7.48 Simon Zimmerman, Hopkinton MA 73 7.41 Patricia Eastman, W Windsor VT 74 7.38 Richard Saval, Wayland MA 75 7.22 Marcia White, Lakeville MA 76 7.22 David Pimental, Dartmouth MA 77 7.20 Paul Harris, Waltham MA 78 7.06 Bill Hannon, Duxbury MA 79 6.97 Terry Robinson, Westwood MA 80 6.91 Verna Rankin, Weston MA 81 6.90 Robert Carvin, North Easton MA 82 6.76 Tim Pettus, Northborough MA 83 6.75 Neill Currie, 84 6.72 Howard Cohen, Wayland MA 85 6.65 Patricia Kelleher, Milton MA 86 6.61 Fred Rogler, Glendale RI 87 6.61 Haven Sharaf, Danvers MA 88 6.53 Marilyn Chambers, West Boylston MA 89 6.50 Catarina Kiefe, Sterling MA 90 6.50 Robert Farmer, Sterling MA 91 6.48 Harold Nordstrom, Reading MA 92 6.45 Joel Rankin, Weston MA 93 6.37 Lucy Hulse, Natick MA 94 6.37 Wayne Hersey, Montpelier VT 95 6.34 Ginny O'Toole, Yarmouth Port MA 96 6.02 Joyce Regan, E Greenwich RI 97 6.00 Arlene Bornstein, Plymouth MA 98 6.00 Anne Walfield, Danvers MA 99 5.98 Tom Greehan III, Southborough MA 100 5.95 Marilyn Howard, Burlington MA 101 5.93 Steven Diamond, Shrewsbury MA 102 5.92 Patti Salem, Boston MA 103 5.79 Lynda Edson, South Easton MA 104 5.72 Althea Shirley, Winchester MA 105 5.64 Dennis Brienzo, Lakeville MA 106 5.64 Jim Thomas, Middleboro MA 107 5.55 Paul Wolf II, Shrewsbury MA 108 5.52 Roberta Arbetter, Chestnut Hl MA 109 5.50 Larry Hanerfeld, Leominster MA 110 5.47 Steven Goodman, Upton MA 111 5.46 Lisa Procter, Dover MA 112 5.46 Roger Bell, Lincoln MA 113 5.41 Lila Zale, Chatham MA 114 5.40 June Wood, Cumberland RI 115 5.34 Barry Herring, Wellesley MA 116 5.34 Alan Korpi, Wellesley MA 117 5.30 June Dorion, Rutland VT 118 5.28 Rhoda Morse, Swampscott MA 119 5.28 Alice Griffin, Swampscott MA 120 5.25 Joe Silvestro, Waltham MA 121 5.19 William Nason, Andover MA 122 5.15 Sol Hartman, Boston MA 123 5.15 Joan Ceglarski, Middletown RI 124 5.11 Annmarie Stanton, Milton MA 125 5.08 Marcia Wilkins, Hanover NH 126 5.06 Abraham Fisher, Concord MA 127 5.06 Eva Sepe, Cranston RI 128 5.06 Adam Grossack, Newton MA 129 5.04 Roger Zessis, Westwood MA 130 4.92 Margaret Fanning, Hartland VT 131 4.91 James Kaplan, Northampton MA 132 4.91 Charles Jackson, Northampton MA 133 4.88 William Shaffer, Milton MA 134 4.85 Janet Latour, Gardner MA 135 4.84 Diane Lambert, Seekonk MA 136 4.84 John Shagoury, Plymouth MA 137 4.83 Leonid Tkach, Swampscott MA 138 4.83 David Luterman, Amesbury MA 139 4.81 Bernie Bendiksen, New Bedford MA 140 4.79 Donald Rankin, East Greenwich RI 141 4.75 Jayne Mundt, Lincoln MA 142 4.74 Kathy Benjamin, Bedford MA 143 4.64 Daniel Jablonski, Stoneham MA 144 4.63 Phyllis Chase, Providence RI 145 4.63 Andrew Hanes, Holliston MA 146 4.61 Debby Notman, Chestnut Hill MA 147 4.60 Jesse Stalker, Plainfield NH 148 4.59 Barry Shea, Middletown RI 149 4.59 Sarah Widhu, Nashua NH 150 4.59 Jerry Hahn, Fall River MA 151 4.57 Blanche Dellarciprete, Winchester MA 152 4.57 Lena Sundgren, Watertown MA 153 4.54 Constance Sweeney, New Bedford MA 154 4.51 R Muggia, Andover MA 155 4.46 Peter Matthews, Wellesley MA 156 4.44 Chuck Greenslit, Framingham MA 157 4.41 Marilyn Wolman, Chestnut Hill MA 158 4.37 Robert Baum, Natick MA 159 4.35 Shirley Beebee, Acton MA 160 4.31 Robert Fucile, Nashoa NH 161 4.29 John Woodman, Canton MA 162 4.28 Jane Adams, Lexington MA 163 4.24 Carl Vancelette, Barrington NH 164 4.24 Claudia Vancelette, Barrington NH 165 4.22 Jim Culhane, Marlborough MA 166 4.20 Charles Drum, Dover MA 167 4.14 Steve Grimes, Portsmouth RI 168 4.13 Andrew Chesterton, Winchester MA 169 4.11 Richard Weiss, Swampscott MA 170 4.04 Beatrice Martini, N Providence RI 171 4.02 Neil Kreuzer, Brighton MA 172 4.00 Marina Polestra, Boston MA 173 3.96 Susan Thomas, Brewster MA 174 3.95 Joe Fisler, Providence RI 175 3.94 Joe DeCosta, North Andover MA 176 3.94 Lisa Muir, Lexington MA 177 3.94 Jim Quinnan, Haverhill MA 178 3.94 Patricia Cairns, Hanover MA 179 3.94 Richard Palmer, Charlestown MA 180 3.91 Peter Buonfiglio, Cranston RI 181 3.91 Karen Kupersmith, Warwick RI 182 3.85 Charles McLain III, Boston MA 183 3.85 Gloria Golden, Cranston RI 184 3.84 Marguerite Gousie, Woonsocket RI 185 3.84 Marshall Williams, Woonsocket RI 186 3.80 George Gardos, Sharon MA 187 3.79 Kimberly Gilman, Carlisle MA 188 3.78 Dean Panagopoulos, Lynn MA 189 3.74 Gary Fournier, Warwick RI 190 3.69 Carlos Galvan, East Thetford VT 191 3.68 Sonja Smith, North Granby CT 192 3.68 David Rock, Westfield MA 193 3.66 Barbara Richards, Middleboro MA 194 3.66 Bo Richards, Middleboro MA 195 3.66 Jackie Saunders, Fitchburg MA 196 3.64 R Edward Kelley, Quincy MA 197 3.64 Richard Davenport, Brewster MA 198 3.64 Robert Loycano, Framingham MA 199 3.63 Sally Coughlin, Brookline MA 200 3.60 Jeanne Martin, Worcester MA 201 3.58 Harold Merzon, Stoughton MA 202 3.58 Vitaly Goldin, Chestnut Hill MA 203 3.58 Louis DiOrio, Providence RI 204 3.56 Anthony Segal, Richmond MA 205 3.56 Mark Mckenzie, Shaftsbury VT 206 3.56 Edward Bower Jr, Parsonsfield ME 207 3.56 Mark Batchelder, Hingham MA 208 3.55 Selen Hotamisligil, Wellesley MA 209 3.54 Alex Bresler, Osterville MA 210 3.54 Peter Valiante, Grantham NH 211 3.53 Thomas Kurtz, Hanover NH 212 3.53 Agnes Kurtz, Hanover NH 213 3.51 Walter Vargas, E Greenwich RI 214 3.47 Sandra Nyman, Weston MA 215 3.45 Melvin Marcus, Waltham MA 216 3.44 Priscilla Lindhout, Danvers MA 217 3.44 Carol Parsons, Danvers MA 218 3.42 Susan Gunderson, Weston MA 219 3.40 Bill Spencer, Newport RI 220 3.40 Doris Salvadore, Providence RI 221 3.39 Tsuneko Eustace, Needham MA 222 3.38 Candace Liebman, Hampton NH 223 3.38 Sharda Jain M.D., Swampscott MA 224 3.38 Ed Labenski, Stowe VT 225 3.38 Maureen Labenski, Stowe VT 226 3.37 Peter Crane, Burlington MA 227 3.37 Patty Wyner, Northborough MA 228 3.35 Hanan Lushkov, Canaan NH 229 3.33 Mickey MacMillan, Osterville MA 230 3.32 Sandra Drum, Dover MA 231 3.31 Joseph Russo, Slatersville RI 232 3.30 Lynne Umstead, Manchester MA 233 3.30 Eric Schwartz, Arlington MA 234 3.29 Margaret Harris, Wellesley MA 235 3.29 Patricia Palmer, Weston MA 236 3.28 Gautam Merchant, Marshfield MA 237 3.26 Marilyn Austin-Nelson, Hanover NH 238 3.26 Alan Austin-Nelson, Hanover NH 239 3.24 Fredrick Magnus, Framingham MA 240 3.22 Michael Williams, Lynn MA 241 3.20 Graeme Bell, Little Compton RI 242 3.19 Marie Walsh, Cumberland RI 243 3.19 Jori Grossack, Waban MA 244 3.19 Irving Marks, Hackensack NJ 245 3.19 Lucinda Stebbins, Wellesley Hills MA 246 3.18 Eva Sacharuk, Wenham MA 247 3.18 Martine Kellett, Danvers MA 248 3.17 Ann McKenzie, Jaffrey NH 249 3.17 Kathy Centorino, Chestnut Hill MA 250 3.15 Clinton Harris, Wellesley MA 251 3.15 Mark Sundelin, Hyannis MA 252 3.15 E Prather Palmer, Weston MA 253 3.11 Judith Goranson, Weymouth MA 254 3.11 Jane Baier, Newton MA 255 3.11 ANN BASILICO, Cranston RI 256 3.10 Jeanne Cavallo, Mansfield MA 257 3.10 Paula Young, Brockton MA 258 3.10 David Bolognia, North Andover MA 259 3.10 Michael Helman, N Andover MA 260 3.09 A. Barton Buffington, North Kingstown RI 261 3.08 Patricia Di Sciullo, North Easton MA 262 3.07 Babette Samsel, Pittsfield MA 263 3.06 Linda Robinson, Arlington MA 264 3.04 Irving Lipschitz, Nashua NH 265 3.01 Lorna Patterson, Sharon MA 266 3.00 Sharon Mohney, Wayland MA 267 2.99 Rene Frayman, Auburn MA 268 2.99 Susan Frayman, Auburn MA 269 2.98 Lucy Sachs, Lincoln MA 270 2.96 Robert Boyd, Braintree MA 271 2.96 William Kondrath, Sharon MA 272 2.96 Edward Stone, Cranston RI 273 2.95 Lou Ann Stoddard, Wellesley MA 274 2.95 Ellen Oasis, Sudbury MA 275 2.93 Albert Muggia, Winchester MA 276 2.92 Lura Provost, Westwood MA 277 2.91 Dana Kramer, Framingham MA 278 2.91 Mark Heumann, Watertown MA 279 2.90 Thomas Moore, Lynn MA 280 2.90 Jane Clancy, Attleboro MA 281 2.90 Robert Juneau, Millbury MA 282 2.89 Nancy Melvin, N Andover MA 283 2.89 Marcia Hess, Bristol RI 284 2.89 Chrysanthe Stamoulis, Barrington RI 285 2.88 Elinor Silverman, Framingham MA 286 2.87 Richard Burkhart, Burlington MA 287 2.85 Penny Schwartz, Swampscott MA 288 2.85 Sarah Peeke, Wellesley MA 289 2.84 Mohammad Ali, Worcester MA 290 2.84 Henry Gai Jr, Holliston MA 291 2.84 Cecilla Borras, Waltham MA 292 2.84 Otto Kaes, Saugus MA 293 2.83 Dennis McMahon, Marblehead MA 294 2.81 Peter Samsel, Pittsfield MA 295 2.81 John Hrones Jr, Needham MA 296 2.76 Carole L Sammartino, Providence RI 297 2.76 Dave DuBois, Westfield NJ 298 2.76 Chuck Adelman, Warren NJ 299 2.75 Lenore Henderson, Mattapoisett MA 300 2.75 Marsha Kelley, Marion MA 301 2.74 Donald Caplin, Waltham MA 302 2.74 Dick Tracy, Sharon VT 303 2.73 Andrew Krim, Ashland MA 304 2.72 Nancy Fleming, Weston MA 305 2.72 Charles Rosenthal, Fitchburg MA 306 2.70 Nancy Shactman, South Orleans MA 307 2.70 Patricia Moore, Lynnfield MA 308 2.70 Louise Grosvenor, Newport RI 309 2.69 Anita Johnston, Buzzards Bay MA 310 2.68 Edward Weisberger, Wayland MA 311 2.68 Terri Gustafson, Gardner MA 312 2.67 Annette Gordon, Lenox MA 313 2.67 Stephanie Beling, Lenox MA 314 2.67 Annie Dickey, Lexington MA 315 2.67 Gary Lewitzky, Lexington MA 316 2.67 Judith Ward, Poultney VT 317 2.66 Jeff Gertz, Marblehead MA 318 2.66 Karen McKenna, Marblehead MA 319 2.65 Wendy Zimman-Smith, Stoneham MA 320 2.64 Susan Miguel, Tiverton RI 321 2.63 Hoda Baron, Providence RI 322 2.62 Joe Watts, Grantham NH 323 2.62 Jon Valbert, East Sandwich MA 324 2.59 Harriet Dann, Needham MA 325 2.59 Jini Footer, Needham MA 326 2.59 Robert Traylor, Needham MA 327 2.58 Marguerite Levin, Belmont MA 328 2.58 Inger Lise Kilcoyne, Worcester MA 329 2.58 James Rasmussen, Cambridge MA 330 2.57 Linda Gademan, Osterville MA 331 2.56 Brenda Hussey, Hingham MA 332 2.56 Kathleen Aubrey, Stoughton MA 333 2.56 Charlie Estep, Pittsfield MA 334 2.56 Edmond Cabana, Blackstone MA 335 2.56 James Vierra, Weymouth MA 336 2.54 Vivienne Adair, Worcester VT 337 2.54 Allan Toledano, Chestnut Hill