The meeting was called to order by President Jim Kirkham on Monday July 16, 2001 at 8:00 am. Present: George Retek #1, Jonathan Steinberg #2, Joan Levy Gerard #3, Don Swan #4 Alternate, Sharon Fairchild #5, Nadine K. Wood #6, Bruce Reeve #7, Glenn Smith #8, Phil Altus #9, Charles D. Wilkinson #10, Jim Reiman #11, Wayne Hascall #12, Harriette Buckman #13, Sue Himel #14, Virgil V. Anderson #15, Dan E. Morse #16, Jerry Fleming #17, Richard G. Anderson #18, Barbara Nist #19, Robert E. Lix #20, Roger Smith #21, James H. Kirkham #22, Alan LeBendig #23, Alvin Levy #24, Richard DeMartino #25. Also Present: Don Mamula, Chairman Board of Governors; Peter Rank, League Counsel; David O. Silber, Chief Executive Officer; Jack Zdancewicz, Chief Financial Officer; Michael Calhoun, Chief Marketing Officer; Gary Blaiss, Chief Tournament Director; and ACBL Headquarters Staff Nancy Foy, Jim Miller, Julie Greenberg, Carol Robertson, Jean Patterson, and Rena Hetzer. The Kansas City Minutes are approved. Carried. The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting are ratified. Carried. (Minutes of meeting follow) SUBJECT: Minutes of the Exeuctive Committee Meeting convened via conference call, Wednesday, June 13, 2001 @ 11:00am CT PRESENT: President Jim Kirkham, Glenn Smith, Nadine Wood, Dan Morse and Roger Smith ALSO PRESENT: Harriette Buckman, Don Mamula, Nancy Foy and David Silber OBJECTIVE: The Hyatt Regency Chicago, Illinois has offered incentives to sign a contract by June 15, 2001 to host the 2006 Summer NABC. On the Board's behalf, does the Committee accept Management's recommendation of Chicago, IL as the site of the Summer 2006 NABC? By a vote of 5-0, the Committee unanimously accepted the recommendation of Chicago, IL as the site of the Summer 2006 NABC. Meeting adjourned at 11:23 am CDT. George Retek is elected unanimously to the office of ACBL President for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2002 and ending December 31, 2002. Carried without dissent.
2. Tournament Sanctions to Online Services: Referred to Tournament Regulations as Item 012-155.
Request for reconsideration of above item. Carried. The report of ACBL CEO David Silber is received. (Exhibit 1) The report of ACBL Treasurer Bob Lix is received. (Exhibit 2) Peter Rank, League Counsel, reported on the status of litigation. (Exhibit 3) The report of Linda Bryant was received in executive session of the ACBL Board. The meeting was called to order by President Jim Kirkham on Wednesday July 18 at 8:30 am. PRESENT: Same as Monday July 16 ALSO PRESENT: Same as Monday July 16 Reeve, Chairman Morse, Vice Chairman Buckman Fairchild Levy Smith, R. Steinberg Committee Report by Chairman 1. In the matter of Dan Requard's (ACBL number prior to resignation L712249) request for readmission: the request is denied; future request for readmission may be heard at or after the summer 2002 meeting of the ACBL Board of Directors. 2. In the matter of Howard Piltch's (ACBL number N966671) appeal of the decision of District 25 Disciplinary and Appellate Committee's decisions, the committee affirms the factual findings of the committees, but finds that the previous discipline is excessive under ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations (CDP) guidelines. Therefore, the discipline shall be reduced to a public reprimand and 30 days probation. Mr. Piltch is deemed to have already served 30 days probation in this matter. 