<Masterpoint Races
Zone 4 2024 Richmond Trophy Awards
Updated 6/06/2024
Note: Restricted to paid members of the CBF

0 to 5 Richmond Trophy Race
5 to 20 Richmond Trophy Race
20 to 50 Richmond Trophy Race
50 to 100 Richmond Trophy Race
100 to 200 Richmond Trophy Race
200 to 300 Richmond Trophy Race
300 to 500 Richmond Trophy Race
500 to 1000 Richmond Trophy Race
1000 to 1500 Richmond Trophy Race
1500 to 2500 Richmond Trophy Race
2500 to 3500 Richmond Trophy Race
3500 to 5000 Richmond Trophy Race
5000 to 7500 Richmond Trophy Race

0 to 5 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Carmen Wilson McKellar ON 2.77
2 Gail Leach Winnipeg MB 2.45

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5 to 20 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Julie Fay Sudbury ON 14.23
2 Marja Degiacomo Thunder Bay ON 7.82
3 Leslie Speirs Winnipeg MB 7.32
4 Helene Sobchuk Iroquois Falls ON 3.77
5 Martin Shine Sudbury ON 2.59
6 Lee Ferguson Sudbury ON .47
7 Charles Golfman Winnipeg MB .40

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20 to 50 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Joanne Ross Sudbury ON 8.86
2 Elizabeth McCamis Pinawa MB 7.10
3 Clifford Rancourt Elliot Lake ON 5.22
4 Robert McCamis Pinawa MB 5.09
5 Heida Sigfusson Winnipeg MB 3.62
6 Art Morris Sault Ste Marie ON 2.74
7 Mary Vanbuskirk Winnipeg MB 2.22

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50 to 100 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Frank Allaire Thunder Bay ON 8.08
2 Florence Mehmel Winnipeg MB 2.94
3 Rosalyn Golfman Winnipeg MB .40

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100 to 200 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Patrick Watson Pine Falls MB 9.91
2 Jeff Frank Winnipeg MB 8.84
3 Patrick Allan Sault Ste Marie ON 4.28
4 Linda Demkiw Sudbury ON 4.16
5 Norma Otway Thunder Bay ON 4.01
6 Caren Davis Winnipeg MB 3.22
7 Lynne Penner Lac Du Bonnet MB .77
8 Joan Clasen Winnipeg MB .52
William Morin Espanola ON .52

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200 to 300 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Laurie Wilmot Sudbury ON 33.31
2 Brian Montgomery Sudbury ON 22.95
3 Joan Johns Thunder Bay ON 15.72
4 Brian Macri Winnipeg MB 8.24

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300 to 500 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Liliane Tremblay Winnipeg MB 34.66
2 Mary Montgomery Sudbury ON 33.94
3 Lissa Lowes Parry Sound ON 29.81
4 Margaret Paterson Winnipeg MB 22.70
5 Gisele Lynch North Bay ON 20.31
6 Kevin Tomanek Winnipeg MB 17.45
7 Cheryl Danyluk Sudbury ON 12.88
8 Marlene Watson Pine Falls MB 11.86
9 Barbara Thomasson Winnipeg MB 11.47
10 Elizabeth Appleton North Bay ON 9.89

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500 to 1000 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Ross Libby South Porcupine ON 89.17
2 Bob Yu Timmins ON 59.51
3 Kathy Shefrin Winnipeg MB 46.98
4 Judith Cronin Sudbury ON 45.00
5 Millie Wood Colton Sudbury ON 44.16
6 Eila Pronger Thunder Bay ON 26.18
Jim Pronger Thunder Bay ON 26.18
8 Leon Clegg lac du Bonnet MB 25.12
9 Mavis Bollman Winnipeg MB 23.74
10 Sheila Portnoy Winnipeg MB 22.31

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1000 to 1500 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Suzanne McCarthy Winnipeg MB 43.24
2 Sally Lamothe Sudbury ON 38.85
3 Leslie Dickson Skead ON 34.32
4 Marsha Kimelman Winnipeg MB 28.00
5 Freddie Mykytyshyn Winnipeg MB 19.42
6 Dennis Glazebrook Winnipeg MB 16.93
7 Barry Pask Winnipeg MB 11.47
8 Joan Vainio North Bay ON 6.27
9 Donna Butcher Winnipeg MB 1.06
10 Richmond Williams Altona MB 1.05

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1500 to 2500 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Brian Robinson Winnipeg MB 40.54
2 Steve Russo Thunder Bay ON 38.79
3 Donald Smith Winnipeg MB 37.58
4 Mary Henderson Thunder Bay ON 34.48
5 Mervyn McCormick Elliot Lake ON 26.63
6 Tracey Fuhr Thunder Bay ON 23.75
7 Sharron Dudeck Winnipeg MB 22.40
8 Brian Percival Timmins ON 21.11
9 Douglas Souliere Elliot Lake ON 19.67
10 Hellar Nakonechny Carman MB 17.68

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2500 to 3500 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Maureen Marsch Winnipeg MB 77.63
2 Leigh Anne Shafer Winnipeg MB 57.56
3 Cathy Stewart Lac Du Bonnet MB 45.50
4 Raymond Hornby Winnipeg MB 28.54
5 Wendy Champaign North Bay ON 26.32
6 David Sired Winnipeg MB 26.03
7 Marlene Pontifex Winnipeg MB 22.52
8 William Learmond Carman MB 20.99
9 Leonard Doerksen Winnipeg MB 6.53
10 Robert Neudorf Winnipeg MB 4.06

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3500 to 5000 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Vicki Dale Sudbury ON 64.19
2 Donald Cattani Thunder Bay ON 51.53
3 Ruth Hopson Sault Ste Marie ON 31.67
4 Guy Coutanche Thunder Bay ON 15.33
5 Tim McCormack Thunder Bay ON 15.02
6 Gim Ong Winnipeg MB 7.63

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5000 to 7500 Richmond Trophy Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Robert Kuz St Anne MB 39.09
2 Bruce Richmond Sault Ste Marie ON 37.61
3 Marielle Brentnall Winnipeg MB 32.48
4 Allan Mowat Winnipeg MB 26.50
5 Neil Kimelman Winnipeg MB 2.86
6 Keith Dowdall Winnipeg MB .97

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In order to participate in and receive recognition for achievement in CBF masterpoint races:
1. One must be a CBF member in good standing. (Click here for the definition of when a member is not in good standing.)
2. All CBF membership dues or service fees must be paid.