MA 338 2.54 Steven Hoffman, Lincoln MA 339 2.54 Mark Adair, Worcester VT 340 2.54 Robin Hillyard, Carlisle MA 341 2.49 Lorraine Kiely, Lowell MA 342 2.47 Alix Taylor, Lincoln MA 343 2.46 Chris Soares, Swansea MA 344 2.45 Ann Fenno, Boston MA 345 2.45 Nancy Mullen, Braintree MA 346 2.44 Chanok Chalifoux, Sandwich MA 347 2.43 Judith Williams, Eastham MA 348 2.43 Kimberly Prager, Boston MA 349 2.42 Jeffrey Sweeney, Braintree MA 350 2.41 Raymond Hebert, West Boylston MA 351 2.40 Sally Raymond, Arlington MA 352 2.40 Cynthia Kelly, Wellesley MA 353 2.39 Rick Binder, Waltham MA 354 2.38 Johanna Dansky, Leominster MA 355 2.37 Suzanne Tibbetts, Dover MA 356 2.36 John Whistler, Hopkinton MA 357 2.36 Alicia Munnell, Boston MA 358 2.36 Peter Doubilet, Boston MA 359 2.36 Paul Manganello, Kingston MA 360 2.34 Leverett Preble, Winchester MA 361 2.32 David DiCola, Providence RI 362 2.32 Steve Musen, Warwick RI 363 2.32 Tina M Jameson, Providence RI 364 2.31 Carole Carlson, Gloucester MA 365 2.30 Sylvia Keyes, Bridgewater MA 366 2.28 Susan Rosen, Boston MA 367 2.28 Janet Greehan, Belmont MA 368 2.28 David Rosen, Boston MA 369 2.28 Barbara Needle, Needham MA 370 2.27 Art Fallon, Townsend MA 371 2.26 Richard Healy, Westborough MA 372 2.26 Barbara Blauer, Newton MA 373 2.26 Hardin Matthews, Belmont MA 374 2.26 Al Maltz, Arlington MA 375 2.26 Janis Weilheimer, Newton MA 376 2.26 Judith Biegner, North Kingstown RI 377 2.24 Bruce Tedford, Northborough MA 378 2.23 Alvan Haskins, Wellesley MA 379 2.23 Doreen Cassidy, Andover MA 380 2.23 Gil Congdon, Reading MA 381 2.23 Dan Button, New London NH 382 2.22 Robert Hickey, East Sandwich MA 383 2.22 Fleurette O'Toole, North Scituate RI 384 2.22 Dorothy DellaCioppa, Warwick RI 385 2.22 Deborah Hannon, Braintree MA 386 2.22 David Idell, Milton MA 387 2.22 Raymond Mathieu, Norton MA 388 2.22 Mary Forte, Foxboro MA 389 2.21 George Barker, North Andover MA 390 2.21 Fizza Adamjee, Lexington MA 391 2.21 Robert Virgile, Lexington MA 392 2.20 Elaine Kallio, Pawtucket RI 393 2.20 Saul Agranoff, Newton MA 394 2.19 Patricia Amboian, Andover MA 395 2.19 Nancy Hebard, Westwood MA 396 2.19 Solomon Tarlin, Sharon MA 397 2.19 Leonard Selsky, Chestnut Hill MA 398 2.19 David Levin, Belmont MA 399 2.19 Elizabeth Wood, Arlington MA 400 2.18 Jason Proman, Norwood MA 401 2.18 Dorothea B Oringer, Jamaica Plain MA 402 2.17 Joyce Pearson, Framingham MA 403 2.17 Betty Brewster, Newington NH 404 2.17 Paul Marquis, North Hampton NH 405 2.17 Cate Avery, Dover NH 406 2.17 Beverly Worrall, Cranston RI 407 2.17 Elaine Goldberg, Grantham NH 408 2.17 George Page, Rye NH 409 2.16 Joanna Gleason, Chestnut Hill MA 410 2.16 Brenda Iemma, Warwick RI 411 2.15 Betty Wilder, Reading MA 412 2.14 Richard Burns, Needham MA 413 2.13 Timothy Hill, Wellesley MA 414 2.13 Susanne Osberg, Sharon MA 415 2.12 Gary Peterson, Marlboro MA 416 2.12 Michael Gorfinkle, Salem MA 417 2.11 Tom Seder, Belmont MA 418 2.10 Anne McCune, Keene NH 419 2.10 Sally K Matthews, Norwood MA 420 2.10 James Nowill, Florence MA 421 2.09 James Tullis, Yarmouth Port MA 422 2.08 Yumi Hough, Barnstable MA 423 2.08 Jody Foley, West Falmouth MA 424 2.07 Markus Wagner, Lenox MA 425 2.06 C C Dyer, Marion MA 426 2.06 William Tosches, Hull MA 427 2.06 Alan Berg, Holden MA 428 2.06 Timothy Dyer, Marion MA 429 2.06 Jean Berg, Holden MA 430 2.05 Lawrence Cheetham, Bedford NH 431 2.05 Byron Wyche, Norwood MA 432 2.04 Cynthia Hanson, Northborough MA 433 2.04 Jan Remien, Brookline MA 434 2.03 Dolores Garabedian, Dracut MA 435 2.02 Eva Milofsky, Belmont MA 436 2.02 Rex Tien, Warwick RI 437 2.01 Steven Kaufman, Shrewsbury MA 438 2.00 Saul Cooper, Chestnut Hill MA 439 2.00 Harvey Rosenthal, Boston MA 440 2.00 Deirdre Ellerson, Sharon VT 441 2.00 Laura Keegan, Needham MA 442 2.00 Eliot Kaplan, Brookline MA 443 2.00 Philip Nyman, Weston MA 444 1.99 Vanessa Treash, Yarmouth Port MA 445 1.99 Diana Lam, Boston MA 446 1.99 Barbara Wilcox, East Dennis MA 447 1.98 Estelle Cushner, Winchester MA 448 1.98 Ruth Twombly, East Orleans MA 449 1.97 Paul Bacon, Amherst MA 450 1.97 Jill Fleming, Plymouth MA 451 1.97 Barbara A Salvadore, East Greenwich RI 452 1.97 John Sedgwick, Springfield MA 453 1.97 Marsha Addis, Holden MA 454 1.97 John Aiken, 455 1.97 Elizabeth Paige, Duxbury MA 456 1.95 Paul Levesque, Wilton NH 457 1.95 Suzanna Thurber, Goffstown NH 458 1.95 Nora Miller, Grantham NH 459 1.94 Franklyn Caine, Weston MA 460 1.94 Cordy McCuaig, Vero Beach FL 461 1.94 Ellen Alper, Weston MA 462 1.93 Adi Chehna, Marlborough MA 463 1.90 R L Scot Drysdale III, Hanover NH 464 1.90 Yanyan Liu, Wilmington MA 465 1.90 Richard Sansing, Lebanon NH 466 1.88 Cookie Melanson, Peabody MA 467 1.88 David Metcalf, Newton MA 468 1.88 Claire Stetkiewicz, Berkley MA 469 1.88 Bob Gordon, Wayland MA 470 1.88 Gary Sorkin, Wellfleet MA 471 1.86 RoseAnne Levinson, Marblehead MA 472 1.86 Moody Brown, Lenox MA 473 1.83 David Aronson, Brookline MA 474 1.83 Richard Phillips, Westport MA 475 1.83 Eleanor Phillips, Westport MA 476 1.81 Catherine Hillery, Newport RI 477 1.80 Trish Webb, Arlington MA 478 1.80 Leonard Aberbach, Wayland MA 479 1.80 Dean Dubofsky, Arlington MA 480 1.80 Sondra Caplin, Waltham MA 481 1.80 Bohkee Yap, Lexington MA 482 1.79 Louis Russo, Auburndale MA 483 1.79 Pauline Mullins, Providence RI 484 1.79 Paula Craven, Peabody MA 485 1.79 Gail Borod, East Greenwich RI 486 1.79 Peter Zucker, Watertown MA 487 1.78 Gene Hower, Marblehead MA 488 1.78 Lee Engler, Weston MA 489 1.77 Marybeth Lombardi, South Easton MA 490 1.77 Stuart Whittle, Waltham MA 491 1.77 Don Swart, Ithaca NY 492 1.77 Margaret Balian, Needham MA 493 1.76 Tage Andersson, Old Chatham NY 494 1.75 Bonnie Luks, Auburn MA 495 1.75 Denise Olson, New London NH 496 1.74 Sharon Uusitalo, Fitchburg MA 497 1.74 Peter Martinelli, Dalton MA 498 1.74 Joseph Valenti, W Stockbridge MA 499 1.74 Joel Eigerman, Cambridge MA 500 1.73 Robert Brodeur, Pittsfield MA 501 1.73 Francis Danico, Braintree MA 502 1.73 Arthur Hartling, Hudson MA 503 1.73 Brenda Quinn, N Attleboro MA 504 1.73 Donald Carow, East Walpole MA 505 1.73 Joseph Harrington, Stoughton MA 506 1.72 Jocelyn Goranson, Fairhaven MA 507 1.72 Peter Goranson, Fairhaven MA 508 1.71 Reid Barton, Arlington MA 509 1.71 Michael Lieberman, Medford MA 510 1.71 Marilee Pecorelli, Leominster MA 511 1.70 Will Everett, Providence RI 512 1.69 Ruth Weston, Marshfield MA 513 1.69 Peter Manzon, Waltham MA 514 1.69 Stephanie Hamilton-Diesel, Saugus MA 515 1.69 Gloria M Manna, Johnston RI 516 1.68 Connie Chabot, North Andover MA 517 1.66 Rosemary Huang, Lynn MA 518 1.66 Cynthia Gorton, Boston MA 519 1.66 Christopher Gorton, Boston MA 520 1.66 Carol Mycoff, Salem MA 521 1.65 Elise Rockart, Weston MA 522 1.65 Marvin Davis, Westborough MA 523 1.65 Jean Shaffer, Milton MA 524 1.64 Wendy Jarrett, Lexington MA 525 1.64 Ruth Pirie, Fitchburg MA 526 1.62 Ethan Ward, Poultney VT 527 1.60 Steven Frymer, Lexington MA 528 1.60 Diane Malkoski, Sol Dartmouth MA 529 1.59 Tina Yu, Slatersville RI 530 1.59 Ronald Agel, Boston MA 531 1.59 Kenneth Bernstein, Belmont MA 532 1.59 John Oswald, Nashua NH 533 1.58 Carol Fountain, Chelmsford MA 534 1.58 Gerald Avarbock, Middleboro MA 535 1.58 Libby Avarbock, Middleboro MA 536 1.58 Muggsie Rocco, Carlisle MA 537 1.58 Tom Macbeth, Westford MA 538 1.58 Carol Taylor, Plymouth MA 539 1.58 Maurice Segall, Brookline MA 540 1.58 Frank Kiely Jr, Peabody MA 541 1.57 Mary Kelley, Plymouth MA 542 1.57 James Cusack, Cambridge MA 543 1.56 Stanley Chasan, Phoenix AZ 544 1.56 Ronald Briggs, Lexington MA 545 1.56 John Goldman, Newton Center MA 546 1.55 Elizabeth VonRiesenfelder, Manchester VT 547 1.55 Irene Vignoe, Rutland VT 548 1.54 Jerry Farber, 549 1.54 Rikki Farber, 550 1.54 Mark Murad, North Hampton NH 551 1.54 Kim Likakis, Bennington VT 552 1.54 Susannah Murad, North Hampton NH 553 1.54 Roger Loyer, Arlington MA 554 1.53 Paula Whitney, 555 1.53 Clarence Whitney, Plymouth MA 556 1.52 Lillian Richards, Warwick RI 557 1.51 Ruth Carpinella, Chelmsford MA 558 1.51 Charles Polay, Chelmsford MA 559 1.51 Maurice Gaudette, Nashua NH 560 1.50 Charlie Reed, Swansea MA 561 1.50 Melaine Alpern, 562 1.50 Dick Fitton, Westport MA 563 1.50 Frank Gilbert, Granite Falls NC 564 1.50 Robert Smith, Manchestr Ctr VT 565 1.50 Florence Pressman, Lynn MA 566 1.50 Norma Jakominich, Ludlow VT 567 1.50 Noralie Cox, Granite Falls NC 568 1.50 Kevin Griffin, North Andover MA 569 1.50 Bob Alpern, 570 1.50 Wendy Baurmeister, Manchestr Ctr VT 571 1.50 Robert Hill, Littleton MA 572 1.49 Elizabeth Bachman, Needham MA 573 1.49 Joe Murray, Seekonk MA 574 1.48 Monica Lapin, Pittsfield MA 575 1.48 Flora Hall, Eastham MA 576 1.47 Robert Claypool, Acton MA 577 1.46 Charlotte Dumas, East Greenwich RI 578 1.45 Tom Caragliano, Medfield MA 579 1.44 Suresh Patel, Clinton MA 580 1.44 Marlene Jones, Rye NH 581 1.44 Constance Moxley, Dover NH 582 1.43 Dennis Lynch, Hanover NH 583 1.43 Maxine Cechvala, South Hadley MA 584 1.43 Sylvia Chavkin, Brookline MA 585 1.43 Marlene Myers, Longmeadow MA 586 1.43 Ken Bloom, Acton MA 587 1.43 Robert Najarian, Cranston RI 588 1.42 Elinor Everts, Wellesley MA 589 1.42 Bill Shockley, Westerly RI 590 1.42 Shekhar Sengupta, Marlborough MA 591 1.42 Megan Diorio, Providence RI 592 1.42 Muriel Golden, East Falmouth MA 593 1.41 Jim Kirschner, Hamilton MA 594 1.41 Joan Kuklinski, Worcester MA 595 1.41 Anthony Soltis, Topsfield MA 596 1.41 Bernadine Lacy, Hyannis MA 597 1.40 David Cancian, Lincoln MA 598 1.40 Tami Bane, Swampscott MA 599 1.40 Rhoda E Mowry, Providence RI 600 1.40 Richard Giles, Concord MA 601 1.39 Susan Steinberg, Salem MA 602 1.39 Marilyn Baer, Salem MA 603 1.39 Muriel Hoffman, Weymouth MA 604 1.38 Susan Ware, Cataumet MA 605 1.38 Betty Kimnach, Lincoln MA 606 1.38 Philippe Galaski, Florence MA 607 1.38 Roger