3. In the matter of Unit 192 appeal of the finding of the District 1 Disciplinary Committee with respect to a claim on behalf of Jonathan Ferguson and Jeff Smith, the committee affirms the District 1 Disciplinary Committee decision. The GNT subsidy payments/repayments required by the District 1 Disciplinary Committee, including Ian Nicholson, must be paid by September 1, 2001. In the matter of the trophies and prizes withheld from Ferguson and Smith, above, each party shall produce, at the time of submission of the GNT payments/repayments , a list of prizes and trophies which they believe to have been withheld. If the two lists are different, the District 1 ACBL Board of Directors member (or his designee -- such designee may be a committee) will mediate the matter and make a final and binding decision as to what prizes and trophies are due Ferguson and Smith, above, from Unit 192. The final decision and issuance of the prizes and trophies must be completed by September 15, 2001. Received by the Board. In the matter of equitable division of Unit 128, funds stemming from the division of Unit 128 to form Unit 102, the committee finds as follows:
ACBL. The check must be received at ACBL Headquarters in Memphis no later than August 10, 2001. ACBL management is instructed to send an ACBL check in the amount of $12,250 to the Unit 102 Treasurer within 5 business days of receipt of the check from Unit 128. Received by the Board. Nay: 3, 15 Abstain: 4, 9 Item 012-04: District 9 Election Protest In the matter of the investigation of the protest of Bernice DeYoung in filing her declaration of candidacy for District 9 ACBL Board of Directors' Representative, this committee finds that her written declaration of candidacy was not received prior to June 1, 2001 as required by regulation and finds that Ms. DeYoung did not meet the standards of a timely finding for candidacy. The findings of the Appeals and Charges Committee is upheld by the ACBL Board. Carried. Abstain: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13,15, 18, 23, 25 Lix, Chairman Retek, Vice Chairman DeMartino Fleming Gerard Nist Reiman Wilkinson Committee Report by Chairman 012-15: 2002 Budget Preliminary Assumptions Management's preliminary budget assumptions for 2002 are approved.
While management plans to present a break-even budget for 2002, the guidelines established by the Finance Committee would allow the following 2002 results: If 2001 results are = Break-even, then maximum 2002 Loss = $192,000. If 2001 results are = $200,000 Profit, maximum 2002 Loss = $392,000. Proposed Guideline Items Marketing 13.5% of Expenses Governance limit 3.3% of Expenses * Total Tournament (fully-allocated) Loss 8.4% of Expenses Product Sales (fully-allocated) profitability Break-even - Profitable
* - Includes WBF dues of $75,000. Carried. Nay: 6, 9, 12, 16, 17 Abstain: 8, 15 B, Inflation CPI Jan 1999 to Jan 2000 2.7% CPI Jan 2000 to Jan 2001 3.7% CPI Jan 2001 to May 2001 (4 mos) 1.5%, (4.6 % annualized) Projected 2002 General Inflation 3.7% Projected 2002 Salary Inflation 3.5% + $35,000 Carried without dissent.
Regional Sanction Fees $ 4.45 to $ 4.60, effective 4/1/02, (last increase 4/1/01) Sectional Sanction Fees $ 3.11 to $ 3.22, effective 4/1/02 (last increase 4/1/01) StaC Sanction Fees $ 2.38 to $ 2.46, effective 4/1/02 (last increase 4/1/01) NABC Entry Fees $1 per session per player (last increase 3/1/00) 11 to 12,12 to 13 & 13 to 14, effective 1/1/02 including I/N Membership Dues to remain same at $32.00, (last 1/1/01) TD Session Fees 6.5% (3.5% salary + 3.0% catch-up), effective 1/1/02 (last increase 1/1/01 of 6.5%) Carried. Nay: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 24
Spring Houston, TX 9,500 Tables Summer Washington, DC 15,000 Fall Phoenix, AZ 12,000 Total - All Locations 36,500 Tables Carried without dissent.
Legal expenses are expected to return to a more normal $60,000 range from the projected $100,000+ expense expected during 2001.
On-line Bridge expected to operate at break-even on a fully allocated cost basis. WBF dues will be paid when due based on $0.50 per member or approximately $75,000, which is a $60,000 increase over current dues ($15,000).
