Masterpoint Races
Unit 194 2024 Mini-McKenney Awards
Updated 7/06/2024

0 to 5 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
5 to 20 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
20 to 50 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
50 to 100 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
100 to 200 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
200 to 300 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
300 to 500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
500 to 1000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
1000 to 1500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
1500 to 2500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
2500 to 3500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
3500 to 5000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
5000 to 7500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
7500 to 10,000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race

0 to 5 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Wayne Nahorney Granville Ctr NS 9.15
2 Marylou Leeman St John's NL 6.86
3 Robert Harrison Wolfville NS 6.68
4 John Maclean Windsor NS 5.21
5 Linda Pirard Halifax NS 4.99
6 Marilyn Haynes St Johna S NL 4.90
7 Richard Mabbett Halifax NS 3.86
8 Dorothy Servant Halifax NS 2.95
9 Emily Liot Italy Cross NS 2.76
10 Ken McKnight Halifax NS 2.70

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5 to 20 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Stephen Poirier Lower Sackville NS 25.29
2 Richard Rybiak Enfield NS 24.94
3 Yu Chung Chiu Halifax NS 15.87
4 Susan Forbrigger Halifax NS 10.65
5 Ann Marie Rose Little Harbour NS 10.63
6 David Hally Dartmouth NS 8.25
7 Brenda Ziemer Hebbs Cross NS 6.92
8 Edouardo Doucet Halifax NS 6.88
9 Lynne Evans Halifax NS 5.99
10 Linda Adamson Halifax NS 5.79

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20 to 50 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 David Wolfe Halifax NS 51.89
2 Les Coleman Halifax NS 36.84
3 Richard Callahan Paradise NL 26.19
4 Kristin Reid Bedford NS 24.37
5 Ann McKim River John NS 21.87
6 Michelle Walsh St John's NL 15.50
7 Marvin Geurts Halifax NS 11.15
8 Robert Feindel Dartmouth NS 10.72
9 Angus Mac Neil Dartmouth NS 10.67
10 Cathy D'Eon Yarmouth NS 9.88

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50 to 100 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Gosia Szczesny Halifax NS 40.14
2 Noah Cotterill Halifax NS 39.14
3 Micheline Kennedy Kingston NS 21.57
4 Cindy Whynott Truro NS 21.40
5 Mary Moore St John's NL 20.53
6 Joan Laffin Stewiacke NS 18.48
7 Ronald Harnish Halifax NS 17.60
8 Brenda Ward Bedford NS 16.21
9 Jane Dolan Halifax NS 16.19
10 Linda Briggs Halifax NS 16.04

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100 to 200 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Michael Maddalena Halifax NS 93.03
2 Owen White Portuguese Cove NS 88.73
3 Kathryn Nolan Halifax NS 76.25
4 Robert Kanchuk Dartmouth NS 33.94
5 Jean Cox Abercrombie NS 23.25
6 Elaine Tuff Halifax NS 23.23
7 Lang Jongmans Dartmouth NS 22.66
8 Arnie Goodwin Yarmouth NS 22.12
9 Maureen Merchant Bedford NS 18.03
10 Belinda Hoffman Glace Bay NS 17.75

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200 to 300 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Bonita Outhit Kings Head NS 71.64
2 Rita Rudderham Sydney NS 41.93
Jim Rudderham Sydney NS 41.93
4 Susan Hill-Ellis Oakfield NS 40.77
Bill Ellis Oakfield NS 40.77
6 Rod Glencross Dartmouth NS 39.91
7 Cheryl Nightingale Truro NS 39.71
8 Edison Lynds Truro NS 30.96
9 David Ritcey Halifax NS 28.62
10 Betty Korson Margaree Harbr NS 25.32