Webb, Amherst MA 608 1.38 Patrick O'Malley, 609 1.38 William Ware, Cataumet MA 610 1.38 Kenneth McNeill, Randolph MA 611 1.38 Dmitry Vedensky, 612 1.38 Rita Baudo, West Yarmouth MA 613 1.38 Donna Rice, Chelmsford MA 614 1.38 Joyce Tesler, West Warwick RI 615 1.38 Carole Perla, Hudson MA 616 1.37 Margie Cameron, Grantham NH 617 1.37 Kathleen Clay, Wellesley MA 618 1.35 Alyce Carlson, Westport Harbor MA 619 1.35 Catherine Sallar, Fall River MA 620 1.35 John Gunther, Webster MA 621 1.35 Edward Rothman, Dartmouth MA 622 1.35 Ilse Rothman, Dartmouth MA 623 1.33 Susan Comeau, Boston MA 624 1.33 Albert Comeau, Boston MA 625 1.32 Claire Gardner, Newport NH 626 1.32 David Gardner, Sudbury MA 627 1.32 Saundra Gotch, Framingham MA 628 1.32 Bruce Downing, New London NH 629 1.31 Carol Schwartz, Tiverton RI 630 1.31 Barbara Perkins, Milton MA 631 1.31 Claire Caplain, Fall River MA 632 1.30 Eric Throop, Framingham MA 633 1.30 June Gallo, Swampscott MA 634 1.30 Carolyn Johansson, Quincy MA 635 1.29 Sylvia Zalkind, Providence RI 636 1.27 Marilyn Zanger, Watertown MA 637 1.27 Dan Haggett, Framingham MA 638 1.27 Maxine Aaronson, Sudbury MA 639 1.25 Evelyn Balasco, Barrington RI 640 1.25 Kathleen H Anderson, Providence RI 641 1.25 Robert Prevoir, Randolph MA 642 1.25 Donald Mosel, Weymouth MA 643 1.25 Jody Gill, Boston MA 644 1.25 Richard Simolari, South Easton MA 645 1.25 Harriett Leavitt, Swampscott MA 646 1.24 Neil White, Warwick RI 647 1.22 Raymond Lopes, Rutland VT 648 1.22 Susan Ransom, Rutland VT 649 1.21 Thomas Deady, Jr, Medford MA 650 1.21 Carolyn Weiser, Woburn MA 651 1.21 Anne Vernon, Westwood MA 652 1.21 A Jean Fast, Holliston MA 653 1.20 John Ramsdell, Burlington MA 654 1.20 Moses Liskov, Lexington MA 655 1.20 Paula Najarian, East Greenwich RI 656 1.20 Hazel Dreyer, Waban MA 657 1.20 Eleanor Stone, Westwood MA 658 1.19 Elaine Colombo, Gardner MA 659 1.19 Timothy Walker, Boxford MA 660 1.18 Allen Pattee, Manchester NH 661 1.18 Tim Sullivan, Avon CT 662 1.18 Erma Levy, Winthrop MA 663 1.18 Carol Kearns, Leominster MA 664 1.18 D McAdams, Lowell MA 665 1.18 Susan Kohen, Newton MA 666 1.18 Mary-Ann Hughes, Lowell MA 667 1.18 Bette Elfman, Swampscott MA 668 1.18 Lorraine Rosenthal, Clinton MA 669 1.18 Madara Gunewardane, Boston MA 670 1.18 Rena Lieberman, North Easton MA 671 1.18 Dave Crossley, East Greenwich RI 672 1.18 John Mahoney, Worcester MA 673 1.18 John Lombardo, Cranston RI 674 1.17 Barbara Mende, Cambridge MA 675 1.17 Sandy Smith, Watertown MA 676 1.16 Bill Carr, Barrington RI 677 1.16 Tina Carr, Barrington RI 678 1.15 Rodney Chandler, Reading MA 679 1.15 Paul Kelley, Plymouth MA 680 1.15 Dulany Bennett, White Riv Jct VT 681 1.15 Sheilah Hollings, Dedham MA 682 1.13 Ellen Harris, Manchester MA 683 1.13 Marsha Gerstein, Somerville MA 684 1.13 Meg Hall, Gloucester MA 685 1.12 Evelyn Shuster, Wayland MA 686 1.11 Lynn George, Cumberland RI 687 1.11 Alice Field, New London NH 688 1.11 Claudia Gifford, Westport MA 689 1.11 Rose Hanamoto, North Sutton NH 690 1.11 Marjorie Tucci, Cumberland RI 691 1.11 Philip Page, Llano NM 692 1.11 Dick Fasci, Middleboro MA 693 1.11 David Glaubman, 694 1.11 Martin Appelstein, Peabody MA 695 1.11 Paul Wacks, Peabody MA 696 1.11 Tink Tysor, Grantham NH 697 1.09 Ray Luning, W Barnstable MA 698 1.08 Sunny Adler, Winchester MA 699 1.08 Patricia Houston, Wellesley MA 700 1.08 Pat Kent, Charlestown RI 701 1.08 Edward Scolnick, Wayland MA 702 1.08 Nancy Rosenbaum, Cranston RI 703 1.08 R Heil, Beverly MA 704 1.08 Maurice Chesney, Saunderstown RI 705 1.07 Rhoda Chickering, E Montpelier VT 706 1.07 Stephen Cohen, Chestnut Hill MA 707 1.07 James Osofsky, Florence MA 708 1.07 Robert Sagor, Greenfield MA 709 1.07 Paul Melman, Newton MA 710 1.05 Paul Cohen, Rutland VT 711 1.05 Gay Squire, Dorset VT 712 1.05 Michael Eckenroth, Providence RI 713 1.05 Mary Dulemba, Harwich MA 714 1.05 Sylvia Thompson, Warwick RI 715 1.05 Jean Senat Fleury, Chestnut Hill MA 716 1.05 Dot Allen, Warwick RI 717 1.05 Carol Poirier, South Berwick ME 718 1.05 Kyle Barrett, Middletown RI 719 1.05 Andy Avery, Jamaica VT 720 1.05 Mary Jo Loeber, East Providence RI 721 1.05 Victor Quattrini, Westford MA 722 1.05 C. Mary Mauterstock, Brewster MA 723 1.05 Ivan Witham, York ME 724 1.05 Bruce Fischer, Rumford RI 725 1.03 Nancy Hornbeck, Durham NH 726 1.03 Wendy Seymour, E Orleans MA 727 1.03 Merry Ray, Belmont MA 728 1.03 Constance Brown, Belmont MA 729 1.03 Lisa Allison, Lee NH 730 1.02 Marilyn Segal, Marblehead MA 731 1.02 Susan Gladstone, West Newton MA 732 1.02 Lee Anne Thurman, Marblehead MA 733 1.01 Roz Rosenthal, Wayland MA 734 1.00 Suzanne Capone, Boston MA 735 0.99 Allen Post, Andover MA 736 0.99 Harry Felger, Mashpee MA 737 0.99 Pat Baker, Westmorelane NH 738 0.99 R Clarke, Danvers MA 739 0.99 Elaine Day, Enfield NH 740 0.99 Margaret Connolly, Hanover NH 741 0.99 Ellen Math-Shute, Newton MA 742 0.99 Jerry Friedman, 743 0.99 Ann Bloomfield, Mashpee MA 744 0.99 Suzanne Pratley, East Falmouth MA 745 0.99 Bob Bonazoli, S Hamilton MA 746 0.99 Paula Duncan, Hancock NH 747 0.99 Alice Eberhardt, Plainfield NH 748 0.99 Pitusa Fuenmayor, Chelmsford MA 749 0.99 Delia Jean, Gardner MA 750 0.99 Bayle Drubel, Hanover NH 751 0.99 Richard Katzeff, East Falmouth MA 752 0.98 Robert Sayre, Hudson NH 753 0.97 Anne Farrington, Chestnut Hill MA 754 0.97 Roberta Francis, Wellesley MA 755 0.96 William Hicks, Wayland MA 756 0.96 Marlene Keliher, Chestnut Hill MA 757 0.96 Florence Weener, Needham MA 758 0.96 Kathy Aberizk, Grafton MA 759 0.96 Susie Butler, Marblehead MA 760 0.96 Marcia Perkins, Gloucester MA 761 0.95 Nora Schneider, Quincy MA 762 0.95 Elaine Sheeran, Plymouth MA 763 0.95 Wallace Loewer, N Weymouth MA 764 0.94 Jim O'Mara, Onset MA 765 0.94 Jason Sharp, Newton MA 766 0.94 Whitey Joslin, 767 0.94 Don Foster, Wareham MA 768 0.93 Nancy Lewis, Barrington NH 769 0.93 Jean Healey, Braintree MA 770 0.93 Charles Mattina, Weymouth MA 771 0.93 David Hogan, Marlborough MA 772 0.93 Nicole Gardner, Sudbury MA 773 0.93 Rudolf Brautigam, Dorchester Cent MA 774 0.93 Jonathan Guttmacher, Dorchester Cent MA 775 0.93 Arthur Keefe, 776 0.92 Brian Fisk, Boxborough MA 777 0.92 Jonathan Hauke, Lexington MA 778 0.91 Brian Richards, Warwick RI 779 0.90 John Tucker, Weston MA 780 0.90 Ken Camilleis, South Yarmouth MA 781 0.90 Jean Haffenreffer, Needham MA 782 0.90 Sally Edmonds, Cambridge MA 783 0.90 Bradford Barnes, East Falmouth MA 784 0.90 Paul Kanter, Plymouth MA 785 0.90 Diane Maloney, Satellite Bch FL 786 0.90 Ruth Wyman, Chestnut Hill MA 787 0.90 Alan Ansello, Plymouth MA 788 0.90 Herman Vandevaart, Plymouth MA 789 0.90 Madeleine Schuman, Centerville MA 790 0.90 David Carlson, Lynnfield MA 791 0.90 Kenneth Roberts, Wllesley Hills MA 792 0.89 Arthur Schatz, Newton Center MA 793 0.89 Franklin Fisher, Cambridge MA 794 0.89 Patricia Lawrence, Swansea MA 795 0.89 Eli Margolin, Sudbury MA 796 0.89 Florine Schoen, Southborough MA 797 0.89 Chris Gradijan, Wayland MA 798 0.89 Pete Matthews Jr, Roslindale MA 799 0.89 Virginia Leavy, West Newton MA 800 0.89 Rolf Paul, Needham MA 801 0.89 Leona Lashua, Gardner MA 802 0.89 Nancy Fennessey, Lynn MA 803 0.89 Ellen Fisher, Cambridge MA 804 0.89 Helen James, Lynnfield MA 805 0.89 Alice Turner, Adamsville RI 806 0.89 Gloria St. Hilaire, Gardner MA 807 0.89 Vincent Harackiewicz, Wellesley Hls MA 808 0.89 Alexander Odulo, North Adams MA 809 0.87 Richard Silverman, Waban MA 810 0.87 Joel Black, Beverly MA 811 0.85 Mildred Ring, Woburn MA 812 0.85 Thelma Tibbitts, Burlington MA 813 0.85 Brian Roach, Braintree MA 814 0.85 Sam Calloway, 815 0.85 Peter Simeon, 816 0.85 William Ruth, Hingham MA 817 0.85 Mary Mansur, Hudson NH 818 0.85 Joseph Foster, Framingham MA 819 0.85 Neil Montague, Swampscott MA 820 0.85 Brad Mampe, Medford MA 821 0.85 Marcia Wilk, Framingham MA 822 0.85 Ramona Mofford, Harvard MA 823 0.85 Nicolae Bondoc, Woburn MA 824 0.85 John Banker, Nashua NH 825 0.85 John Maxwell, Bedford NH 826 0.85 Steve Willner, Needham MA 827 0.85 David Gross, Sudbury MA 828 0.85 Elisabeth Kleinman, Boston MA 829 0.85 Ann Johnson, Framingham MA 830 0.85 Eleanor Mullane, Winchester MA 831 0.85 Jane Philippi, Charlestown MA 832 0.85 Philip Lam, North Berwick ME 833 0.85 Itai Lourie, Jamaica Plain MA 834 0.85 Richard Lourie, Jamaica Plain MA 835 0.85 Jules Lemire, Manchester NH 836 0.85 Vivian Wine, Cranston RI 837 0.84 Kathleen Mallet, Norwood MA 838 0.84 Christine Pettingell, Everett MA 839 0.84 Louise Perl, Bristol RI 840 0.82 Paul Weinbaum, Norwood MA 841 0.82 Gordon Webster, Framingham MA 842 0.82 Dan Rice, Milton MA 843 0.82 Dan Rice, Reisterstown MD 844 0.82 Chris Ammer, Lexington MA 845 0.80 Ed Rizy, Middletown RI 846 0.80 Bari Boyer, Worcester MA 847 0.80 Ruth Bier, So Dartmouth MA 848 0.80 Arlene Patterson, Randolph MA 849 0.80 Clinton Wright, Slatersville RI 850 0.80 Athena Taloumis, West Harwich MA 851 0.80 Marlene Farbman, Holden MA 852 0.80 Jenifer Bradford, N Dartmouth MA 853 0.80 Kathy Thornton, N Scituate RI 854 0.80 Martin Cohen, Canton MA 855 0.80 Linda Bradley, East Dennis MA 856 0.80 Judith Davidson, Orleans MA 857 0.80 Patricia Spencer, Fairlee VT 858 0.80 Ann Broomfield, Pawtucket RI 859 0.80 Karen Moulton, 860 0.80 Barbara Barrette, Plainfield CT 861 0.79 Paul Vena, Burlington MA 862 0.79 Steven Ansell, Hopkinton MA 863 0.79 Sandra Scoliard, Providence RI 864 0.79 Kenneth Coburn, Peabody MA 865 0.79 Judie Muggia, Winchester MA 866 0.79 Jeanne McKenzie, Medford MA 867 0.79 Bart Bussink, Cambridge MA 868 0.79 R Krieg, Burlington MA 869 0.78 Kathleen Galvin, Hull MA 870 0.78 Ralph Mednick, Peabody MA 871 0.78 Dewitt Parsons, Hull MA 872 0.78 Arleen Mednick, Peabody MA 873 0.77 Elin Schultz, Brookline MA 874 0.76 Catherine Branch, Providence RI 875 0.76 Luke Gillespie, Wayland MA 876 0.76 Curtis Barton, Chelmsford