Capital expenditure budget 2002 is projected to remain at the $225,000 ($100,000 system automation, $100,000 operating expenses and $25,000 building renovation) level used in 2001 plus any development costs for ACBLscore. Development costs for the conversion of the ACBLscore program from DOS to Windows is anticipated to be part of the 2002 Capital Budget at an estimated cost of $75,000. Management will develop a marketing plan for ACBLscore update. Carried. Nay: 17 A. The ACBL authorizes the inclusion of a $1.95 USBF donation line (clearly labeled optional) on member renewal bills for ACBL members in the US. B. The ACBL authorizes a loan to the USBF of up to an amount of $50,000 to be disbursed no later than December 31, 2002. Any expense already paid by the ACBL for the benefit of the USBF will be considered as part of this loan. This loan shall be interest free and is repayable no later than December 31, 2005. Effective dates: A. As soon as can be incorporated on the next renewal billing forms
Effective cost: The lack of interest on the loan could be viewed as an opportunity cost. Since the original plan clearly envisaged some level of outright subsidy for the USBF, this could also be viewed as a cost saving for the ACBL. Carried. Nay: 12 Abstain: 1, 2, 7, 18 Regional entry fees at the Toronto NABC will be $18.00 Canadian. Not Carried: Aye: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23 Abstain: 1 Per Diem for ACBL Board of Directors will follow the same guidelines as those for ACBL employees including tournament directors. Effective Date: 7/1/2001 Carried. Nay: 4, 6, 8, 9, 18, 21, 23 Abstain: 25 Anderson R., Chairman Altus, Vice Chairman Anderson, V. Hascall Himel LeBendig Swan Wood Committee Report by Chairman 012-40: International Fund All NABC+ event entry fees will be the same and will include a $1.50 surcharge per player per session for the International Fund. Effective date: 01/01/02 Carried. Nay: 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 22 The ACBL Board of Directors will review the housing contract with Mega Housing with a recommendation from the Board of Governors that the contract should not be renewed. NOTE: The Board requests that the Meeting Planner provide a report to the Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Board of Governors on NABC housing options by the end of September 2001. Deferred to Fall 2001 Las Vegas NABC. Carried without dissent.
As soon as an error in crediting masterpoints (too many or too few) has been discovered and/or brought to management's attention ( the error must have occurred within 36 months of notification), corrections shall be made as soon as possible. A letter to the player(s) involved shall accompany the change if the adjustment is greater than ten masterpoints. Deferred to Fall 2001 Las Vegas NABC. Carried. Nay: 1, 2, 3, 7, 17, 22, 24, 25 Chapter 8, Appendix 6 (titled NABC Site Selection Guidelines), Section 2, Article C will be as follows:
Not Carried. Aye: 2, 5, 6, 7, 17, 21, 23, 25 Abstain: 10 Commencing August 1, 2001, any ACBL member who files a civil action for damages (the "action") against the ACBL shall be automatically suspended from the ACBL upon the occurrence of any of the following (this does not apply to civil actions brought by ACBL employees for anything concerning their ACBL employment): (a) a judgment in the action which is favorable to the ACBL; (b) a dismissal of the action by the court with or without prejudice; (c) failure by the ACBL member to prosecute the action for any consecutive six month period after filing of the action; or
(d) a settlement of the action which does not specifically waive the provisions of this paragraph. Such suspension shall be lifted only upon the occurrence of one of the following: (a) payment by the ACBL member of costs incurred in the action by the ACBL, its officers, agents, representatives and insurers; or (b) resolution by the ACBL Board of Directors absolving the ACBL member of payment of such costs. "Costs incurred in the action" shall mean all lawyers fees and expenses, witness fees and expenses, court costs and other costs related to the defense of the action. The ACBL Board of Directors or its designee, the Appeals and Charges Committee, shall make all determinations and decisions relating to the case by case implementation of this paragraph. Effective Date: 8/1/2001 Carried. Nay: 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 24 Abstain: 16, 25 The following is to clarify some Election procedures: Declaration of Candidacy Present regulation reads: "The declaration must be received by the Director of Elections (D.E.) Prior to June 1st of the year in which such Director or Representative will be elected". For this purpose "received" will be defined as: received at ACBL Headquarters