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300 to 500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Maureen Volk St John's NL 66.67
2 Michael Ritcey Indian Harbour NS 66.18
3 John Anderson Greenwood NS 63.76
4 Janet Ritcey Bedford NS 62.89
5 Verlie Wile Wolfville NS 62.13
6 Ron Briggs Halifax NS 51.76
7 Robert Grant MacGregor Halifax NS 51.30
8 Craig Corbett Halifax NS 50.63
9 Marilyn Allison Fall River NS 46.85
10 Barry Boudreau Truro NS 45.41

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500 to 1000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Richard Nickerson Berwick NS 91.96
2 Regina Clarke St John's NL 83.68
3 Glen Dexter Lunenburg NS 79.44
4 Madonna Wadden St John's NL 79.37
5 Susan Totten New Glasgow NS 73.08
6 Janice Edey Angevine Lake NS 68.86
7 Audrey Macgillivary New Glasgow NS 65.43
8 Ron O'Brien New Glasgow NS 62.48
9 Gwen Kenny New Minas NS 61.04
10 Margie Knickle Lunenburg NS 60.96

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1000 to 1500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Gordon Young Pictou NS 140.93
2 Elliott Kayser Halifax NS 124.30
3 Daniel Poirier Kentville NS 123.76
4 Irene Szabla Pictou NS 111.00
5 Victor Lamoureux Dartmouth NS 73.29
6 Stephen Tynes Truro NS 68.19
7 Bruce Watson St John's NL 66.67
8 Heidi Janes St John's NL 57.23
9 Sharron Brown Dartmouth NS 57.20
10 Rahul Chandra St John's NL 53.79

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1500 to 2500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Charles Fortune Stellarton NS 154.57
2 Robert Williams Bedford NS 136.38
3 Michael O'Neil Halifax NS 128.74
4 Bruce Busby Hopewell NS 119.65
5 Mary Balkam Halifax NS 109.63
6 Andrew Endendijk Truro NS 96.03
7 Marylyn Rudolph Central Onslow NS 82.58
8 Margaret Dodson Pictou NS 74.15
9 Linda Smith Halifax NS 66.95
10 Lesley Ruggles Antigonish NS 65.14

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2500 to 3500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Mike Tanner Halifax NS 62.82
2 Joy Cavazzi Kentville NS 56.58
3 Peter Rans Halifax NS 56.33
4 Jo Ann Lynds Truro NS 56.27
5 Lydia Prange Wolfville NS 46.77
6 Donald Presse Halifax NS 42.62
7 L Del Knox Dartmouth NS 41.96
8 Brian Hansen Kentville NS 33.92
9 Glenda Mills Kentville NS 33.42
10 Thomas Dale St John's NL 33.09

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3500 to 5000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 John Atlee Macgregor Halifax NS 242.57
2 Scott Rappard Dartmouth NS 184.73
3 Ken Eisner Truro NS 133.42
4 Mary MacKay Halifax NS 88.53
5 Boyd Wells Truro NS 82.52
6 Frances DeLong Harmony NS 81.18
7 Linda Tuff Lower Sackville NS 63.16
8 Carol Thompson Halifax NS 61.07
9 Sandra Macpherson Halifax NS 52.05
10 Brenda Woodman Mount Pearl NL 43.71

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5000 to 7500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 John Beasy Halfiax NS 145.52
2 Gerry Callaghan Bedford NS 122.37
3 Eric Balkam Halifax NS 111.79
4 Gerardo Malazdrewicz Dartmouth NS 104.02
5 Daniel Landry Hubley NS 100.01
6 Brian Delong Harmony NS 98.02
7 Terry Shaw Halifax NS 84.31
8 Virginia Giza Timberlea NS 78.37
9 John Ayer Dartmouth NS 77.27
10 Bilgin Batman Halifax NS 59.51

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7500 to 10,000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rank Player Location Points
1 Elizabeth Legacy Halifax NS 131.23
2 Jim Mathers Williamswood NS 89.03
3 Leo Weniger Halifax NS 48.61

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In order to participate in and receive recognition for achievement in masterpoint races:
1. One must be a member in good standing. (Click here for the definition of when a member is not in good standing.)
2. All membership dues or service fees must be paid.