MA 877 0.76 H Patricia Hanna, Lexington MA 878 0.75 Sylvia Gay, Bourne MA 879 0.75 Paul Garstka, Plymouth 880 0.75 Elvia Rietti, Marblehead MA 881 0.75 Theresa Lawlor, Pocasset MA 882 0.75 Anna Maria Tiberi, Marblehead MA 883 0.75 Andy Lawson, Brookline MA 884 0.75 Adrian Massie, Plymouth MA 885 0.74 Bob O'Donell, 886 0.74 Ruth Westheimer, 887 0.73 Stanley Richmond, Needham MA 888 0.73 Donald McA'Nulty, West Roxbury MA 889 0.73 Carol McA'Nulty, West Roxbury MA 890 0.73 Nancy Douglas, Plymouth MA 891 0.73 Kendall Patterson, Sharon MA 892 0.72 Martha Bett, Winchester MA 893 0.72 Edward Sicard, Alton NH 894 0.72 Nick Tinios, Hampton NH 895 0.72 Joyce Pitman, Newfields NH 896 0.72 Steve Peck, Hadley MA 897 0.72 Titian Bett, Winchester MA 898 0.72 Greg Chang, Lexington MA 899 0.72 Joan De Vita, Watertown MA 900 0.72 Yan Drabek, Florence MA 901 0.72 Pamela Robinson, Kittery ME 902 0.72 Marilyn Bagdasarian, Winchester MA 903 0.72 Richard Reid, S Dartmouth MA 904 0.72 Laura Poulton, North Dartmouth MA 905 0.71 Susan Saponaro, Winchester MA 906 0.70 Doris Burke, Framingham MA 907 0.69 Stephen Wood, Mablehead MA 908 0.69 Barbara Murphy, Newton MA 909 0.69 Helen Flanagan, Stoughton MA 910 0.69 Lawrence Young, Hanover NH 911 0.69 Judith Salisbury, Marblehead MA 912 0.69 Stuart Treworgy, Cumberland RI 913 0.69 June Chandler, Peterborough NH 914 0.69 Diane Walsh, Dedham MA 915 0.69 Fred Graf, Concord NH 916 0.69 Jan Binger, Plainfield NH 917 0.69 Elizabeth Young, Tyngsborough MA 918 0.69 Harry Glaser, Providence RI 919 0.69 Dot Gordon, Swanzey NH 920 0.69 Peter Murdza, Hanover NH 921 0.68 Nancy Tuttle, Reading MA 922 0.68 Arthur Layton, Mattapoisett MA 923 0.68 Priscilla Laubenstein, West Chatham MA 924 0.68 Ann Braucher, Billerica MA 925 0.67 George McLaughlin, 926 0.66 Marian Westgate, 927 0.66 Fredda Sharfstein, Pawtucket RI 928 0.66 Eugene G Weinberg, Providence RI 929 0.66 Wayne Burt, Pembroke NH 930 0.66 Linda Schwartz, Swampscott MA 931 0.66 Patricia Rivers, S Yarmouth MA 932 0.66 Jerry Starr, Worcester MA 933 0.66 Judith Frager, Wellesley Hills MA 934 0.66 Charles Rose, Brookline MA 935 0.66 Judith Grace, Brookline MA 936 0.66 Norbert Fessel, Riverside RI 937 0.66 Sheila Goldberg, Waltham MA 938 0.66 Kristen Frederick, West Yarmouth MA 939 0.63 Ginnie Hughes, 940 0.63 Anne Sichel, Needham MA 941 0.63 Barbara Hernberg, Wellesley MA 942 0.63 Paul Kelly, Roslindale MA 943 0.63 Jim Levin, Weston MA 944 0.62 Gerald Levinson, Marblehead MA 945 0.62 Dinsmore Fulton, Fayston VT 946 0.62 David Green, Chestnut Hill MA 947 0.62 David Herzog, Newton MA 948 0.62 Betsy Stegeman, Falmouth MA 949 0.62 Leo Cohen, Fayston VT 950 0.62 Jeremy Shen, Bridgewater M 951 0.62 Louise Missakian, Watertown MA 952 0.62 Carolyn McNaught, Falmouth MA 953 0.61 Carolyn Inman, Acton MA 954 0.61 Ellen Brown, Newton MA 955 0.61 Margarita Bernstine, Boston MA 956 0.61 Paul Ranaghan, Hingham MA 957 0.61 Michael Albert, Cambridge MA 958 0.61 Rachel Morton, Stoughton MA 959 0.61 David Albert, Cambridge MA 960 0.60 Linda Limauro, Lynnfield MA 961 0.59 Carolyn Noble, Sandwich MA 962 0.59 Janet Myrin, Little Compton RI 963 0.59 Maureen Berggren, Quincy MA 964 0.59 Sara Stone, Chestnut Hill MA 965 0.59 Catherine Hemerlin, Little Compton RI 966 0.59 Lynn Noble, Sandwich MA 967 0.57 Irene Bonner, Andover MA 968 0.57 Ruth Kenney, Needham MA 969 0.57 Frank Farrell, Methuen MA 970 0.57 Olive Patrick, Cambridge MA 971 0.56 Steven Sinding, Manchester VT 972 0.56 H Sneiderman, Kingston NH 973 0.56 Brenda Bronson, Manchester MA 974 0.56 John Normand, Beveryl MA 975 0.56 Frank Jenkins, Sherbon MA 976 0.56 Robert Bratzler, Concord MA 977 0.56 Cynthia Yeaw, Chatham MA 978 0.56 Roger Squire, Dorset VT 979 0.56 Harriet Randall, Chestnut Hill MA 980 0.56 Shirley Wagner, Fitchburg MA 981 0.56 Emily King, Chatham MA 982 0.56 Cynthia Ervin, North Chatham MA 983 0.56 William Goesch, Worcester MA 984 0.56 Laura Rhodes, Chatham MA 985 0.56 Anne Walker, Manchester MA 986 0.56 Robert Batts, Acton MA 987 0.56 Monica Knorr, Manchester VT 988 0.56 Mike Lewis, West Kingston RI 989 0.56 Steven Fortunato, Pocasset MA 990 0.55 June Blanco, Brookline MA 991 0.55 Fraser Hunt, Pittsfield MA 992 0.55 Donald Rosenfield, Lexington MA 993 0.55 Helen Parker, Framingham MA 994 0.55 Suzanne Grossman, Riverside RI 995 0.55 John Rudy, Lexington MA 996 0.55 Doris Lowry, Pocasset MA 997 0.55 Alan Horvitz, Townsend MA 998 0.55 Linda McCabe, Weston MA 999 0.55 Tom Doane, Beverly MA 1000 0.55 Ellen Thurmond, Westwood MA 1001 0.55 Maury Goldman, Middleton MA 1002 0.55 Norman Simon, Beverly MA 1003 0.55 Roy Shapiro, Waltham MA 1004 0.55 Herbert Shanzer, Westford MA 1005 0.55 Barbara Goldstein, Providence RI 1006 0.54 Michael Howard, Andover MA 1007 0.54 Leonard Strang, Billerica MA 1008 0.54 Roger Miller, East Hampton MA 1009 0.54 Evalyn Glickman, Northampton MA 1010 0.53 Richard Murray, Marblehead MA 1011 0.53 Becky Ames, Weston MA 1012 0.53 Laurie Endsley, Clinton MA 1013 0.53 Venky Venkataramani, Andover MA 1014 0.53 Virginia Christy, White Riv Jct VT 1015 0.53 Gay Schueler, Chestnut Hill MA 1016 0.53 Don Rivard, Brookline NH 1017 0.53 Robert Gervis, West Newton MA 1018 0.53 Norman Brown, Amherst MA 1019 0.53 Nedland Williams, Marblehead MA 1020 0.53 Alan Peterfreund, Amherst MA 1021 0.53 Jeanne Robillard, Marlborough MA 1022 0.53 Fred Gardner, 1023 0.53 Dale Hardy, Plymouth MA 1024 0.53 David Wray, Needham MA 1025 0.53 Ross Huntington, Hampstead NH 1026 0.53 Chris Pfeiffer, 1027 0.52 Ricki Wahl, N Easton MA 1028 0.52 Trudy Hanes, Andover MA 1029 0.52 Charles Hanes, Andover MA 1030 0.52 Robert Stubbs, Framingham MA 1031 0.52 Alan Aaron, Ashland MA 1032 0.51 Anthony Anisowicz, Newton MA 1033 0.51 Anne Nevins, Yarmouth Port MA 1034 0.51 John Nevins, Yarmouth Port MA 1035 0.51 Jacob Bast, Newton MA 1036 0.51 Mark Yesley, Newton MA 1037 0.49 Shirley Dulcey, Dorchester MA 1038 0.49 Don Davison Jr, North Grafton MA 1039 0.49 Sherry Yang, 1040 0.48 Bob Curtice, 1041 0.48 Margie Wollam, Duxbury MA 1042 0.48 Nancy Brown, Worcester MA 1043 0.48 Robert Kvaal, Lexington MA 1044 0.47 Elaine Gelinas Gray, Jamaica Plain MA 1045 0.47 Renee Grabiner, Lexington MA 1046 0.46 Claude Danner, S Yarmouth MA 1047 0.46 Ruth Werksman, Chestnut Hill MA 1048 0.46 Donna Johnson, Holden MA 1049 0.46 Angela Griffin, Hingham MA 1050 0.46 Marcelle Watkin, Newton MA 1051 0.46 Ruth Hopkinson, Waltham MA 1052 0.46 Ruth Fax, Newton MA 1053 0.46 Barry Gilbert, Lincoln RI 1054 0.46 Cynthia Gibson, Newport RI 1055 0.46 Bonnie Knapp, Westborough MA 1056 0.46 Lois Lovins, Winchester MA 1057 0.46 Michael McDonald, N Dartmouth MA 1058 0.46 Peggy Fellouris, New Bedford MA 1059 0.46 Kathryn Whalen, Chestnut Hill MA 1060 0.46 William Wilcox, Westwood MA 1061 0.46 Edward Lavine, Wellesley MA 1062 0.46 Rebecca MacLean, Hingham MA 1063 0.46 Jerry Twohig, 1064 0.46 Jacqueline Shaevel, Brookline MA 1065 0.46 PATRICIA HESS, South Yarmouth MA 1066 0.46 Jerry Brenner, Woonsocket RI 1067 0.46 Evie Starobin, Chestnut Hill MA 1068 0.46 Rick Tropper, Pascoag RI 1069 0.46 Marjory Brenner, Woonsocket RI 1070 0.46 Mario Strack, Westwood MA 1071 0.45 Mary Abramson, Swampscott MA 1072 0.45 Don McDonough, Middleboro MA 1073 0.43 Thomas Cibotti, West Falmouth MA 1074 0.43 Irene Musick, Acton MA 1075 0.43 Kevin O'Donnell, Lynnfield MA 1076 0.42 Helen Mutch, Melrose MA 1077 0.42 Phyllis Shectman, Sharon MA 1078 0.42 Robert Chambers, Etna NH 1079 0.42 Evelyn Chesky, South Hadley MA 1080 0.42 David Pollock, Hanover NH 1081 0.42 Paul Zappulla, Stoneham MA 1082 0.42 Kate Spencer, Montague MA 1083 0.41 Cheryl Nolan, Centerville MA 1084 0.41 Claire McClennan, Holliston MA 1085 0.41 Joan Forger, Canton MA 1086 0.41 Jeannine Driscoll, Concord MA 1087 0.41 Robert Casey, Worcester MA 1088 0.41 Norman LeClerc, Newington NH 1089 0.41 Judy Lee, York ME 1090 0.41 David Nolan, Centerville MA 1091 0.41 Fran Marshall, Catumet MA 1092 0.41 David Regenstein, N Dartmouth MA 1093 0.41 Anne Rahilly, Tea Ticket MA 1094 0.41 Dot Witham, 1095 0.41 G Dionne, North Hampton NH 1096 0.41 Paul Natale, Redding MA 1097 0.41 Marianne Bechet, Chestnut Hl MA 1098 0.40 Sharra Canan, Holden MA 1099 0.40 Jake Segal, Marblehead MA 1100 0.40 Janice Steek, Raynham MA 1101 0.40 Al Feinstein, Warwickn RI 1102 0.40 Tom Ferguson, New London NH 1103 0.40 Ken Leonard, Lakeville MA 1104 0.40 Howard Canan, Holden MA 1105 0.40 Christina Jennings, Springfield VT 1106 0.40 Jen Schad, Cornish Flat NH 1107 0.40 Joan Noonan, Westwood MA 1108 0.40 Bob Egan, Fitchburg MA 1109 0.40 Jane Egan, Fitchburg MA 1110 0.40 Bim Walsh, West Lebanon NH 1111 0.40 Jan Bent, West Lebanon NH 1112 0.39 Jean Kofol, Boston MA 1113 0.39 Michele Dangelo, Boston MA 1114 0.38 Paul Truesdale, Peabody MA 1115 0.38 Anne Pellegrino, Boston MA 1116 0.38 Diana Garmey, Boston MA 1117 0.37 Terry Kay Bargar, Andover MA 1118 0.37 Charlie Burack, Worcester MA 1119 0.37 Lawrence Rawls, Croydon NH 1120 0.37 Kate Begien, Brookline MA 1121 0.37 Christine Skentzos, N Reading MA 1122 0.37 Sandy Gardner, Chestnut Hill MA 1123 0.37 Gora Banerjee, Winchester MA 1124 0.37 Lois DeBlois, Warwick RI 1125 0.36 Stephen Shectman, Sharon MA 1126 0.36 Debbie Silverstein, Winchester MA 1127 0.36 Jeanne Conroy, Wellesley MA 1128 0.35 Norma Bellemare, Peabody MA 1129 0.33 James Eldredge, Raymond NH 1130 0.33 Sandra Owen, Westwood MA 1131 0.33 Louis Diorio, Raymond NH 1132 0.33 Eileen Mandell, Brookline MA 1133 0.32 Jayson Rhuda, Middleton MA 1134 0.32 James Corscadden, Wellesley Hills MA 1135 0.32 Helen Corscadden, Wellesley Hills MA 1136 0.32 Chickey Henderson, Concord MA 1137 0.32 Barbara Rhuda, Danvers MA 1138 0.31 Pat McCoy, Plymouth MA 1139 0.31 Pauline Brown, Manchester MA 1140 0.31 Dorothy Wallman, Peabody MA 1141 0.30 Deirdre Flannery, Weston MA 1142 0.30 Karen Sirkin, Wayland MA 1143 0.30 Jerri Grannis, South Natick MA 1144 0.30 Jane Forsberg, Westwood MA 1145 0.30 Ashok Rao, Cambridge MA 1146 0.29 Pat Edmonds, Harvard MA 1147 0.29 Barbara Langley, Acton MA 1148 0.27 Jack (John C) Robinson, Milton MA 1149 0.27 June Robinson, Milton MA 1150 0.26 Bertram Star, Newton MA 1151 0.26 Robena O'Malley, Brookline MA 1152 0.26 Robert Bachman, Needham MA 1153 0.26 Helen Marston, Brookline MA 1154 0.26 Mary Morss, Wayland MA 1155 0.25 Chickie Lemay, Framingham MA 1156 0.23 Gretchen Maull, Braintree MA 1157 0.23 Margaret Silsby, Weymouth MA 1158 0.23 Maureen Cullen, Braintree MA 1159 0.18 Bonnie Poff, Plymouth MA 1160 0.18 June Pfeiffer, 1161 0.14 Frank Falvey, Franklin MA 1162 0.14 Greg Gouillart, Concord MA 1163 0.14 Mary Lou Gauvin, Lincoln MA 1164 0.14 Henry Porter, Stoneham MA 1165 0.12 Gino Di Sciullo, North Easton MA Total Masterpoints reported: 2892.86 Players selected: 1165 out of 1883