no later than 5 p.m. CDT on May 31st. Should May 31 be a Saturday or Sunday, then it will be the first business day following May 31. Receipt can be by mail, fax, delivery, e-mail (postmarked prior to June 1st, but received after May 31 will not be considered as received on time). In the physical absence of the D.E., the CEO of the ACBL (or his nominee) will act as D.E. on the last day designated to receive declarations. Candidates should request written confirmation from the Director of Elections that their declaration had been received by the ACBL. In the absence of such confirmation the onus of proof of timely filing rests with the candidate. Carried. Nay: 8 012-46: Removal of Masterpoints and Titles Items 872-2, 001-49 and 003-47 are rescinded and replaced by the following:
Carried. Nay: 5, 10, 15 The ACBL Board of Directors ratifies and accepts the attached agreement between the American Bridge Association and the ACBL. (Exhibit 4) Effective Date: Upon ratification by the ABA Carried without dissent All surcharges on NABC+ events to benefit the International Fund are eliminated. Not Carried. Aye: 7, 12, 22 Abstain: 9 Item 011-48: ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations part C is rescinded. The ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations is amended as follows: A. . . . . . B. . . . . . C. 3.3.3 and 6.5(b) Be represented by counsel, who need
8.3 12. 3 Each party to the proceeding may be represented by counsel, who
need not
6. Carried. Nay: 2, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23 Abstain: 16 The report on geographical reorganization is received. Carried without dissent. LeBendig, Chairman Hascall Levy DeMartino Wood Committee Report by Chairman The 2001 and 2001/2002 conditions of contest are reaffirmed/approved for 2002 and 2002/2003 with the amendment to the GNT Conditions of such that a District may elect not to name a district champion in Flight A (0-5000). This amendment to be effective for the 2001/2002 GNT COCs. Management may and should make non-substantive changes such as date and masterpoint cycle changes as appropriate. Carried. Nay: 5, 7, 10, 11, 17, 19 Morse, Chairman Anderson, R. Anderson, V. Levy Retek Wood Committee Report by Chairman A. Subject to the following, ACBL approves BBF's request to compete internationally as a member of WBF's Zone 5: 1. Approval by the WBF; 2. Approval by Zone 5;
Effective 1/1/2002 Carried without dissent. A. The authority for selecting and subsidizing athletes who represent the United States in international bridge competition rests with the USBF. B. The following Board resolutions are rescinded: 951-66, 961-85 and 963-125. Other Board resolutions may also need to be rescinded or amended. C. The Committees previously established by the ACBL Board to handle the ITT and the WITT will cease to be official ACBL bodies and no longer report to the ACBL Board. D. 1. All US international fund monies collected by ACBL for the specific purpose of subsidizing US athletes in international bridge competition will be held by the ACBL and disbursed by ACBL directly to the athletes as directed and requested by the USBF.
Effective date: December 31, 2001 as it relates to any matters from or related to International Competition in 2001. Immediately as it relates to International Competition in 2002 and beyond. Carried. Nay: 10 Abstain: 1, 2, 18
Item 012-117: 2001 USA Bermuda Bowl & Venice Cup Teams The following teams are approved to represent the United States in the 2001 Bermuda Bowl and Venice Cup: Bermuda Bowl USA I - NICKELL Nick Nickell, Dick Freeman, Bob Hamman, Paul Soloway, Jeff Meckstroth, Eric Rodwell, Sidney Lazard-NPC USA II - MELTZER Rose Meltzer, Kyle Larsen, Alan Sontag, Peter Weichsel, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby, Jan Martel NPC Venice Cup USA I - BAKER Lynn Baker, Irina Levitina, Karen McCallum, Kerri Sanborn, Jill Meyers, Randi Montin, John Mohan-NPC USA II - HAMMAN Petra Hamman, Joan Jackson, Robin Klar, Kay Schulle, Mildred Breed, Shawn Quinn, Nell Cahn-NPC Carried without dissent. Due to the establishment of the US Bridge Federation and the existence of the Bermuda, Canada & Mexico Bridge Federations, there is a need to redefine the zonal qualification rules for the Bermuda Bowl and Venice Cup. Specifically , it is recommended to propose to the WBF they amend paragraph 5 of WBF regulations as follows:
Additionally, to amend paragraph 9 as follows:
In the case of Zone 2, 3 above notwithstanding, the following rules shall apply:
Effective Date: 2003 Bermuda Bowl and Venice Cup Carried without dissent. B. ACBL, acting as the Zonal Federation, will adopt the following regulations for Zone II: 1. There will be a Zonal Qualifying Tournament (ZQT) where each NCBO will be represented by one team. 2. Whenever Zone II is entitled to send one team: The winner of the ZQT will represent Zone II. 3. Whenever Zone II is entitled to send two teams: The winner of the ZQT plus one additional US Team (as long as requirements of WBF regulations paragraph 5 are met as amended) will represent Zone II. 4. Whenever Zone II is entitled to send three teams: The first two top finishers of the ZQT plus one additional US Team (as long as requirement of WBF regulations paragraph 5 are met as amended) will represent Zone II. Deferred to Fall 2001 Las Vegas Carried without dissent. Anderson, V., Chairman Hascall Levy Morse Retek Committee Report by Chairman The Club Appreciation game will be scheduled in any month at the discretion of the District so long as it does not conflict with their schedule for the GNT. Not Carried. Aye: 8, 14 Item 012-132: WBF Simultaneous Pairs 1. The WWP Simultaneous Pairs may be held at clubs, Sectionals or Regionals. 2. In all cases, half /red, half /black points will be awarded or whatever is approved by the ACBL Board of Directors. 3. When this event is held as part of a 2 session event, the sponsoring organization pays the sanction fee for the WWP for those players entered in both the tournament event and the WWP. One sanction fee only is paid. The event is scored twice - once as the WWP and once as the tournament event. Participants entered in both are eligible only for the higher masterpoint award. Note: Points remain half /red, half black for the WWP either red/gold or silver as is appropriate for the tournament event. 4. When the WWP is held at a sectional or regional, it should have its own separate section except that the organization may offer this event, in addition, to those playing in a two session event one session of which is concurrent with the WWP. (see 3 above)
Effective date: 2002 Worldwide Pairs Carried without dissent. Each ACBL-sanctioned Unit will be allowed during Junior Month in February to hold one Sectional-rated game to benefit the Junior Fund, and a Unit will be allowed to hold one Sectional-rated Charity/International Fund game during each ACBL Charity/International Fund week, provided either that the Unit is sanctioned to hold a game on the date and session requested, or that there are no clubs within a 25 mile radius of the Unit game site that regularly hold a game on the date and session requested. Effective Date: 1/1/2002 Carried without dissent. Wood, Chairman Anderson, R. DeMartino LeBendig Reeve Committee Report by Chairman Management's Intermediate/Newcomer Status Report is received. Carried without dissent. Regional Knockouts of three sessions in length may be scheduled. The overall masterpoints will be reduced by a factor of 30%. Effective Date: 1/1/2002 Carried. Nay: 2, 3, 11, 15, 25 Abstain: 9 A. Team entry fees shall be calculated based upon the total number of team members in any event in which an eligible member of a multi-person team receives the entire overall award independent of the percentage of matches or boards played. Note: Presently, this motion will affect the entry fee charged for all team events in excess of two sessions in length at an NABC -- for example, all NABC+ team events. Example: If the entry fee per player is $10/session, the fee for a four person knockout team is $40/session, for a six person knockout team the entry fee is $60/session. B. Effective November 1, 2001 (with Fall 2001, NABC) Not Carried. Aye: 1, 4, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 Trophies and titles for individual races at NABCs shall be awarded to only ACBL members in good standing. Additionally, certificates for event winners shall be awarded only to ACBL members in good standing. Effective Immediately. Carried without dissent. The Board of Directors will change the starting times in Las Vegas for the first Sunday to 3:00 p. m. for the afternoon session and an appropriate evening session start time. Not Carried. Comment: Because this motion could not wait until Toronto for resolution - printed information with starting times for Las Vegas is needed in Toronto - the Executive Committee addressed this subject and voted unanimously not to change the starting times. The following changes to the ACBL General Convention Chart are approved: OPENING BIDS 1...... ......
COMPETITIVE 1....... .....
b) SIMPLE OVERCALLS INTO A SUIT to indicate a minimum of 10 HCP, at least 5-4 distribution in two known suits and responses thereto. Effective Date: 1/1/2002 Carried without dissent. A. A Life Master's Women's and a Life Masters Men's Pairs are added to the Summer NABC Schedule B. These events will be run on the first weekend and will start on Saturday. Each event is 4 sessions - 2 qualifying and 2 final sessions. C. The events will be run on an experimental basis for 2 years.