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EMBA (New England) Happy New Year STaC Masterpoints Won, in Alphabetical Order (through Sunday Afternoon - STaC Completed) 0.52 Alan Aaron, Ashland MA 1.27 Maxine Aaronson, Sudbury MA 1.80 Leonard Aberbach, Wayland MA 0.96 Kathy Aberizk, Grafton MA 0.45 Mary Abramson, Swampscott MA 2.54 Mark Adair, Worcester VT 2.54 Vivienne Adair, Worcester VT 2.21 Fizza Adamjee, Lexington MA 4.28 Jane Adams, Lexington MA 1.97 Marsha Addis, Holden MA 2.76 Chuck Adelman, Warren NJ 1.08 Sunny Adler, Winchester MA 1.59 Ronald Agel, Boston MA 2.20 Saul Agranoff, Newton MA 1.97 John Aiken, 0.61 David Albert, Cambridge MA 0.61 Michael Albert, Cambridge MA 2.84 Mohammad Ali, Worcester MA 1.05 Dot Allen, Warwick RI 1.03 Lisa Allison, Lee NH 1.94 Ellen Alper, Weston MA 1.50 Bob Alpern, 1.50 Melaine Alpern, 15.63 Richard Alpert, Natick MA 2.19 Patricia Amboian, Andover MA 0.53 Becky Ames, Weston MA 0.82 Chris Ammer, Lexington MA 1.25 Kathleen H Anderson, Providence RI 1.76 Tage Andersson, Old Chatham NY 10.98 Vicki Angus, Rutland MA 0.51 Anthony Anisowicz, Newton MA 0.79 Steven Ansell, Hopkinton MA 0.90 Alan Ansello, Plymouth MA 1.11 Martin Appelstein, Peabody MA 9.62 Mark Aquino, Jamaica Plain MA 5.52 Roberta Arbetter, Chestnut Hl MA 1.83 David Aronson, Brookline MA 2.56 Kathleen Aubrey, Stoughton MA 3.26 Alan Austin-Nelson, Hanover NH 3.26 Marilyn Austin-Nelson, Hanover NH 1.58 Gerald Avarbock, Middleboro MA 1.58 Libby Avarbock, Middleboro MA 1.05 Andy Avery, Jamaica VT 2.17 Cate Avery, Dover NH 3.11 ANN BASILICO, Cranston RI 1.49 Elizabeth Bachman, Needham MA 0.26 Robert Bachman, Needham MA 1.97 Paul Bacon, Amherst MA 1.39 Marilyn Baer, Salem MA 0.72 Marilyn Bagdasarian, Winchester MA 3.11 Jane Baier, Newton MA 0.99 Pat Baker, Westmorelane NH 1.25 Evelyn Balasco, Barrington RI 1.77 Margaret Balian, Needham MA 1.40 Tami Bane, Swampscott MA 0.37 Gora Banerjee, Winchester MA 0.85 John Banker, Nashua NH 8.44 Yonathan Bard, Newton MA 0.37 Terry Kay Bargar, Andover MA 2.21 George Barker, North Andover MA 0.90 Bradford Barnes, East Falmouth MA 2.63 Hoda Baron, Providence RI 1.05 Kyle Barrett, Middletown RI 0.80 Barbara Barrette, Plainfield CT 0.76 Curtis Barton, Chelmsford MA 1.71 Reid Barton, Arlington MA 0.51 Jacob Bast, Newton MA 3.56 Mark Batchelder, Hingham MA 0.56 Robert Batts, Acton MA 8.35 Barbara Bauchspies, Portsmouth RI 1.38 Rita Baudo, West Yarmouth MA 4.37 Robert Baum, Natick MA 1.50 Wendy Baurmeister, Manchestr Ctr VT 0.41 Marianne Bechet, Chestnut Hl MA 4.35 Shirley Beebee, Acton MA 0.37 Kate Begien, Brookline MA 11.78 Peg Belden, Plymouth MA 2.67 Stephanie Beling, Lenox MA 3.20 Graeme Bell, Little Compton RI 5.46 Roger Bell, Lincoln MA 0.35 Norma Bellemare, Peabody MA 4.81 Bernie Bendiksen, New Bedford MA 4.74 Kathy Benjamin, Bedford MA 1.15 Dulany Bennett, White Riv Jct VT 0.40 Jan Bent, West Lebanon NH 12.89 Terry Berenson, Swampscott MA 2.06 Alan Berg, Holden MA 2.06 Jean Berg, Holden MA 0.59 Maureen Berggren, Quincy MA 1.59 Kenneth Bernstein, Belmont MA 0.61 Margarita Bernstine, Boston MA 0.72 Martha Bett, Winchester MA 0.72 Titian Bett, Winchester MA 2.26 Judith Biegner, North Kingstown RI 0.80 Ruth Bier, So Dartmouth MA 2.39 Rick Binder, Waltham MA 0.69 Jan Binger, Plainfield NH 7.63 Maureen Bitler, Boston MA 0.87 Joel Black, Beverly MA 0.55 June Blanco, Brookline MA 2.26 Barbara Blauer, Newton MA 1.43 Ken Bloom, Acton MA 0.99 Ann Bloomfield, Mashpee MA 3.10 David Bolognia, North Andover MA 0.99 Bob Bonazoli, S Hamilton MA 0.85 Nicolae Bondoc, Woburn MA 0.57 Irene Bonner, Andover MA 21.43 Ann Borgschulte, Lexington MA 6.00 Arlene Bornstein, Plymouth MA 1.79 Gail Borod, East Greenwich RI 2.84 Cecilla Borras, Waltham MA 3.56 Edward Bower Jr, Parsonsfield ME 2.96 Robert Boyd, Braintree MA 0.80 Bari Boyer, Worcester MA 0.80 Jenifer Bradford, N Dartmouth MA 0.80 Linda Bradley, East Dennis MA 0.76 Catherine Branch, Providence RI 0.56 Robert Bratzler, Concord MA 0.68 Ann Braucher, Billerica MA 18.73 Carolyn Brauer, Marblehead MA 0.93 Rudolf Brautigam, Dorchester Cent MA 0.46 Jerry Brenner, Woonsocket RI 0.46 Marjory Brenner, Woonsocket RI 3.54 Alex Bresler, Osterville MA 2.17 Betty Brewster, Newington NH 5.64 Dennis Brienzo, Lakeville MA 1.56 Ronald Briggs, Lexington MA 1.73 Robert Brodeur, Pittsfield MA 0.56 Brenda Bronson, Manchester MA 0.80 Ann Broomfield, Pawtucket RI 1.03 Constance Brown, Belmont MA 0.61 Ellen Brown, Newton MA 1.86 Moody Brown, Lenox MA 0.48 Nancy Brown, Worcester MA 0.53 Norman Brown, Amherst MA 0.31 Pauline Brown, Manchester MA 3.09 A. Barton Buffington, North Kingstown RI 3.91 Peter Buonfiglio, Cranston RI 0.37 Charlie Burack, Worcester MA 0.70 Doris Burke, Framingham MA 2.87 Richard Burkhart, Burlington MA 2.14 Richard Burns, Needham MA 0.66 Wayne Burt, Pembroke NH 9.10 Debbie Burwick, Boston MA 0.79 Bart Bussink, Cambridge MA 0.96 Susie Butler, Marblehead MA 2.23 Dan Button, New London NH 16.50 Mathew Byrne, Jamestown RI 17.34 Terry Byrne, Jamestown RI 2.56 Edmond Cabana, Blackstone MA 1.94 Franklyn Caine, Weston MA 3.94 Patricia Cairns, Hanover MA 0.85 Sam Calloway, 1.37 Margie Cameron, Grantham NH 0.90 Ken Camilleis, South Yarmouth MA 0.40 Howard Canan, Holden MA 0.40 Sharra Canan, Holden MA 1.40 David Cancian, Lincoln MA 1.31 Claire Caplain, Fall River MA 2.74 Donald Caplin, Waltham MA 1.80 Sondra Caplin, Waltham MA 1.00 Suzanne Capone, Boston MA 19.55 Joseph Cappannelli, Stoneham MA 1.45 Tom Caragliano, Medfield MA 1.35 Alyce Carlson, Westport Harbor MA 2.31 Carole Carlson, Gloucester MA 0.90 David Carlson, Lynnfield MA 1.73 Donald Carow, East Walpole MA 8.68 Bobbie Carpenter, Newport RI 1.51 Ruth Carpinella, Chelmsford MA 1.16 Bill Carr, Barrington RI 1.16 Tina Carr, Barrington RI 6.90 Robert Carvin, North Easton MA 0.41 Robert Casey, Worcester MA 2.23 Doreen Cassidy, Andover MA 3.10 Jeanne Cavallo, Mansfield MA 1.43 Maxine Cechvala, South Hadley MA 5.15 Joan Ceglarski, Middletown RI 3.17 Kathy Centorino, Chestnut Hill MA 1.68 Connie Chabot, North Andover MA 2.44 Chanok Chalifoux, Sandwich MA 6.53 Marilyn Chambers, West Boylston MA 0.42 Robert Chambers, Etna NH 0.69 June Chandler, Peterborough NH 1.15 Rodney Chandler, Reading MA 0.72 Greg Chang, Lexington MA 1.56 Stanley Chasan, Phoenix AZ 4.63 Phyllis Chase, Providence RI 1.43 Sylvia Chavkin, Brookline MA 2.05 Lawrence Cheetham, Bedford NH 1.93 Adi Chehna, Marlborough MA 0.42 Evelyn Chesky, South Hadley MA 1.08 Maurice Chesney, Saunderstown RI 4.13 Andrew Chesterton, Winchester MA 1.07 Rhoda Chickering, E Montpelier VT 0.53 Virginia Christy, White Riv Jct VT 0.43 Thomas Cibotti, West Falmouth MA 11.16 Krystyna Ciesluk, Merrimack NH 2.90 Jane Clancy, Attleboro MA 0.99 R Clarke, Danvers MA 1.37 Kathleen Clay, Wellesley MA 8.69 Peter Clay, Wellesley MA 1.47 Robert Claypool, Acton MA 0.79 Kenneth Coburn, Peabody MA 6.72 Howard Cohen, Wayland MA 0.62 Leo Cohen, Fayston VT 0.80 Martin Cohen, Canton MA 1.05 Paul Cohen, Rutland VT 1.07 Stephen Cohen, Chestnut Hill MA 1.19 Elaine Colombo, Gardner MA 1.33 Albert Comeau, Boston MA 1.33 Susan Comeau, Boston MA 2.23 Gil Congdon, Reading MA 0.99 Margaret Connolly, Hanover NH 0.36 Jeanne Conroy, Wellesley MA 2.00 Saul Cooper, Chestnut Hill MA 0.32 Helen Corscadden, Wellesley Hills MA 0.32 James Corscadden, Wellesley Hills MA 3.63 Sally Coughlin, Brookline MA 1.50 Noralie Cox, Granite Falls NC 3.37 Peter Crane, Burlington MA 1.79 Paula Craven, Peabody MA 1.18 Dave Crossley, East Greenwich RI 4.22 Jim Culhane, Marlborough MA 0.23 Maureen Cullen, Braintree MA 6.75 Neill Currie, 0.48 Bob Curtice, 1.57 James Cusack, Cambridge MA 1.98 Estelle Cushner, Winchester MA 0.39 Michele Dangelo, Boston MA 1.73 Francis Danico, Braintree MA 2.59 Harriet Dann, Needham MA 0.46 Claude Danner, S Yarmouth MA 2.38 Johanna Dansky, Leominster MA 3.64 Richard Davenport, Brewster MA 0.80 Judith Davidson, Orleans MA 1.65 Marvin Davis, Westborough MA 0.49 Don Davison Jr, North Grafton MA 0.99 Elaine Day, Enfield NH 0.72 Joan De Vita, Watertown MA 0.37 Lois DeBlois, Warwick RI 3.94 Joe DeCosta, North Andover MA 1.21 Thomas Deady, Jr, Medford MA 8.32 Donald Deamer, West Boylston MA 2.22 Dorothy DellaCioppa, Warwick RI 4.57 Blanche Dellarciprete, Winchester MA 11.47 John Demakes, Marblehead MA 0.12 Gino Di Sciullo, North Easton MA 3.08 Patricia Di Sciullo, North Easton MA 2.32 David DiCola, Providence RI 3.58 Louis DiOrio, Providence RI 5.93 Steven Diamond, Shrewsbury MA 2.67 Annie Dickey, Lexington MA 0.41 G Dionne, North Hampton NH 0.33 Louis Diorio, Raymond NH 1.42 Megan Diorio, Providence RI 0.55 Tom Doane, Beverly MA 5.30 June Dorion, Rutland VT 2.36 Peter Doubilet, Boston MA 0.73 Nancy Douglas, Plymouth MA 1.32 Bruce Downing, New London NH 0.72 Yan Drabek, Florence MA 1.20 Hazel Dreyer, Waban MA 0.41 Jeannine Driscoll, Concord MA 0.99 Bayle Drubel, Hanover NH 4.20 Charles Drum, Dover MA 3.32 Sandra Drum, Dover MA 1.90 R L Scot Drysdale III, Hanover NH 2.76 Dave DuBois, Westfield NJ 1.80 Dean Dubofsky, Arlington MA 14.68 Dick Dugas, North Falmouth MA 0.49 Shirley Dulcey, Dorchester MA 1.05 Mary Dulemba, Harwich MA 1.46 Charlotte Dumas, East Greenwich RI 0.99 Paula Duncan, Hancock NH 2.06 C C Dyer, Marion MA 2.06 Timothy Dyer, Marion MA 7.41 Patricia Eastman, W Windsor VT 0.99 Alice Eberhardt, Plainfield NH 1.05 Michael Eckenroth, Providence RI 0.29 Pat Edmonds, Harvard MA 0.90 Sally Edmonds, Cambridge MA 5.79 Lynda Edson, South Easton MA 0.40 Bob Egan, Fitchburg MA 0.40 Jane Egan, Fitchburg MA 1.74 Joel Eigerman, Cambridge MA 0.33 James Eldredge, Raymond NH 1.18 Bette Elfman, Swampscott MA 2.00 Deirdre Ellerson, Sharon VT 21.67 Bruce Emond, Holden MA 0.53 Laurie Endsley, Clinton MA 1.78 Lee Engler, Weston MA 0.56 Cynthia Ervin, North Chatham MA 2.56 Charlie Estep, Pittsfield MA 3.39 Tsuneko Eustace, Needham MA 1.70 Will Everett, Providence RI 1.42 Elinor Everts, Wellesley MA 2.27 Art Fallon, Townsend MA 0.14 Frank Falvey, Franklin MA 4.92 Margaret Fanning, Hartland VT 1.54 Jerry Farber, 1.54 Rikki Farber, 0.80 Marlene Farbman, Holden MA 6.50 Robert Farmer, Sterling MA 0.57 Frank Farrell, Methuen MA 0.97 Anne Farrington, Chestnut Hill MA 1.11 Dick Fasci, Middleboro MA 1.21 A Jean Fast, Holliston MA 0.46 Ruth Fax, Newton MA 0.40 Al Feinstein, Warwickn RI 0.99 Harry Felger, Mashpee MA 0.46 Peggy Fellouris, New Bedford MA 0.89 Nancy Fennessey, Lynn MA 2.45 Ann Fenno, Boston MA 0.40 Tom Ferguson, New London NH 0.66 Norbert Fessel, Riverside RI 1.11 Alice Field, New London NH 1.05 Bruce Fischer, Rumford RI 5.06 Abraham Fisher, Concord MA 0.89 Ellen Fisher, Cambridge MA 0.89 Franklin Fisher, Cambridge MA 0.92 Brian Fisk, Boxborough MA 3.95 Joe Fisler, Providence RI 1.50 Dick Fitton, Westport MA 0.69 Helen Flanagan, Stoughton MA 0.30 Deirdre Flannery, Weston MA 1.97 Jill Fleming, Plymouth MA 2.72 Nancy Fleming, Weston MA 8.44 Robert Fogarty, Newton NH 2.08 Jody Foley, West Falmouth MA 2.59 Jini Footer, Needham MA 0.41 Joan Forger, Canton MA 0.30 Jane Forsberg, Westwood MA 2.22 Mary Forte, Foxboro MA 0.56 Steven Fortunato, Pocasset MA 0.94 Don Foster, Wareham MA 0.85 Joseph Foster, Framingham MA 1.58 Carol Fountain, Chelmsford MA 3.74 Gary Fournier, Warwick RI 8.44 Erna Fox, Foxboro MA 0.66 Judith Frager, Wellesley Hills MA 0.97 Roberta Francis, Wellesley MA 2.99 Rene Frayman, Auburn MA 2.99 Susan Frayman, Auburn MA 0.66 Kristen Frederick, West Yarmouth MA 0.99 Jerry Friedman, 1.60 Steven Frymer, Lexington MA 4.31 Robert Fucile, Nashoa NH 0.99 Pitusa Fuenmayor, Chelmsford MA 0.62 Dinsmore Fulton, Fayston VT 65.10 Sheila Gabay, Newton MA 2.57 Linda Gademan, Osterville MA 2.84 Henry Gai Jr, Holliston MA 1.38 Philippe Galaski, Florence MA 13.61 Mark Gallagher, Fairhaven MA 1.30 June Gallo, Swampscott MA 3.69 Carlos Galvan, East Thetford VT 0.78 Kathleen Galvin, Hull MA 24.15 Lewis Gamerman, Randolph MA 2.03 Dolores Garabedian, Dracut MA 11.16 Michael Gardiner, Harrisville RI 1.32 Claire Gardner, Newport NH 1.32 David Gardner, Sudbury MA 0.53 Fred Gardner, 0.93 Nicole Gardner, Sudbury MA 0.37 Sandy Gardner, Chestnut Hill MA 3.80 George Gardos, Sharon MA 0.38 Diana Garmey, Boston MA 0.75 Paul Garstka, Plymouth 1.51 Maurice Gaudette, Nashua NH 0.14 Mary Lou Gauvin, Lincoln MA 0.75 Sylvia Gay, Bourne MA 0.47 Elaine Gelinas Gray, Jamaica Plain MA 1.11 Lynn George, Cumberland RI 1.13 Marsha Gerstein, Somerville MA 2.66 Jeff Gertz, Marblehead MA 0.53 Robert Gervis, West Newton MA 0.46 Cynthia Gibson, Newport RI 1.11 Claudia Gifford, Westport MA 0.46 Barry Gilbert, Lincoln RI 1.50 Frank Gilbert, Granite Falls NC 1.40 Richard Giles, Concord MA 1.25 Jody Gill, Boston MA 0.76 Luke Gillespie, Wayland MA 3.79 Kimberly Gilman, Carlisle MA 11.38 Joe Giovannangeli, Dublin NH 1.02 Susan Gladstone, West Newton MA 20.77 Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA 0.69 Harry Glaser, Providence RI 13.29 Nathan Glasser, Somerville MA 1.11 David Glaubman, 2.16 Joanna Gleason, Chestnut Hill MA 0.54 Evalyn Glickman, Northampton MA 0.56 William Goesch, Worcester MA 2.17 Elaine Goldberg, Grantham NH 0.66 Sheila Goldberg, Waltham MA 3.85 Gloria Golden, Cranston RI 1.42 Muriel Golden, East Falmouth MA 24.89 Nataly Goldin, Chestnut Hill MA 3.58 Vitaly Goldin, Chestnut Hill MA 1.56 John Goldman, Newton Center MA 0.55 Maury Goldman, Middleton MA 0.55 Barbara Goldstein, Providence RI 5.47 Steven Goodman, Upton MA 1.72 Jocelyn Goranson, Fairhaven MA 3.11 Judith Goranson, Weymouth MA 1.72 Peter Goranson, Fairhaven MA 2.67 Annette Gordon, Lenox MA 1.88 Bob Gordon, Wayland MA 0.69 Dot Gordon, Swanzey NH 2.12 Michael Gorfinkle, Salem MA 1.66 Christopher Gorton, Boston MA 1.66 Cynthia Gorton, Boston MA 1.32 Saundra Gotch, Framingham MA 0.14 Greg Gouillart, Concord MA 7.73 Julie Goulet, Warwick RI 3.84 Marguerite Gousie, Woonsocket RI 0.47 Renee Grabiner, Lexington MA 0.66 Judith Grace, Brookline MA 0.89 Chris Gradijan, Wayland MA 0.69 Fred Graf, Concord NH 0.30 Jerri Grannis, South Natick MA 7.98 Bobbi Graveline, 2.28 Janet Greehan, Belmont MA 5.98 Tom Greehan III, Southborough MA 0.62 David Green, Chestnut Hill MA 4.44 Chuck Greenslit, Framingham MA 5.28 Alice Griffin, Swampscott MA 0.46 Angela Griffin, Hingham MA 1.50 Kevin Griffin, North Andover MA 4.14 Steve Grimes, Portsmouth RI 0.85 David Gross, Sudbury MA 5.06 Adam Grossack, Newton MA 3.19 Jori Grossack, Waban MA 21.62 Zachary Grossack, Newton MA 0.55 Suzanne Grossman, Riverside RI 2.70 Louise Grosvenor, Newport RI 3.42 Susan Gunderson, Weston MA 1.18 Madara Gunewardane, Boston MA 1.35 John Gunther, Webster MA 2.68 Terri Gustafson, Gardner MA 0.93 Jonathan Guttmacher, Dorchester Cent MA 0.46 PATRICIA HESS, South Yarmouth MA 0.90 Jean Haffenreffer, Needham MA 1.27 Dan Haggett, Framingham MA 4.59 Jerry Hahn, Fall River MA 1.48 Flora Hall, Eastham MA 1.13 Meg Hall, Gloucester MA 1.69 Stephanie Hamilton-Diesel, Saugus MA 1.11 Rose Hanamoto, North Sutton NH 5.50 Larry Hanerfeld, Leominster MA 4.63 Andrew Hanes, Holliston MA 0.52 Charles Hanes, Andover MA 0.52 Trudy Hanes, Andover MA 0.76 H Patricia Hanna, Lexington MA 7.06 Bill Hannon, Duxbury MA 2.22 Deborah Hannon, Braintree MA 2.04 Cynthia Hanson, Northborough MA 0.89 Vincent Harackiewicz, Wellesley Hls MA 0.53 Dale Hardy, Plymouth MA 1.73 Joseph Harrington, Stoughton MA 3.15 Clinton Harris, Wellesley MA 1.13 Ellen Harris, Manchester MA 3.29 Margaret Harris, Wellesley MA 7.20 Paul Harris, Waltham MA 1.73 Arthur Hartling, Hudson MA 5.15 Sol Hartman, Boston MA 2.23 Alvan Haskins, Wellesley MA 8.72 Rob Hasserjian, Manchester NH 0.92 Jonathan Hauke, Lexington MA 0.93 Jean Healey, Braintree MA 2.26 Richard Healy, Westborough MA 2.19 Nancy Hebard, Westwood MA 2.41 Raymond Hebert, West Boylston MA 1.08 R Heil, Beverly MA 3.10 Michael Helman, N Andover MA 0.59 Catherine Hemerlin, Little Compton RI 0.32 Chickey Henderson, Concord MA 2.75 Lenore Henderson, Mattapoisett MA 0.63 Barbara Hernberg, Wellesley MA 5.34 Barry Herring, Wellesley MA 6.37 Wayne Hersey, Montpelier VT 0.62 David Herzog, Newton MA 2.89 Marcia Hess, Bristol RI 2.91 Mark Heumann, Watertown MA 2.22 Robert Hickey, East Sandwich MA 0.96 William Hicks, Wayland MA 1.50 Robert Hill, Littleton MA 2.13 Timothy Hill, Wellesley MA 1.81 Catherine Hillery, Newport RI 2.54 Robin Hillyard, Carlisle MA 8.03 Betsy Hines, Marshfield Hls MA 8.62 Benson Ho, North Andover MA 1.39 Muriel Hoffman, Weymouth MA 8.45 Robert Hoffman, Salem MA 2.54 Steven Hoffman, Lincoln MA 7.63 Robert Hofmann, Bristol RI 0.93 David Hogan, Marlborough MA 1.15 Sheilah Hollings, Dedham MA 0.46 Ruth Hopkinson, Waltham MA 1.03 Nancy Hornbeck, Durham NH 0.55 Alan Horvitz, Townsend MA 3.55 Selen Hotamisligil, Wellesley MA 2.08 Yumi Hough, Barnstable MA 1.08 Patricia Houston, Wellesley MA 5.95 Marilyn Howard, Burlington MA 0.54 Michael Howard, Andover MA 1.78 Gene Hower, Marblehead MA 2.81 John Hrones Jr, Needham MA 1.66 Rosemary Huang, Lynn MA 0.63 Ginnie Hughes, 1.18 Mary-Ann Hughes, Lowell MA 6.37 Lucy Hulse, Natick MA 0.55 Fraser Hunt, Pittsfield MA 0.53 Ross Huntington, Hampstead NH 2.56 Brenda Hussey, Hingham MA 13.62 Virginia Iannini, Brewster MA 2.22 David Idell, Milton MA 2.16 Brenda Iemma, Warwick RI 0.61 Carolyn Inman, Acton MA 4.64 Daniel Jablonski, Stoneham MA 4.91 Charles Jackson, Northampton MA 8.13 Parul Jain, Wellesley MA 3.38 Sharda Jain M.D., Swampscott MA 1.50 Norma Jakominich, Ludlow VT 0.89 Helen James, Lynnfield MA 2.32 Tina M Jameson, Providence RI 1.64 Wendy Jarrett, Lexington MA 0.99 Delia Jean, Gardner MA 0.56 Frank Jenkins, Sherbon MA 0.40 Christina Jennings, Springfield VT 8.82 Tim Joder, Lanesboro MA 1.30 Carolyn Johansson, Quincy MA 0.85 Ann Johnson, Framingham MA 0.46 Donna Johnson, Holden MA 2.69 Anita Johnston, Buzzards Bay MA 1.44 Marlene Jones, Rye NH 0.94 Whitey Joslin, 2.90 Robert Juneau, Millbury MA 2.84 Otto Kaes, Saugus MA 2.20 Elaine Kallio, Pawtucket RI 0.90 Paul Kanter, Plymouth MA 2.00 Eliot Kaplan, Brookline MA 4.91 James Kaplan, Northampton MA 0.99 Richard Katzeff, East Falmouth MA 2.01 Steven Kaufman, Shrewsbury MA 1.18 Carol Kearns, Leominster MA 0.93 Arthur Keefe, 2.00 Laura Keegan, Needham MA 0.96 Marlene Keliher, Chestnut Hill MA 8.76 Lou Kelleher, Dover MA 6.65 Patricia Kelleher, Milton MA 3.18 Martine Kellett, Danvers MA 2.75 Marsha Kelley, Marion MA 1.57 Mary Kelley, Plymouth MA 1.15 Paul Kelley, Plymouth MA 3.64 R Edward Kelley, Quincy MA 2.40 Cynthia Kelly, Wellesley MA 0.63 Paul Kelly, Roslindale MA 11.02 Kathleen Kenney, Dennisport MA 0.57 Ruth Kenney, Needham MA 1.08 Pat Kent, Charlestown RI 2.30 Sylvia Keyes, Bridgewater MA 6.50 Catarina Kiefe, Sterling MA 2.49 Lorraine Kiely, Lowell MA 1.58 Frank Kiely