Not Carried. Aye: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 15,19, 23, 24
Effective Date: 1/1/2002 Deferred to Fall 2001 Las Vegas NABC. Carried. Nay: 3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, 25 Management has the authority to test and develop a sanction category and implement a process whereby an online bridge playing service may apply for and be issued a tournament sanction. The following restrictions apply: 1. The points will have no greater rating than 65% of sectional. 2. The points are unpigmented. 3. The tournaments may only be scheduled on non-holiday weekdays (Monday through Thursday). 4. An online service may be awarded a tournament sanction no more often than once a month. Not Carried. Aye: 4, 8, 12, 18, 19 Abstain: 3 The meeting was called to order by President Jim Kirkham on Thursday July 19 at 8:30 am. PRESENT: Same as Wednesday July 18 ALSO PRESENT: Same as Wednesday July 18 Buckman, Chairman Steinberg, Vice-Chairman Altus Fairchild Fleming Himel Lix Nist Swan Smith, R. Wilkinson Committee Report by Chairman Management's Marketing and Publicity Report is received. Carried without dissent. Management's Easybridge! report is received. Carried without dissent. Management will go online with the Bridge Bulletin and give membership the option of having it online or a hard copy mailed. Not Carried. Aye: 24 Abstain: 15 Absent: 10, 11 Management's group club game sanction report is received. Carried without dissent. Management's ACBL Online status report is received. Carried without dissent. Smith, R., Chairman Altus Fairchild Himel Lix Committee Report by Chairman Management's Education Status Report is received. Carried without dissent. The Board of Directors will actively pursue the development of a nationwide, educationally-sound after-school bridge program. Funding will be sought from outside sources. The components of this program would include the hiring of a professional educator to examine existing programs and write teaching objectives, to develop a website to distribute the program, to secure funding, and to market and implement the program nationwide. Carried without dissent. Management is authorized to establish a bridge education program on the internet. Any agreement with companies providing educational software for this purpose shall be non-exclusive and contain the right for ACBL to terminate the agreement at any time. Such programs shall be established as not-for-profit activities. Carried without dissent. Fleming, Chairman Lix Nist Swan Smith, R. Committee Report by Chairman An 800 number facility will be established for callers to request information on local bridge clubs. Not Carried. Aye: 7, 16, 21, 22, 23 Abstain: 10 The allocation of all special games will be based on sessions sanctioned rather than the number of sanctions held. Carried without dissent. Wilkinson, Chairman Altus Fleming Nist Swan Committee Report by Chairman Approval is given to hold a Junior Camp in the Washington, DC area July 29 through August 4, 2002 immediately following the Summer 2002 NABC. Management, in conjunction with League Counsel, will develop a Code of Conduct. Carried. Nay: 1, 7, 8, 17, 22 In order for a Federation in Zone Two to receive funds from ACBL or the ACBL Educational Foundation for subsidy to Juniors they must meet the following minimum criteria: 1. Any junior receiving subsidy must be a high school graduate, have received a high school equivalency certificate or be a student attending school and making orderly progress toward graduation. 2. Additionally, all such juniors will be held to the Code of Conduct as developed by ACBL Management and League Counsel. (See Item 012-230: 2002 Junior Camp.) Effective Date: 11/1/2002 Carried. Nay: 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18 Fairchild, Chairman Wilkinson Himel Nist Smith, R. Committee Report by Chairman A player who submits a change of address to ACBL will be automatically transferred to the Unit in which the new address is located, except under the following circumstances. 1. The member submits, with the change of address form, a statement or document reflecting his/her desire to remain a member of the original Unit. 2. The member checks a box that will be included on the change of address form that indicates he/she has a dual residence, and that the new address is temporary for the summer/winter (snowbird). Please note that nothing here changes the present policies regarding individuals who wish to change Unit affiliations without moving from one Unit to another. Deferred to Fall 2001 Las Vegas NABC Carried. Nay: 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21 It was moved by Retek and carried unanimously that the Board expresses its thanks to District 02 including District Director Jonathan Steinberg, Tournament Chairman Penny Augustine as well as all the other chair persons and numerous volunteers, plus a thanks to the Royal York and Renaissance Hotels for their fine cooperation. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Board adjourned sine die at 4:30 p.m. |