Jr, Peabody MA 2.58 Inger Lise Kilcoyne, Worcester MA 1.38 Betty Kimnach, Lincoln MA 0.56 Emily King, Chatham MA 1.41 Jim Kirschner, Hamilton MA 0.85 Elisabeth Kleinman, Boston MA 0.46 Bonnie Knapp, Westborough MA 0.56 Monica Knorr, Manchester VT 8.42 Jenny Koenecke, Kingston MA 0.39 Jean Kofol, Boston MA 1.18 Susan Kohen, Newton MA 2.96 William Kondrath, Sharon MA 5.34 Alan Korpi, Wellesley MA 7.73 Dolores Kotler, Cranston RI 2.91 Dana Kramer, Framingham MA 4.02 Neil Kreuzer, Brighton MA 0.79 R Krieg, Burlington MA 2.73 Andrew Krim, Ashland MA 1.41 Joan Kuklinski, Worcester MA 3.91 Karen Kupersmith, Warwick RI 3.53 Agnes Kurtz, Hanover NH 3.53 Thomas Kurtz, Hanover NH 0.48 Robert Kvaal, Lexington MA 3.38 Ed Labenski, Stowe VT 3.38 Maureen Labenski, Stowe VT 1.41 Bernadine Lacy, Hyannis MA 1.99 Diana Lam, Boston MA 0.85 Philip Lam, North Berwick ME 4.84 Diane Lambert, Seekonk MA 0.29 Barbara Langley, Acton MA 1.48 Monica Lapin, Pittsfield MA 0.89 Leona Lashua, Gardner MA 4.85 Janet Latour, Gardner MA 0.68 Priscilla Laubenstein, West Chatham MA 0.46 Edward Lavine, Wellesley MA 0.75 Theresa Lawlor, Pocasset MA 0.89 Patricia Lawrence, Swansea MA 0.75 Andy Lawson, Brookline MA 0.68 Arthur Layton, Mattapoisett MA 0.41 Norman LeClerc, Newington NH 1.25 Harriett Leavitt, Swampscott MA 0.89 Virginia Leavy, West Newton MA 0.41 Judy Lee, York ME 0.25 Chickie Lemay, Framingham MA 0.85 Jules Lemire, Manchester NH 0.40 Ken Leonard, Lakeville MA 1.95 Paul Levesque, Wilton NH 2.19 David Levin, Belmont MA 0.63 Jim Levin, Weston MA 2.58 Marguerite Levin, Belmont MA 0.62 Gerald Levinson, Marblehead MA 1.86 RoseAnne Levinson, Marblehead MA 1.18 Erma Levy, Winthrop MA 0.56 Mike Lewis, West Kingston RI 0.93 Nancy Lewis, Barrington NH 2.67 Gary Lewitzky, Lexington MA 8.72 Roger Li, Boston MA 1.71 Michael Lieberman, Medford MA 1.18 Rena Lieberman, North Easton MA 3.38 Candace Liebman, Hampton NH 1.54 Kim Likakis, Bennington VT 0.60 Linda Limauro, Lynnfield MA 3.44 Priscilla Lindhout, Danvers MA 3.04 Irving Lipschitz, Nashua NH 1.20 Moses Liskov, Lexington MA 1.90 Yanyan Liu, Wilmington MA 1.05 Mary Jo Loeber, East Providence RI 0.95 Wallace Loewer, N Weymouth MA 1.77 Marybeth Lombardi, South Easton MA 1.18 John Lombardo, Cranston RI 1.22 Raymond Lopes, Rutland VT 0.85 Itai Lourie, Jamaica Plain MA 0.85 Richard Lourie, Jamaica Plain MA 0.46 Lois Lovins, Winchester MA 0.55 Doris Lowry, Pocasset MA 3.64 Robert Loycano, Framingham MA 1.54 Roger Loyer, Arlington MA 1.75 Bonnie Luks, Auburn MA 1.09 Ray Luning, W Barnstable MA 3.35 Hanan Lushkov, Canaan NH 4.83 David Luterman, Amesbury MA 1.43 Dennis Lynch, Hanover NH 0.46 Rebecca MacLean, Hingham MA 3.33 Mickey MacMillan, Osterville MA 1.58 Tom Macbeth, Westford MA 3.24 Fredrick Magnus, Framingham MA 1.18 John Mahoney, Worcester MA 8.09 Dick Majcher, Woburn MA 1.60 Diane Malkoski, Sol Dartmouth MA 0.84 Kathleen Mallet, Norwood MA 0.90 Diane Maloney, Satellite Bch FL 2.26 Al Maltz, Arlington MA 0.85 Brad Mampe, Medford MA 0.33 Eileen Mandell, Brookline MA 2.36 Paul Manganello, Kingston MA 1.69 Gloria M Manna, Johnston RI 0.85 Mary Mansur, Hudson NH 1.69 Peter Manzon, Waltham MA 3.45 Melvin Marcus, Waltham MA 0.89 Eli Margolin, Sudbury MA 3.19 Irving Marks, Hackensack NJ 2.17 Paul Marquis, North Hampton NH 0.41 Fran Marshall, Catumet MA 0.26 Helen Marston, Brookline MA 3.60 Jeanne Martin, Worcester MA 1.74 Peter Martinelli, Dalton MA 4.04 Beatrice Martini, N Providence RI 0.75 Adrian Massie, Plymouth MA 0.99 Ellen Math-Shute, Newton MA 2.22 Raymond Mathieu, Norton MA 2.26 Hardin Matthews, Belmont MA 4.46 Peter Matthews, Wellesley MA 2.10 Sally K Matthews, Norwood MA 0.89 Pete Matthews Jr, Roslindale MA 0.93 Charles Mattina, Weymouth MA 0.23 Gretchen Maull, Braintree MA 1.05 C. Mary Mauterstock, Brewster MA 0.85 John Maxwell, Bedford NH 0.73 Carol McA'Nulty, West Roxbury MA 0.73 Donald McA'Nulty, West Roxbury MA 1.18 D McAdams, Lowell MA 0.55 Linda McCabe, Weston MA 0.41 Claire McClennan, Holliston MA 13.61 Douglas McCormac, North Dartmouth MA 0.31 Pat McCoy, Plymouth MA 1.94 Cordy McCuaig, Vero Beach FL 2.10 Anne McCune, Keene NH 17.58 Pat McDevitt, Brookline MA 0.46 Michael McDonald, N Dartmouth MA 0.45 Don McDonough, Middleboro MA 2.66 Karen McKenna, Marblehead MA 3.17 Ann McKenzie, Jaffrey NH 0.79 Jeanne McKenzie, Medford MA 15.72 Barbara McLagan, Sudbury MA 3.85 Charles McLain III, Boston MA 0.67 George McLaughlin, 2.83 Dennis McMahon, Marblehead MA 0.62 Carolyn McNaught, Falmouth MA 1.38 Kenneth McNeill, Randolph MA 3.56 Mark Mckenzie, Shaftsbury VT 0.78 Arleen Mednick, Peabody MA 0.78 Ralph Mednick, Peabody MA 7.68 Naresh Mehta, Shrewsbury MA 1.88 Cookie Melanson, Peabody MA 1.07 Paul Melman, Newton MA 2.89 Nancy Melvin, N Andover MA 1.17 Barbara Mende, Cambridge MA 3.28 Gautam Merchant, Marshfield MA 3.58 Harold Merzon, Stoughton MA 1.88 David Metcalf, Newton MA 2.64 Susan Miguel, Tiverton RI 1.95 Nora Miller, Grantham NH 0.54 Roger Miller, East Hampton MA 2.02 Eva Milofsky, Belmont MA 0.62 Louise Missakian, Watertown MA 0.85 Ramona Mofford, Harvard MA 3.00 Sharon Mohney, Wayland MA 0.85 Neil Montague, Swampscott MA 2.70 Patricia Moore, Lynnfield MA 2.90 Thomas Moore, Lynn MA 5.28 Rhoda Morse, Swampscott MA 0.26 Mary Morss, Wayland MA 0.61 Rachel Morton, Stoughton MA 1.25 Donald Mosel, Weymouth MA 0.80 Karen Moulton, 1.40 Rhoda E Mowry, Providence RI 1.44 Constance Moxley, Dover NH 2.93 Albert Muggia, Winchester MA 0.79 Judie Muggia, Winchester MA 4.51 R Muggia, Andover MA 3.94 Lisa Muir, Lexington MA 38.76 Shome Mukherjee, Randolph MA 0.85 Eleanor Mullane, Winchester MA 2.45 Nancy Mullen, Braintree MA 1.79 Pauline Mullins, Providence RI 4.75 Jayne Mundt, Lincoln MA 2.36 Alicia Munnell, Boston MA 1.54 Mark Murad, North Hampton NH 1.54 Susannah Murad, North Hampton NH 0.69 Peter Murdza, Hanover NH 0.69 Barbara Murphy, Newton MA 1.49 Joe Murray, Seekonk MA 0.53 Richard Murray, Marblehead MA 2.32 Steve Musen, Warwick RI 0.43 Irene Musick, Acton MA 0.42 Helen Mutch, Melrose MA 1.66 Carol Mycoff, Salem MA 1.43 Marlene Myers, Longmeadow MA 0.59 Janet Myrin, Little Compton RI 1.20 Paula Najarian, East Greenwich RI 1.43 Robert Najarian, Cranston RI 5.19 William Nason, Andover MA 0.41 Paul Natale, Redding MA 2.28 Barbara Needle, Needham MA 0.51 Anne Nevins, Yarmouth Port MA 0.51 John Nevins, Yarmouth Port MA 8.16 Elaine Newburg, Marblehead MA 10.13 Ronald Newburg, Marblehead MA 8.63 Allen Nitschelm, Acton MA 0.59 Carolyn Noble, Sandwich MA 0.59 Lynn Noble, Sandwich MA 11.16 Ron Noble, No Providence RI 0.41 Cheryl Nolan, Centerville MA 0.41 David Nolan, Centerville MA 0.40 Joan Noonan, Westwood MA 6.48 Harold Nordstrom, Reading MA 0.56 John Normand, Beveryl MA 4.61 Debby Notman, Chestnut Hill MA 2.10 James Nowill, Florence MA 2.00 Philip Nyman, Weston MA 3.47 Sandra Nyman, Weston MA 0.74 Bob O'Donell, 0.43 Kevin O'Donnell, Lynnfield MA 1.38 Patrick O'Malley, 0.26 Robena O'Malley, Brookline MA 0.94 Jim O'Mara, Onset MA 2.22 Fleurette O'Toole, North Scituate RI 6.34 Ginny O'Toole, Yarmouth Port MA 2.95 Ellen Oasis, Sudbury MA 0.89 Alexander Odulo, North Adams MA 1.75 Denise Olson, New London NH 2.18 Dorothea B Oringer, Jamaica Plain MA 2.13 Susanne Osberg, Sharon MA 1.07 James Osofsky, Florence MA 1.59 John Oswald, Nashua NH 0.33 Sandra Owen, Westwood MA 2.17 George Page, Rye NH 1.11 Philip Page, Llano NM 1.97 Elizabeth Paige, Duxbury MA 3.15 E Prather Palmer, Weston MA 3.29 Patricia Palmer, Weston MA 3.94 Richard Palmer, Charlestown MA 3.78 Dean Panagopoulos, Lynn MA 0.55 Helen Parker, Framingham MA 7.75 Adam Parrish, Sandwich MA 3.44 Carol Parsons, Danvers MA 0.78 Dewitt Parsons, Hull MA 1.44 Suresh Patel, Clinton MA 0.57 Olive Patrick, Cambridge MA 1.18 Allen Pattee, Manchester NH 0.80 Arlene Patterson, Randolph MA 0.73 Kendall Patterson, Sharon MA 3.01 Lorna Patterson, Sharon MA 0.89 Rolf Paul, Needham MA 2.17 Joyce Pearson, Framingham MA 0.72 Steve Peck, Hadley MA 1.71 Marilee Pecorelli, Leominster MA 2.85 Sarah Peeke, Wellesley MA 0.38 Anne Pellegrino, Boston MA 1.31 Barbara Perkins, Milton MA 0.96 Marcia Perkins, Gloucester MA 0.84 Louise Perl, Bristol RI 1.38 Carole Perla, Hudson MA 0.53 Alan Peterfreund, Amherst MA 2.12 Gary Peterson, Marlboro MA 0.84 Christine Pettingell, Everett MA 6.76 Tim Pettus, Northborough MA 0.53 Chris Pfeiffer, 0.18 June Pfeiffer, 0.85 Jane Philippi, Charlestown MA 1.83 Eleanor Phillips, Westport MA 1.83 Richard Phillips, Westport MA 7.22 David Pimental, Dartmouth MA 1.64 Ruth Pirie, Fitchburg MA 0.72 Joyce Pitman, Newfields NH 0.18 Bonnie Poff, Plymouth MA 1.05 Carol Poirier, South Berwick ME 1.51 Charles Polay, Chelmsford MA 4.00 Marina Polestra, Boston MA 0.42 David Pollock, Hanover NH 0.14 Henry Porter, Stoneham MA 0.99 Allen Post, Andover MA 0.72 Laura Poulton, North Dartmouth MA 8.44 Judith Powers, Londonderry NH 2.43 Kimberly Prager, Boston MA 0.99 Suzanne Pratley, East Falmouth MA 2.34 Leverett Preble, Winchester MA 1.50 Florence Pressman, Lynn MA 1.25 Robert Prevoir, Randolph MA 5.46 Lisa Procter, Dover MA 2.18 Jason Proman, Norwood MA 2.92 Lura Provost, Westwood MA 1.05 Victor Quattrini, Westford MA 1.73 Brenda Quinn, N Attleboro MA 3.94 Jim Quinnan, Haverhill MA 0.41 Anne Rahilly, Tea Ticket MA 1.20 John Ramsdell, Burlington MA 0.61 Paul Ranaghan, Hingham MA 0.56 Harriet Randall, Chestnut Hill MA 4.79 Donald Rankin, East Greenwich RI 6.45 Joel Rankin, Weston MA 6.91 Verna Rankin, Weston MA 1.22 Susan Ransom, Rutland VT 0.30 Ashok Rao, Cambridge MA 2.58 James Rasmussen, Cambridge MA 0.37 Lawrence Rawls, Croydon NH 1.03 Merry Ray, Belmont MA 2.40 Sally Raymond, Arlington MA 1.50 Charlie Reed, Swansea MA 6.02 Joyce Regan, E Greenwich RI 0.41 David Regenstein, N Dartmouth MA 0.72 Richard Reid, S Dartmouth MA 2.04 Jan Remien, Brookline MA 0.56 Laura Rhodes, Chatham MA 0.32 Barbara Rhuda, Danvers MA 0.32 Jayson Rhuda, Middleton MA 0.82 Dan Rice, Reisterstown MD 0.82 Dan Rice, Milton MA 1.38 Donna Rice, Chelmsford MA 3.66 Barbara Richards, Middleboro MA 3.66 Bo Richards, Middleboro MA 0.91 Brian Richards, Warwick RI 1.52 Lillian Richards, Warwick RI 0.73 Stanley Richmond, Needham MA 0.75 Elvia Rietti, Marblehead MA 0.85 Mildred Ring, Woburn MA 0.53 Don Rivard, Brookline NH 0.66 Patricia Rivers, S Yarmouth MA 0.80 Ed Rizy, Middletown RI 0.85 Brian Roach, Braintree MA 0.90 Kenneth Roberts, Wllesley Hills MA 0.53 Jeanne Robillard, Marlborough MA 0.27 Jack (John C) Robinson, Milton MA 0.27 June Robinson, Milton MA 3.06 Linda Robinson, Arlington MA 0.72 Pamela Robinson, Kittery ME 6.97 Terry Robinson, Westwood MA 1.58 Muggsie Rocco, Carlisle MA 3.68 David Rock, Westfield MA 1.65 Elise Rockart, Weston MA 6.61 Fred Rogler, Glendale RI 8.02 Ed Roman, Boxborough MA 0.66 Charles Rose, Brookline MA 2.28 David Rosen, Boston MA 2.28 Susan Rosen, Boston MA 1.08 Nancy Rosenbaum, Cranston RI 0.55 Donald Rosenfield, Lexington MA 2.72 Charles Rosenthal, Fitchburg MA 2.00 Harvey Rosenthal, Boston MA 1.18 Lorraine Rosenthal, Clinton MA 1.01 Roz Rosenthal, Wayland MA 1.35 Edward Rothman, Dartmouth MA 1.35 Ilse Rothman, Dartmouth MA 0.55 John Rudy, Lexington MA 3.31 Joseph Russo, Slatersville RI 1.79 Louis Russo, Auburndale MA 0.85 William Ruth, Hingham MA 10.74 Stephen Rzewski, S Dennis MA 3.18 Eva Sacharuk, Wenham MA 2.98 Lucy Sachs, Lincoln MA 1.07 Robert Sagor, Greenfield MA 5.92 Patti Salem, Boston MA 0.69 Judith Salisbury, Marblehead MA 1.35 Catherine Sallar, Fall River MA 1.97 Barbara A Salvadore, East Greenwich RI 3.40 Doris Salvadore, Providence RI 2.76 Carole L Sammartino, Providence RI 3.07 Babette Samsel, Pittsfield MA 2.81 Peter Samsel, Pittsfield MA 1.90 Richard Sansing, Lebanon NH 0.71 Susan Saponaro, Winchester MA 3.66 Jackie Saunders, Fitchburg MA 10.03 Bruce Sauter, Brewster MA 7.38 Richard Saval, Wayland MA 0.98 Robert Sayre, Hudson NH 0.40 Jen Schad, Cornish Flat NH 0.89 Arthur Schatz, Newton Center MA 0.95 Nora Schneider, Quincy MA 0.89 Florine Schoen, Southborough MA 0.53 Gay Schueler, Chestnut Hill MA 0.77 Elin Schultz, Brookline MA 0.90 Madeleine Schuman, Centerville MA 1.31 Carol Schwartz, Tiverton RI 3.30 Eric Schwartz, Arlington MA 0.66 Linda Schwartz, Swampscott MA 2.85 Penny Schwartz, Swampscott MA 0.79 Sandra Scoliard, Providence RI 1.08 Edward Scolnick, Wayland MA 2.11 Tom Seder, Belmont MA 1.97 John Sedgwick, Springfield MA 3.56 Anthony Segal, Richmond MA 0.40 Jake Segal, Marblehead MA 1.02 Marilyn Segal, Marblehead MA 1.58 Maurice Segall, Brookline MA 2.19 Leonard Selsky, Chestnut Hill MA 1.05 Jean Senat Fleury, Chestnut Hill MA 1.42 Shekhar Sengupta, Marlborough MA 5.06 Eva Sepe, Cranston RI 1.03 Wendy Seymour, E Orleans MA 2.70 Nancy Shactman, South Orleans MA 0.46 Jacqueline Shaevel, Brookline MA 1.65 Jean Shaffer, Milton MA 4.88 William Shaffer, Milton MA 4.84 John Shagoury, Plymouth MA 0.55 Herbert Shanzer, Westford MA 0.55 Roy Shapiro, Waltham MA 6.61 Haven Sharaf, Danvers MA 0.66 Fredda Sharfstein, Pawtucket RI 0.94 Jason Sharp, Newton MA 4.59 Barry Shea, Middletown RI 0.42 Phyllis Shectman, Sharon MA 0.36 Stephen Shectman, Sharon MA 0.95 Elaine Sheeran, Plymouth MA 0.62 Jeremy Shen, Bridgewater M 5.72 Althea Shirley, Winchester MA 1.42 Bill Shockley, Westerly RI 1.12 Evelyn Shuster, Wayland MA 0.72 Edward Sicard, Alton NH 0.63 Anne Sichel, Needham MA 9.57 Nishat Siddiqi, Cumberland RI 0.23 Margaret Silsby, Weymouth MA 2.88 Elinor Silverman, Framingham MA 0.87 Richard Silverman, Waban MA 0.36 Debbie Silverstein, Winchester MA 5.25 Joe Silvestro, Waltham MA 0.85 Peter Simeon, 1.25 Richard Simolari, South Easton MA 0.55 Norman Simon, Beverly MA 0.56 Steven Sinding, Manchester VT 0.30 Karen Sirkin, Wayland MA 0.37 Christine Skentzos, N Reading MA 1.50 Robert Smith, Manchestr Ctr VT 1.17 Sandy Smith, Watertown MA 3.68 Sonja Smith, North Granby CT 9.70 Janice Smola, Arlington MA 0.56 H Sneiderman, Kingston NH 2.46 Chris Soares, Swansea MA 1.41 Anthony Soltis, Topsfield MA 1.88 Gary Sorkin, Wellfleet MA 3.40 Bill Spencer, Newport RI 0.42 Kate Spencer, Montague MA 0.80 Patricia Spencer, Fairlee VT 1.05 Gay Squire, Dorset VT 0.56 Roger Squire, Dorset VT 0.89 Gloria St. Hilaire, Gardner MA 4.60 Jesse Stalker, Plainfield NH 2.89 Chrysanthe Stamoulis, Barrington RI 5.11 Annmarie Stanton, Milton MA 0.26 Bertram Star, Newton MA 0.46 Evie Starobin, Chestnut Hill MA 0.66 Jerry Starr, Worcester MA 3.19 Lucinda Stebbins, Wellesley Hills MA 0.40 Janice Steek, Raynham MA 0.62 Betsy Stegeman, Falmouth MA 1.39 Susan Steinberg, Salem MA 1.88 Claire Stetkiewicz, Berkley MA 2.95 Lou Ann Stoddard, Wellesley MA 2.96 Edward Stone, Cranston RI 1.20 Eleanor Stone, Westwood MA 0.59 Sara Stone, Chestnut Hill MA 0.46 Mario Strack, Westwood MA 0.54 Leonard Strang, Billerica MA 9.08 Charles Struzzieri, Sarasota FL 0.52 Robert Stubbs, Framingham MA 7.77 Margie Sullivan, Sagamore Beach MA 1.18 Tim Sullivan, Avon CT 3.15 Mark Sundelin, Hyannis MA 4.57 Lena Sundgren, Watertown MA 1.77 Don Swart, Ithaca NY 4.54 Constance Sweeney, New Bedford MA 2.42 Jeffrey Sweeney, Braintree MA 9.78 Sarah Sykes, Brewster MA 0.80 Athena Taloumis, West Harwich MA 13.63 Barbara Tarlin, Wellesley MA 2.19 Solomon Tarlin, Sharon MA 2.47 Alix Taylor, Lincoln MA 1.58 Carol Taylor, Plymouth MA 2.24 Bruce Tedford, Northborough MA 1.38 Joyce Tesler, West Warwick RI 5.64 Jim Thomas, Middleboro MA 11.16 Marshall Thomas, Nashua NH 3.96 Susan Thomas, Brewster MA 1.05 Sylvia Thompson, Warwick RI 0.80 Kathy Thornton, N Scituate RI 1.30 Eric Throop, Framingham MA 1.95 Suzanna Thurber, Goffstown NH 1.02 Lee Anne Thurman, Marblehead MA 0.55 Ellen Thurmond, Westwood MA 2.37 Suzanne Tibbetts, Dover MA 0.85 Thelma Tibbitts, Burlington MA 0.75 Anna Maria Tiberi, Marblehead MA 2.02 Rex Tien, Warwick RI 0.72 Nick Tinios, Hampton NH 4.83 Leonid Tkach, Swampscott MA 2.54 Allan Toledano, Chestnut Hill MA 2.06 William Tosches, Hull MA 2.74 Dick Tracy, Sharon VT 2.59 Robert Traylor, Needham MA 1.99 Vanessa Treash, Yarmouth Port MA 0.69 Stuart Treworgy, Cumberland RI 0.46 Rick Tropper, Pascoag RI 0.38 Paul Truesdale, Peabody MA 1.11 Marjorie Tucci, Cumberland RI 0.90 John Tucker, Weston MA 2.09 James Tullis, Yarmouth Port MA 0.89 Alice Turner, Adamsville RI 0.68 Nancy Tuttle, Reading MA 0.46 Jerry Twohig, 1.98 Ruth Twombly, East Orleans MA 1.11 Tink Tysor, Grantham NH 3.30 Lynne Umstead, Manchester MA 1.74 Sharon Uusitalo, Fitchburg MA 2.62 Jon Valbert, East Sandwich MA 1.74 Joseph Valenti, W Stockbridge MA 3.54 Peter Valiante, Grantham NH 4.24 Carl Vancelette, Barrington NH 4.24 Claudia Vancelette, Barrington NH 0.90 Herman Vandevaart, Plymouth MA 3.51 Walter Vargas, E Greenwich RI 1.38 Dmitry Vedensky, 0.79 Paul Vena, Burlington MA 0.53 Venky Venkataramani, Andover MA 1.21 Anne Vernon, Westwood MA 2.56 James Vierra, Weymouth MA 1.55 Irene Vignoe, Rutland VT 2.21 Robert Virgile, Lexington MA 1.55 Elizabeth VonRiesenfelder, Manchester VT 1.11 Paul Wacks, Peabody MA 2.07 Markus Wagner, Lenox MA 0.56 Shirley Wagner, Fitchburg MA 0.52 Ricki Wahl, N Easton MA 6.00 Anne Walfield, Danvers MA 0.56 Anne Walker, Manchester MA 1.19 Timothy Walker, Boxford MA 0.31 Dorothy Wallman, Peabody MA 0.40 Bim Walsh, West Lebanon NH 0.69 Diane Walsh, Dedham MA 3.19 Marie Walsh, Cumberland RI 1.62 Ethan Ward, Poultney VT 2.67 Judith Ward, Poultney VT 1.38 Susan Ware, Cataumet MA 1.38 William Ware, Cataumet MA 0.46 Marcelle Watkin, Newton MA 2.62 Joe Watts, Grantham NH 1.38 Roger Webb, Amherst MA 1.80 Trish Webb, Arlington MA 0.82 Gordon Webster, Framingham MA 0.96 Florence Weener, Needham MA 2.26 Janis Weilheimer, Newton MA 0.82 Paul Weinbaum, Norwood MA 0.66 Eugene G Weinberg, Providence RI 2.68 Edward Weisberger, Wayland MA 1.21 Carolyn Weiser, Woburn MA 4.11 Richard Weiss, Swampscott MA 11.63 Paul Wendt, Watertown MA 0.46 Ruth Werksman, Chestnut Hill MA 0.66 Marian Westgate, 0.74 Ruth Westheimer, 1.69 Ruth Weston, Marshfield MA 0.46 Kathryn Whalen, Chestnut Hill MA 2.36 John Whistler, Hopkinton MA 7.22 Marcia White, Lakeville MA 1.24 Neil White, Warwick RI 1.53 Clarence Whitney, Plymouth MA 1.53 Paula Whitney, 1.77 Stuart Whittle, Waltham MA 4.59 Sarah Widhu, Nashua NH 1.99 Barbara Wilcox, East Dennis MA 0.46 William Wilcox, Westwood MA 2.15 Betty Wilder, Reading MA 0.85 Marcia Wilk, Framingham MA 5.08 Marcia Wilkins, Hanover NH 2.43 Judith Williams, Eastham MA 3.84 Marshall Williams, Woonsocket RI 3.22 Michael Williams, Lynn MA 0.53 Nedland Williams, Marblehead MA 0.85 Steve Willner, Needham MA 0.85 Vivian Wine, Cranston RI 7.63 Kenneth Wirkala, Hingham MA 0.41 Dot Witham, 1.05 Ivan Witham, York ME 5.55 Paul Wolf II, Shrewsbury MA 0.48 Margie Wollam, Duxbury MA 4.41 Marilyn Wolman, Chestnut Hill MA 2.19 Elizabeth Wood, Arlington MA 5.40 June Wood, Cumberland RI 0.69 Stephen Wood, Mablehead MA 4.29 John Woodman, Canton MA 2.17 Beverly Worrall, Cranston RI 0.53 David Wray, Needham MA 0.80 Clinton Wright, Slatersville RI 2.05 Byron Wyche, Norwood MA 0.90 Ruth Wyman, Chestnut Hill MA 3.37 Patty Wyner, Northborough MA 0.49 Sherry Yang, 1.80 Bohkee Yap, Lexington MA 0.56 Cynthia Yeaw, Chatham MA 0.51 Mark Yesley, Newton MA 0.69 Elizabeth Young, Tyngsborough MA 0.69 Lawrence Young, Hanover NH 3.10 Paula Young, Brockton MA 1.59 Tina Yu, Slatersville RI 5.41 Lila Zale, Chatham MA 1.29 Sylvia Zalkind, Providence RI 1.27 Marilyn Zanger, Watertown MA 0.42 Paul Zappulla, Stoneham MA 5.04 Roger Zessis, Westwood MA 2.65 Wendy Zimman-Smith, Stoneham MA 7.48 Simon Zimmerman, Hopkinton MA 1.79 Peter Zucker, Watertown MA Total Masterpoints reported: 2892.86 Players selected: 1165 out of 1883
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